Strange Paradise: Episode 151
 Episode 151:  Slideshow
Cort enters the mansion and hangs up his coat. He walks towards Laslo. “Did you find her?” he asks Laslo. “No I’ve looked everywhere. Not a sign, not a trace.” Laslo says as he walks away.  Cort turns towards him. “Did you really look?” Laslo turns. “Now you listen to me.”  Cort approaches him. “You know where she is don’t you?”  “If I knew where she was I’d be with her.”  Cort turns away. “I’m calling the police.”  “Do you think you really aught to do that?  “Why not?” Cort asks as he picks up the telephone.  “And have the whole town start gossiping about the Desmonds. Talking about the strange and mysterious things that go in the Great House on the cliffs. I suggest that enough attention has been brought to this house since Jean Paul arrived with his strange entourage. Some who are no longer with us. Tell that to the police if you really want to involve your mother in that kind of gossip then by all means call them.”  Cort shakes his head slowly. “You’re only worried about your own life not hers.”  “I have nothing to hide.”  “Good then you can explain to the police what happened to all those wealthy widows that were so unwise to marry you.”  Susan walks down the staircase. “Has Jean Paul come back yet?”  “I haven’t seen him.” Cort says to her as he sets the phone down. “Will you help me look for him please?”
“I just came in from searching for my mother. He wasn’t out there, he’s probably in his room.”  “No Philip is up there waiting for him.” “I’ll have a look.” Laslo says to Susan. “He went out searching for Ada; perhaps he’s went towards the village.” Laslo says as he walks out of the mansion. Cort follows him to the door. “If anything happens to my mother you’re going to pay for it. Don’t you forget that!” Cort glances at the sky and sees the star, He turns and closes the door and leans on it in fear. “Cort what’s the matter?” Susan asks.  “The star it’s out again.”
“I know.” “Oh I’m scared. Susan don’t leave me!” Cort sobs.  Susan holds his hands. “Come on to the Drawing Room.”  “Oh promise me promise me you won’t leave me!” Cort tells her.  “Of course I promise. You have nothing to be frightened of come on.” She puts her arm around his shoulder and walks with him into the Drawing Room.
In Philip’s secret room Jean Paul walks closer to Ada. Ada turns and looks at him. As he reaches his hands out around her throat Ada faints and falls to the floor. Jean Paul steps closer to her and kneels.
Philip has the mask on the table in Jean Paul’s room. “Oh Gagosso hear me now. Face of Orendo listen. Send your shield to encircle our kinsman Jean Paul. Send your Spirit to fend off his evil Uthco. Where ever he is, wherever he wanders at this moment. In these walls or under your spacious skies send your life beat. Send him your drumbeat. Drown the beat of his heart with the beat of your drum. Preserve him from Uthco, preserve him from his star. Orendo protect him.” Philip passes his hand over the mask.
Jean Paul reaches for Ada’s neck. He grabs his left hand, and turns it over. The Mark of Death is still on his hand. Jean Paul reaches out and puts his hands around Ada’s throat.
Cort and Susan sit on the couch in the Drawing room. Cort sits with his head down against his hands. Cort hears the heartbeat. He stands, “No! No!” he cries out.  Susan stands. “Cort what is it?” she asks as she touches his arm.
He walks towards Jacques’ portrait. “Stop it! I won’t take any more of this!”
“Cort tell me what is it?” Susan asks.  Cort turns towards her. “Can’t you hear it?” He shouts as he walks across the room.  “Hear what?”  “The heartbeat!”
“What heartbeat?”  “The portrait up there can’t you hear it?” Can’t you!” Cort shouts.  Susan looks at the Jacques portrait then at Cort. “I don’t hear anything.”
“Listen the heartbeat is steady and slow right now. But it gets stronger and stronger as the night goes on!” Cort shouts as he covers his ears.  “Cort come and sit down.” She says pulling on his arm.  “No! No leave me alone! I don’t want to be here, I want to be alone!” He cries out as he pulls away from Susan and rushes from the room. Susan rushes after him.
Philip passes his hand over the mask. “Stop the beat of the evil spirit. Send the beat of the warrior’s drum. Release him from the stigma of death. Orendo drive out the Uthco replace it with good.” The drumbeat fills the room.
