Strange Paradise:  Episode 30
Episode 30:  Slideshow
Holly screams and tumbles down the staircase. Jean Paul rushes over to her. "Holly, what happened?"  "Holly." Matt calls and rushes down the stairs to Holly and Jean Paul. "What happened Holly?" They help her to sit up.  "Somebody pushed me down the stairs."  "Somebody?" Matt looks at Jean Paul.  Jean Paul glances at the staircase. "Lets get her up." They hold on to her to get her down the rest of the stairs.  "Are you sure you didn't fall?" Matt asks.  "No, someone pushed me deliberately."  "Did you see who did it?" Jean Paul asks.  Holly shakes her head no.  "There's no one there now,” says Matt.  "You were Reverend." Jean Paul says to him.  Matt helps Holly to sit down.  "Jean Paul Desmond, next thing you know someone might go off the cliff." Jacques says.   Jean Paul looks at the portrait then glances at Holly and the Reverend. "You demon." he whispers turning away.
In the Temple of the Serpent Vangie stands next to the sacrificial alter. Quito and Raxl are behind her holding torches.  "Unless the demon is caged in his eternal doom, death will soon visit Maljardin again." Vangie says. She has her hands at her temple.
In the Great Hall Holly is laying on the couch. Matt sits next to her with Jean Paul standing next to a chair.  Matt looks up. "Mr. Desmond I resent your insinuation. Why should I want to harm Holly?"  "Or kill her." Jean Paul says as he walks up to them.  "You can't be serious!" says Matt.  "Who ever pushed me was." Holly tells him.  "But I followed you down here to help you not hurt you."  "Or to have her." says Jean Paul.  "You are serious." Matt says looking at Jean Paul.  "Your adoration is about as obvious as her pretty face."  Matt stands and faces Jean Paul. "I have had enough of your insinuations I am going to take. All right, I do care about her deeply." He kneels down next to Holly. "Can't you believe that I would be the last one who would want to harm you?"  "Or the first because I don't care for you." Holly tells him.  Jean Paul turns away, he takes a couple of steps then turns back. "All right, there you have it Reverend. You stay clear of Holly or you'll have me to answer to."  Matt stands, looks at Jean Paul then Holly. He starts to leave but stops in front of Jacques portrait. "Raxl calls him the devil. (Pointing to Jacques portrait) but you have the evil mind." he says to Jean Paul.
In the Temple Raxl walks forward to the altar, bows then extends her arms. "Oh stamp out all evil Princess of the Serpent. Lead me to the conjure doll and the silver pin so the devil's brain may be pierced and his power crushed for eternity. Answer me. Answer me!"
"You will have a great deal to answer for Mr. Desmond. Keeping us all here virtually prisoners in this place filled with sin and evil." Matt again points at Jacques portrait. "Raxl says he is the devil but he isn't the only demon on this Island." Matt says then quickly walks away.  Jean Paul strides forward. As he turns towards Jacques portrait it goes blank. He puts his hand to his temple; with a smile he lowers it. "Now how the Reverend can concern himself with Jacques Eloi Des Mondes, a man who has been dead for three hundred years is a sad testimony to the belief in which he was schooled." says Jacques.  "The Reverend himself is a sad case." Holly says.  Jacques walks over to the couch sitting next to her. "Are you feeling better?"  "Scared stiff." Holly tells him.  Jacques stands and grabs Holly's hands pulling her to her feet. "Have no fear Cherie, I will protect you." Jacques says putting his arm around Holly as she leans against him. 
In the Temple Raxl and Vangie step forward. They cross their arms and bow. Vangie holds a small bottle in her hand. "You must find an opportunity to drop this into his food or drink." She hands Raxl the bottle. "It is not to kill, but to prevent more killing. It is a conjure brew to free his mind to make it more responsive to mine."  "But if Jacques Eloi Des Mondes still possesses his soul?"  "Then we must separate good from evil before we destroy, or Jean Paul Desmond may also be destroyed. Now I must return." Vangie says.  "Quito." Raxl says pointing to the altar. Quito helps Vangie onto the altar.  Vangie clasps her hands. "Leave me."   "May you have a safe journey Conjure Woman." Raxl says. Quito stands at Vangie’s side.  "Pray to the Priestess of the Serpent for I must not risk this again soon. For one day on Maljardin I too will die. Now leave me."  "Quito, the torches." Raxl tells him. Quito follows Raxl, then hands her a torch.  A bright light surrounds Vangie. Her body lifts then disappears. Quito is frightened; he reaches out and touches the altar. Then he clutches Raxl's hand.  "It's all right Quito, the Conjure Woman has found her way home. They turn and walk down the passageway for the doorway.
