Strange Paradise:  Episode 29
Episode 29:  Slideshow
Alison is in the lab looking in the cupboard where the cyanide was kept. She picks up a book when a shadow and movement behind her makes her jump. "Oh Quito." she says.  Quito turns away. Alison reaches her hand out to stop him. "No, don't go away. Maybe you can help me. Do you remember seeing a bottle of cyanide?" She turns and points into the cupboard. ."It used to be over here." Quito stares ahead. "Wait it probably had some letters on it that looked like this." She draws on a sheet of paper, then shows it to Quito. He nods. "You've seen this bottle?" Quito nods again. "What happened to it?"   Quito signs to Alison, then he walks to the cupboard.  "Quito I don't understand." Again Quito signs. "I still don't understand. Where is the bottle?"  Quito signs that he will leave to find someone. Leaving the lab he starts up the staircase and meets Raxl coming down them. He signs to her. Taking her hand he leads her towards the lab.
"Everyone is getting into the act. Looks like double trouble on Maljardin." Jacques says from the portrait. 
Raxl walks into the lab with Quito behind her. "You wanted me Doctor?"   "Oh no." She then sees Quito. "I was asking Quito a question and I didn't understand his signs. I think he has brought you along to interpret."  Quito nods his head.  "I asked him if he had seen a bottle that used to be right over there in the cupboard." Alison points to it. Raxl looks at the cupboard. Quito then signs.  "He said the Master took it."  "When was this? The day before yesterday?" Alison asks.  Quito counts it off on his fingers, he holds up two fingers.  "Two days ago, look Raxl." she hands her the paper with the symbols on it. "Have you seen that bottle?"  "I remember a bottle like this, it had a skull with bones crossed beneath it," says Raxl.  "It's poison, it could prove deadly for Mr. Desmond. Now when did you last see it?" Alison asks.  "When I cleaned in here. But it was still in its own place then." Raxl points at the cupboard.  "Thank you Raxl. Thank you Quito."  Quito starts to leave when Raxl stops him. "Doctor, Quito says the Master took it, but I fear he was under a spell of that accursed Jacques Eloi Des Mondes."  "A man three hundred years from the past." Alison says.  "A devil who refuses to remain dead."  "I came here to help but slowly I'm beginning to feel helpless." Alison tells Raxl.  "It's the poison that demon spreads through the air."  "Right now I'm more interested in a realistic poison. Do you remember how much liquid there was in that bottle?"  Raxl walks to the cabinet and picks up a bottle. "About this much." (The bottle is almost full) Alison looks upset. "Is that bad?" asks Raxl.  "Enough to kill us all." Alison tells her.  Raxl moves her arms, then clasps her hands and bows her head slightly.  "And a thousand men besides." Alison says then she walks over to Quito. "Is it possible that Quito could be mistaken?" Quito shakes his head no.  "If he is ordered Quito will make no sign at all. But he could not lie, he will not." Raxl says.  "Mr. Desmond denies taking that bottle."  "Sometimes the Master is like two beings in one. Controlled by a power he can not seem to defeat." Raxl says.  Alison walks a couple of steps forward. "If Jean Paul took that bottle it can be for only one purpose. To kill just himself." Alison says.  "It must not happen, but his wife, your sister is dead and Doctor Menkin is dead. Who is there to tell us how they stopped breathing?" Raxl asks walking up to Alison.  "Doctor Menkin is dead, but he may still speak to us,” says Alison.  "I didn't know you believed." Raxl says.  Alison puts her hand on Raxl's shoulder. "No, no Raxl. I don't mean that." Alison walks away. "These files here, records, experiments, notes on everything except Mrs. Jean Paul Desmond. If we can just find her medical history we might have the answer."  Raxl walks up to Alison. "There are many hiding places in this house. Where are the conjure doll and the silver pin that once pierced the brain of Jacques Eloi Des Mondes, that gave us safety from the devil? Where is the missing bottle of poison? Where is the record of my poor Mistress who is sealed in a cryonics capsule? Will she ever live again as the Master hopes?"   That answer would take a medical miracle." Alison says. "Raxl, did you search the Master's room?"  "That is one place I dare not."  "Raxl you must."  "No." Raxl looks away.  "For Jean Paul’s sake. For all our sake before it's to late." 