Jean Paul’s hands jerk away from Ada’s neck when he hears the drum beat. His hands shake as he looks at his hands. The mark is gone. He covers his face with his hands. Lowering his hands he sees Ada stirring. He puts his arm under her head and shoulders helping her to sit up.”  Ada opens her eyes. “Oh Jean Paul.”
Ada here sit down.” He helps her to a stool.  “Jean Paul I’m so frightened.” She says as she holds onto his hands.  “It’s all right Ada it’s all right.”  “I had the strangest dreams.” She glances around. “What am I doing here? Where am I?”
“Don’t be afraid please, you’re safe now.”
Philip covers the mask and places it back in the drawer. Susan rushes into the room. “Philip what was that noise?”  “Just a drumbeat.”  “Well it stopped.” she says to him.  “Yes.”  “Well what does it mean?”  “It means that Jean Paul is safe from the star.”  “And what frees Cort from it?” Susan asks.  “What do you mean?”
“Cort just saw the star when I was with him.”  “Just now?”  “Yes downstairs.” Susan says to him.  “Well where is he now?”  “He said something about a pounding heartbeat and he ran upstairs.”  “What about the heartbeat?”  “Well he said the heartbeat was coming from the portrait and he could hear it.” Then he just said he wanted to be alone.”  “Raxl was right. The star does move on to another Desmond. Well we can’t leave him alone. We’ve got to find him.” Philip rushes from the room followed by Susan.
Jean Paul holds Ada.  “Frightful noises, voices and warnings.” Ada sobs.
“It’s all over now Ada. It’s over.” Jean Paul says to her.  “I dreamed my father came back, he spoke to me the way he used to when I was a little girl before mamma died.” Ada says as she pulls back sobbing.  Jean Paul holds her tighter. “Ada don’t think about it anymore.”  “Oh we were happy when we were children weren’t we Jean Paul?” She sobs as she looks up at him.  “Yes we were. We shall be again.” Jean Paul tells her.  Ada sobs against him.   Cort rushes into the secret room and stops when he sees his mother and Jean Paul. “Mother what happened?”  “Nothing happened.” Ada cries out.”  “Well what are you doing here?”  “I don’t remember. It’s all terribly vague like a dream.”  Jean Paul stands and steps next to Cort touching his arm. “Now listen Cort, your Mother is upset don’t insist on asking her anymore questions. She’s all right now.”  “I won’t, I sorry I asked. It’s just that I was worried about her.”  Ada.” Jean Paul says to her. “Cort will stay with you. You’ll be safe now.” Jean Paul walks from the room.
Cort looks at his mother. “It was Laslo who brought you here wasn’t it?”  “Laslo?
“Yes he locked you up here so you couldn’t go away with me.”  “Why are you always saying things like that about Laslo? Why are you so vicious about him?”
Cort hears the heartbeat and stares at his mother.  “Cort why are you looking at me like that? Answer me!”
Jean Paul rushes into his room followed by Susan and Philip.  “Jean Paul what’s the matter?” Susan asks.  “I tried to kill Ada.”  “Where?” Susan asks.  “I was going to strangle her but as my hands reached for her throat I heard Orendo’s drumbeat.”  “Where is she now?” Philip asks.  “In the secret room.”  “You stay here with Susan. I’ll go get her.”  “No she’s alright. Cort is with her.” Jean Paul says as he walks across the room.  Philip and Susan look at each other worriedly.
Ada looks up at Cort. “What on earth is the matter with you? What are you looking at?”  Cort continues to stare at Ada.  “Cort you’re very upset and nervous. Well I think we should go downstairs.” Ada stands. “The air in this place is depressing; it makes people think strange things.”  Cort steps closer to her.
“Don’t come any closer Cort.”  “Why do you speak to your devoted son like that?”