The Reverend is walking down the stairs to the crypt. He looks around then walks to the wall of the entrance for the Temple. Quito is on the other side walking to the doorway. Raxl takes both torches as Quito starts opening the doorway. The Reverend is running his hands over the blocks as Quito starts pulling the door towards him. Matt puts his back against the door; Quito seeing the Reverend grabs him.  "I was not trespassing in your sacred Temple Raxl,” he says struggling to free himself from Quito.  "Leave him be Quito. What brought you here Reverend?" Quito releases Matt.  "A search to find a means to save your Master."  "You know of the Temple because I showed it to you. A man of your..." says Raxl.  "I have not betrayed its sanctity,” says Matt.  "You must never betray its secret because I too must save Jean Paul Desmond. And it is in the Temple I will find the strength. She hands her torch to Quito after he closes the Temple door. "Quito and I searched for the conjure doll and silver pin to pierce the devil's temple and return him to the eternal flame. That will save my Master. And you Reverend, for what do you search?" Raxl asks stepping away from Matt.  "Doctor Carr is very concerned about a bottle of poison that disappeared from the laboratory. Since everywhere here has been searched ..." Matt says walking a few steps away.  "I searched the Master's room myself." Raxl says walking up to Matt. "If he knew he would never forgive me."  He turns towards her. "You did it for his own good. There is enough cyanide in someone’s hands to kill all on this Island and thousands beside."  "I fear it could happen,” says Raxl.  "It has already begun. Holly was pushed down the stairs in the Great hall a few moments ago."  Raxl walks near Quito. "Is she dead?"  "No but your Master and Holly believe someone wanted her dead."  "Who?" asks Raxl.  "They seem convinced it was I."  "But you love the child." Raxl says.  "Has it been that obvious?" Matt asks.  "To all." Raxl says.  "If Jean Paul Desmond did take the poison we fear that he may use it only on himself."  "And now, what do you fear?"  "After what happened to Holly, two things." Matt walks in front of Raxl. "That someone else has the cyanide or if indeed Jean Paul does have it he will use it on all of us here."  "No, my Master would never kill."  "Unless he was controlled by a power stronger than his own conscience." Matt says.  "The devil!" Raxl says stepping forward.  "Or whatever controls and possesses Jean Paul Desmond to act as strangely as he does. Since the poison has not been found, is it possible that it could be in the Temple?" Matt asks walking up to Raxl.  "That's one place it could not be. Secret of the Temple was born hundreds of years ago. And no one, not even the Master or the devil Jacques Eloi Des Mondes knows of its existence. Only Quito, myself, the Conjure Woman and you." Raxl walks away then looks back at Matt. "Are you sure Reverend that the child Holly was not pushed down the stairs by you?"  Matt walk up to her. "It seems I am the only one that is sure."  Raxl walks up the stairs, the Reverend follows her. Quito looks around then also follows.
Jacques is sitting in a chair reading a book. Raxl and Matt walk up to him. He closes the book.  "Msieu, the child Holly how is she?" Raxl asks.  "Resting but her escape was a narrow one,” he says as he stands.  Matt walks away and heads up the staircase.  "Do you suspect the Reverend?" Raxl asks.  "There is no one beyond suspicion." Jacques says turning towards Raxl.  Quito is walking through the Great Hall. "Quito we go to the Main Island, get a boat ready." Jacques says walking away.  "Quito, have the Conjure Woman talk to him even without this." Raxl says taking the bottle out of her pocket and showing it to Quito.  "Raxl there will be two missing for lunch." Jacques says. Raxl bows.  Matt is standing on the staircase. "Make it three. I think it was time I was leaving too." Matt says walking down the stairs.  Jacques shakes his head no. "I wouldn't think of losing you." He says walking towards Matt.  "Meaning you will not take me with you?" Matt asks.  "Of course not. Today is a rather special trip for a lady and myself. I'm sure you understand that." Jacques says walking around Matt.  "Mrs. Marshal?" Matt asks turning toward Jacques.  "Oh so you do understand."  "And you have no fear that she might reveal that your wife is dead and in cryonic suspension?" Matt asks.  "There is no one dead here that I don't pronounce,” says Jacques angrily. He turns and heads up the staircase.  "You are like two men." Matt says.  Jacques stops on the steps.   "And more and more it seems that neither of you is able to be saved." Matt tells him.  Jacques leans forward looking at Matt over the railing. "Take care of your own soul Reverend, before the devil takes it away." he says angrily then heads the rest of the way up the staircase.
Jacques walks into the French Leaf Cafe. Vangie sees him and walks over to him. "I was expecting you Mr. Desmond." Vangie says.  Elizabeth walks in and puts her hand on Jacques shoulder. "But not me."  "Frankly no." Vangie tells her.  Elizabeth looks around. "Not much business, is that also unexpected?"  "I read tarot cards Mrs. Marshal and palms."   "The future?" asks Elizabeth.  "Vangie claims to have some powers to read the past." Jacques says taking his sunglasses off.  "Then you must know how tiring the trip was over. May we sit?" asks Elizabeth.  "Of course." he shows he to a table, and seats her.  "Would you like a waitress?" Asks Vangie.  "If she can supply us with two cooling drinks." says Jacques.
Holly limps down the staircase. Raxl is walking through the Great hall. Seeing Holly she rushes over to her. "Miss Holly, I'm happy it wasn't a serious accident."  "You mean accident on purpose." Holly says turning away.  Raxl walks up to her. "Perhaps a cup of tea would relax you."  "If nobody poisons it."  "I'll make it myself." Raxl says then walks away.