Downstairs Quito is looking out the window, he has opened it. "Quito." Raxl calls out to him. He turns and looks at her. "No one is here? I have found nothing, not the bottle or the file in the Masters bedroom. While the Master walks with his guests in the garden I can go to the Temple and call the Conjure Woman."  Quito shakes his head no.  "But she will help us." Raxl tells him. Quito follows Raxl. "No Quito. Thirty heartbeats, when I am downstairs. Then you will follow."  Quito nods. He walks back to the window and holds his hand over his heart, then silently he counts the heartbeats.
Walking into the crypt Raxl picks up a torch, then a second one. Quito comes down the stairs Raxl hands him a torch.
Alison runs out of the lab calling for Raxl. She is standing on the staircase leading to the bedrooms when Matt walks in.  "She seems to be among the missing. And you seem to need her urgently." Matt says.  "Yes, she was running an errand for me."  "I came in to play errand boy, a drink for Elizabeth Marshal."  "Oh, are you two smoking a peace pipe?" Alison asks.  "Just trying to keep the war down to minor skirmishes." Matt says walking a few steps from the staircase.  Alison joins him. "It seems everyone in this place is at each other throats."  "Not you and I."   "Oh Reverend I'm not about to argue with a man of God. In this eerie place I need all the moral and religious support I can get."
Back in the crypt. "The Temple door Quito." Raxl says. Quito pushes open the door using his back to push. Raxl enters and Quito closes the door.
"Maybe Mrs. Marshal is beginning to see the light,” says Alison.  "Only if she can find what she rightfully believes is hers. Even if it's a wrongful belief." Matt says pouring a drink.  Alison walks up to him. "Reverend!" she says looking at the glass. "All things in moderation."  "Aristotle said that,” he says still filling the glass. "But I don't think Mrs. Marshal has read the old philosopher."  "Well today even Aristotle would have to agree, some things can not be taken even in moderation."  "I agree. I don't approve in sin, even in moderation. But..."  "I'm talking about cyanide." Alison says.  Matt looks over at Alison. "Poison?"  "Death." Alison says.  "What are you talking about Doctor? Who has the poison?"   "That's just the point, I don't know. But I do know there is enough to kill a regiment in someone’s hands." Alison says sitting down.  "Someone here?" Matt asks putting the drink down. He walks around the chair. "In this house?"  "Exactly." Alison says looking up at him.  "Do you have any idea who?"  "Yes but until I'm certain I'd rather not say."  "If anyone wanted to..." Matt says looking away.  "That's just what I'm afraid of.”
Raxl with her arms crossed bows then she raises he arms outward. She then lowers them and steps forward. The tarot cards are on the altar. She lays out more cards. Then she backs away. "Tarot, it is as Evangeline Abbott said, now with the help of the Great Serpent I will summon her." Raxl raises her arms as Quito beats a drum.   “Your servant has a message to convey." She signals Quito to beat the drum slower. "We have much before us Quito, the Conjure Woman no longer has the strength of her father."