“You’re a cruel boy and you tease people. And you set one person against the other. And I’m not going to tolerate it.” She walks away from Cort.  Cort grabs her arm. “No Mother there is only one way to end the sorrows of the Desmond family. It doesn’t take very long. It brings peace.” Cort places his hands on his mother’s neck.  Philip rushes in. “Mrs. Thaxton are you all right?” He asks as he puts his arm around her shoulders.  “Philip I’m glad you came in at that moment.” Ada says to him.  Cort looks at Philip. “Why shouldn’t she be?”  “Now suppose you tell me.”  “Mother and I were having a private talk.”  “Cort I think it might be wise if you went to your own room.” Philip says to him.  “Why should I?”  “Just do as he says.” Ada tells him.  Cort walks from the room.  “I’ll take you to your room.” Philip says to her.  “No I don’t want to go there please.”  “Well why not?”  “Well I feel like some company. That room is very lonely and the whole night was like some dream. I want Laslo.”  “All right we’ll go find him. Come on I’ll take you downstairs.” Philip walks with her out of the room.
Jean Paul is sitting on his bed when there is a knock at his door. “Yes?”  The door opens and Laslo walks into the room. “I’m sorry to disturb you Jean Paul but there are some things I would like to find out.”  “If I could help I will.”  “For reasons of her own my wife decided to leave me. She disappears and her son accuses me of her disappearance.”  “Oh Ada is alright. She was locked by accident into an empty room but she’s fine now.”  “Well I think someone should have told me.”  “I’m sorry.”  Laslo steps away. “In a house this size I would imagine that certain rooms should be sealed off permanently.”  “When it is your house you can make those decisions.” Jean Paul says angrily.  “That was a very unkind thing to say.”  Jean Paul stands. “I’m sorry but you have a way of making things turn to your advantage.” Jean Paul steps closer to Laslo. “Of taking hold of a situation.”  “You Desmonds stick together.” Laslo says as he steps closer to Jean Paul. “I feel like a complete outsider.”  “I’m sorry you feel that way.”  “Cort slanders me, you ridicule me.”  “Oh you’re much too sensitive Laslo that’s all.”
“You’re very sure of yourself Jean Paul, perhaps too sure. Your family history is filled with examples of Desmond arrogance” He walks around Jean Paul. “I’d take warning if I were you from the fate of the Desmonds that preceded you.” Laslo walks out of the room.
Philip helps Ada into the Drawing Room. Susan follows behind them.  “You just sit down and rest for a while Mrs. Thaxton.” Philip says to her.  Ada sits on the couch.  “Can I get you some tea or a drink maybe?” Susan asks her.  “Oh I would like a little bit of brandy. That would be very nice.”  “Okay.” Susan says as she walks to the decanters.  “I have got to go back up to Jean Paul but Susan will stay with you.” Philip tells her.  “Well would you thank Jean Paul for me? If it hadn’t been for him I’d still be in that dreadful place.’  Philip walks from the Drawing Room and passes Laslo in the foyer.  Laslo enters the Drawing Room. “Well there you are my dear. You gave us quite a fright you know.”  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” Ada says as she takes the glass from Susan.  “I don’t suppose you believe this but I do care.”  “Oh Laslo please.” Ada points to Susan.
“Oh no I was just leaving. You two go right ahead.” Susan says then walks from the room.  Laslo walks to the doors and closes them. Then he walks to the brandy decanter. “You’ve managed to turn the entire house into an uproar. Everybody rushing in and out to look for you.”  “Were you Laslo?”  “I was. I didn’t want any harm to come to you.” He says as he sits next to Ada.  “Laslo I know I’m sounding like a foolish schoolgirl changing my mind from moment to moment but I’m not leaving you.”  Laslo looks at her.  “When I was trapped in that room I had a dream. Sort of a dream and it made me realize how foolish I’ve been behaving.”  “My dear what are you saying?”  “I can’t run away from life and this is my family home and I feel safe with in these walls.”  “You’re sure you’re making the right decision?” Laslo asks.  Ada stands. “Now what would I do on a trip? I’m a nervous and irritable woman and all I’m really trying to do is forget the mistakes I’ve made in my life.” “Am I one of those mistakes?” Laslo asks as he looks away from Ada. “No, no I didn’t mean that. But I am a silly woman and I have imagined. Ugly things.” “You’re being rather hard on yourself.” Laslo says to her.  “Am I? How would you describe me Laslo?” Laslo stands. “I don’t waste thoughts on describing the woman I love. It’s enough that I love her.” He says as he walks closer to her. Ada steps into his arms.  Cort stands in the doorway of the Drawing Room after pulling them open. Ada pulls away from Laslo when she notices Cort.