Jacques and Elizabeth receive their drinks. Picking up a glass Jacques says. "A toast to a longer life."  "Preferably a happy one." Elizabeth adds. They touch glasses.  "Meaning short and sweet." says Jacques.  "Destiny is beyond our control so I prefer to make the most of every waking moment." says Elizabeth.  "That's my philosophy exactly, who knows what tomorrow may bring." says Jacques.  "Shakespeare?" asks Elizabeth.  "No I think it goes back to much before that." Jacques tells her.  "You're in a strangely happy mood." Elizabeth says to him.  "Well I was sitting here just wondering how you can take your daughters accident so lightly. By the way how much is Holly's inheritance worth exactly. Assuming you will receive the money when or if Holly should die?"  "Oh come now Jean Paul, Holly needs attention and she will go to any extreme to get it."  He laughs. "Oh come now Elizabeth you're not saying she was not pushed?"
Holly is sitting on the couch. Raxl is pouring her a cup of tea when Quito comes up from the crypt. "Here drink this, but be careful." Raxl hands Holly a cup. "It's very hot." Looking at Quito Raxl asks. "Did the Master come back with you?" Quito shakes his head no. Raxl sits down next to Holly.  "If it means my mother stayed there, good." Holly says before taking a sip.  Quito is carrying two boxes, he puts them down. In his hand is a pebble. He walks over to Holly and shows it to her.  "He wants you to take it." Raxl tells Holly. Quito nods.  Holly looks at Raxl. "Now what?"  Quito signs. "He said it sparkles." Raxl tells Holly. 
"Yes it does, kind of."  "It seems you have made another conquest,” says Raxl.  "Who? You mean Tim Stanton."  "No, I mean Quito."  Holly lowers her teacup.
Elizabeth lays her hand over Jean Paul’s hand. "You know I'm beginning to care very..."  "Would the lady like her fortune told?" Vangie asks.  "No the lady would not like." Elizabeth says. Jacques draws his hand away.  "You Mr. Desmond?" She throws the tarot cards in front of him.  Jacques smiles. "Why Vangie I could hardly better my fortune..." A look of discomfort comes over Jacques. "The king of Scepters." he clutches his temple in pain. Jean Paul reaches for the card.  "What happened, I thought you were having a stroke?" Elizabeth asks worriedly.  "Of good fortune Mrs. Marshal." says Vangie.  Jean Paul throws the card back on the table. "You dropped a card Vangie."  "I scarcely think you’re interested in fortune reading than I." Elizabeth says.  "On the contrary, Vangie would you read my future?" Jean Paul says to Vangie.
Quito signs to Holly. "He's trying to tell you that you and the rock are very pretty." Raxl says.  "Oh thanks."  The Reverend walks into the room and joins them.  "Here." Holly tries giving the rock back to Quito.  "He wants you to keep it." Raxl says.   "She'd be delighted Quito. It's a lovely present." Matt says.  Holly stands up. "Why don't you..." She tips over her cup of tea. "It's your day for causing accidents isn't it? Why do you always have to but in?" Holly asks.  "Because I must talk to you,” he tells her. Quito and Raxl leave the room.  "Jean Paul warned you to stay away from me." Holly tells him turning away.  "I must warn you." He rushes towards Holly who has stopped. "About him."  "He didn't push me down the stairs. Somebody wants me dead." Holly tells Matt.
Vangie lays out the tarot cards. "You can predict life and death?" asks Elizabeth.  "The cards predict, I only read them."  "It's like looking into a persons soul,” says Elizabeth.  "It's not always pleasant is it Vangie?" Jean Paul says.  "As life itself isn't always pleasant." Vangie tells them.  Holly you must believe me." Matt tells her.  "No, no, no!" Holly yells covering he ears.
Raxl and Quito are down in the crypt. "It appears you are not the only one rejected Quito,” says Raxl. Holly had given Quito back the rock. "Since I didn't have to use this for the Master, perhaps I should give it to Holly." Raxl looks at the bottle that Vangie had given to her. "Open her eyes to life."  Raxl and Quito walk to Erica's capsule. "Or the little dead Mistress, if she could return from this." Quito starts to cry.
At the cafe. "Mrs. Marshal may I have this reading alone." Jean Paul asks.  "Well I guess I could use a little freshening up." She says coming to her feet.  Jean Paul also stands and sits in Elizabeth's chair, sitting closer to Vangie. "Vangie before you read my fortune I want to know about Erica. Her life is held in cryonic suspension, as are my hopes. Now can you do me a favor?"  "If I can."  "I must be with her again, to talk to her, to have her."  "Perhaps it's possible but that's for the distant future."  "For the present I want contact with her,” says Jean Paul.  Vangie looks at him with an upset _expression.  Jean Paul nods. "Through spiritualism. You are a medium."  "Yes, I have psychic ability, if you are willing to risk whatever truth it brings back from the other side."  "I will risk all, and if necessary everyone."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 31