In the Great hall "You must answer my question." Matt says.  "As I've just said I'm not certain. Raxl also has suspicions." Alison tells him.  "Suspicions or superstitions?"  "Her beliefs are as real to her as your are to you."  "I don't argue that except religion is one thing and superstition is another." Matt says.  "Okay so you don't believe in witchcraft." Alison says as she stands and walks behind her chair to face the Reverend.  "And you do?" he asks.  Alison walks around him. "I certainly wasn't brought up to believe it, but there are so many strange things happening around here."  "I don't argue with that either, but Raxl’s fear of Jacques Eloi Des Mondes is stretching the point a bit."  "So you think you are the only one with a special pipeline do you?" Alison asks as she pours herself a cup of coffee. "Just put out your cup and turn on the tap and out pours the essence."  "There's a difference between an open mind, a deep conviction and a belief that a man who has been dead for three hundred years walks the halls of this house." Matt says angrily.  "So you do know what I fear?"  "Yes, Jacques Eloi Des Mondes, Raxl’s devil from the past." says Matt.  "And Jean Paul’s double. But you don't believe in witchcraft, so you don't believe in possession. You don't believe the soul possessing another body." Alison says sitting down.  "You're right. I can't believe in that either."  "Well you should read your own book again." Alison says looking up at him. "You'll find all the formulas for exercising devils and demons right in it."  "Oh I admit it's there, but it's ancient." Matt walks around Alison's chair. "No one has believed in the existence of a devil who has to be cast off since..."  "Of course we don't believe in them now, but the prayers are still there aren't they?"  "Yes."  "So whether were talking in terms of witchcraft or possession or religion. Or in terms of modern psychiatry, Jean Paul seems like two men not one." Alison says.  "I must admit his actions have given me that same feeling,” says Matt.  "If our fears are founded, which world is Jean Paul? And who is his other being?"  "There is only one world and what controls him is what we must learn." Matt says.
In the Temple the drums are pounding faster. Raxl is kneeling with her arms crossed in the circle of the pentagram. She is rocking her body.
Alison stands. "But what controls him? Or who?"  "That was my question. You're absolutely sure the bottle contained potassium cyanide? And it's definitely missing?" Matt asks.  "Two things are missing. Not only three hundred grams of potassium cyanide but the case history of Erica Desmond."  "I have a thought that might be worth a try."  "What?" asks Alison.  "You said that Raxl could not find the poison even in Jean Paul's room."  "Yes."  "And the rest of the house was searched thoroughly?" asks Matt.  "Yes, or so she said."  "Including the crypt?" Matt asks.  "I would imagine so, she's virtually there everyday. Which doesn't leave any other place to search."  Matt stands in thought as Alison looks at him. "Just one, but I'm not sure I can get in there." Matt says.
Quito is still pounding the drum. Raxl is kneeling in the circle with her eyes closed, arms crossed and swaying to the drums. Reverend Matt Dawson walks down the stairs to the crypt, looking around.  "Come Conjure Woman, take your place on the alter of the Great Serpent." Raxl calls out.
Matt walks up to the entrance to the Temple. He runs his hands over the bricks, then puts his ear to the wall.
"Conjure Woman take what strength is left from the soul of your father, and use it. Use his strength. Use him!" Raxl turns to Quito and tells him to continue beating the drum.
Matt is still trying to listen at the door. He runs his hands over it again, then turns and leaves.
"I can feel her Quito. I can feel her. She still has the strength to come to us. Faster Quito, beat faster." Raxl says to Quito.
The Reverend walks up from the crypt. He walks toward Alison and takes a seat in a chair. Alison is sitting on the couch.   "Well, what happened?" Alison asks.  "What doors are closed to me I suppose I have no right to open."  "Now what does that mean?"   "I've been sworn to secrecy. I can not violate my word."  "All you have done is add to the mystery around here." Alison tells him.
Quito is pounding the drum swiftly and loudly.  "Come, come Conjure Woman." Raxl calls out.  Vangie appears on the altar. "When I die, it will be on Maljardin. Why did you call?"  Quito puts the drum down and helps Raxl to her feet.  "If I had not called many more would die." says Raxl.  Vangie has climbed down from the altar. "Help me,” she says weakly. They help her to stand. "Is the battle over?" Vangie asks.  "Not yet."  "Then I must be brought here some other way." Vangie says.  "How?"  "When the Master of the house is no longer the Master of his soul, the house needs a Mistress."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 30