Cort walks into the room. “So we missed our plane because you decided to wander around the house. And where do I find you but right back where you started from.” Cort says angrily. Laslo steps away and places his glass on the fireplace mantel. “I think you better tell him Ada.” “Tell me what?” Ada walks across the room standing closer to Cort. “I’ve changed my mind.”  “About what?”
“Well there will be no trip.”  “But you promised me!”  “I shouldn’t have promised. I was weak and foolish and frightened. But I’m not now.”  “Who changed your mind my stepfather with his gentle arts of persuasion?” Cort says as he looks at Laslo.
“Don’t be rude to your mother.”  “I’ll talk to him. Please, I’ll be upstairs in a few minutes.” Ada says to Laslo.  Laslo walks from the room.  “So he gets you back after all. Don’t you have any pride?” Cort asks his mother.  “There are more important things than pride.”  “You just remember that when he’s got your money. And you only have memories left if he leaves you those.”  “You’re jealous of him that’s what!” Ada says to him.  “Jealous?”  “Yes otherwise why would you have wanted to take me away?”  “To keep you safe from that man.”  “That man happens to be my husband. I feel safe with him. It’s you I don’t feel safe with!”
“Mother?”  Ada steps closer to Cort. “I just don’t know who to trust anymore. All I know is I feel safe here with Laslo.”  Cort turns and walks from the room. He meets Susan on the staircase. “Is your mother still in there?”  “Yes.” Cort says as he looks away.  “She shouldn’t be left alone Cort.”  “All right you go in. She wants anybody else’s company but mine!” He says as he steps around her. “Maybe you shouldn’t insist she go away with you.” “But it was your idea in the first place.” Cort says to her. “Well I was wrong. Let her find her happiness here where she belongs.”  “Oh she doesn’t know where she belongs. One minute it’s with me the next minute it’s with Laslo.”  Susan steps closer to Cort. “Cort I think someone’s frightening her.”  “What are you getting at?” “Well how did she get to the secret room? Who took her there?” Cort looks at Susan then walks down the staircase to the Drawing Room.”  Ada glances up. “I thought you had gone to bed.”  “I’m sorry I got angry at you Mother. I was wondering if we could talk sensibly?” He asks as he sits next to her on the couch.  “If you wish.” Ada says to him.  “How did you get to that room?” Ada sits up straight. “I don’t know.” “Well think hard. Try and think hard.” “Well Laslo left and I went upstairs...” “Yes and then?” Cort says to her. “Suddenly I became very tired, so tired that I just had to lie down for a moment.” “Were you drinking?” “I beg your pardon?” Ada says to him. “Oh come on Mother you’ve been drinking much too much. You’re drinking much too much right now.”  “Well it helps me sleep.” “All right you lay down to have a nap then what happened?” “The next thing I knew Jean Paul was bending over me trying to wake me up.”  “So you blanked out?”  “No not really.”  “Well you can't remember anything.” “I remember voices. My father’s voice and somebody all dressed in black talking to me.” “Raxl?” Cort asks.  “I can’t remember but I don’t think it was Raxl. It was a dream you see. I walked in my sleep I suppose.”
“Somebody wishes you harm. Somebody wants you under his influence.”  “You mean Laslo.” Ada says to him. “Well who else has anything to gain? He’ll take your money and leave you like he’s done to all the rest of his wives.” “Just stop that talk.” Ada says as she stands. “I don’t care what Laslo was or what he did before I married him. He happens to be my husband and I’m not leaving him!”
“Oh so is that your final words or are you going to change your mind tomorrow!” Cort says as he stands.  “No I can’t change my mind I promised.”  “Did he make you promise that?” “No.” “Well who made you promise then? Who!”  “I don’t know.” She says as she glances up at Cort. “I made a promise to myself.” “All right Mother if that’s your final decision. If you won’t come with me I’m going by myself.” “No Cort!” Ada cries out in fear.  “I’m not going to sit around here and watch you make a fool of yourself.”  “But you can’t go!” Ada shouts.  “Watch me Mother just watch me!” he shout then turns towards the doorway.  “No!” Ada screams. “Oh no you can’t leave! I promised that you would never leave Desmond Hall!”  Cort stops, turns and looks at her. “You promised?” He steps towards her. “Who did you promise? Tell me!” Cort shouts.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 152