Strange Paradise: Episode 152
Episode 152:  Slideshow
“Who made you promise I would not leave Desmond Hall?” Cort asks his mother.
“Nobody I didn’t promise anything.” “Then what did you mean by it?”  “Cort will you please stop badgering me. I’m just exhausted; I don’t know what I’m saying.”
“Raxl stands in the doorway. “Oh Mrs. Thaxton here you are.” She walks into the Drawing Room. Cort turns towards Raxl. “Where have you been?” “Outside on the grounds searching for your mother.” Raxl says to him. “She was upstairs locked in the secret room.” Cort says to Raxl.  “How did she get there?” Raxl asks.  “I don’t remember. But Jean Paul found me. I was so terrified I fainted and when I came to Jean Paul was leaning over me.”  “Did he frighten you?” “Jean Paul, why should he?” Ada says to Raxl.  “Well sometimes when one faints one gets frightened that’s all.” Raxl says as she walks up to Ada.  “Well the entire night was like some dreadful dream. Nothing seemed real.”  “Well you’re safe now and that’s all that matters isn’t it Cort?” Raxl say.  “Of course.’ he says.
“And we must do everything in our power to keep her safe mustn’t we Master Cort.” Raxl says as she walks from the Drawing Room.  “What did she mean?” Ada asks.  “She’s just concerned about you.”  “I don’t think so.” Ada says as she looks at the doorway.  “She cares about all the Desmonds.”  “Well I can’t bring myself to trust her.” She says as she glances at Cort and touches his arm. “Please excuse me Cort I’m very tired.” She walks away.  “Wait a minute. Who did you promise to not let me leave?” Cort asks her.  Ada stops. “No one. I just said that because I need you.” She says as she turns and looks at Cort.  “Why do you need me you have Laslo.”  “Well you don’t understand Cort, I’m frightened.” She says as she steps towards him.  “There’s no need to be frightened.”  “You wouldn’t let anything happen to me would you?” She asks grabbing his arm.
“You know I wouldn’t.”  “Then you’ll stay here?”  “Yes I’ll stay and I’ll protect you. Make sure that Laslo doesn’t harm you.” “Oh no it isn’t Laslo that troubles me. He’s not an unkind man.”  “Then what is it?” Cort asks.  “Well when I was a little girl the neighbors used to gossip about my father and the other Desmonds.”  “Why would they do that?”  “Oh I don’t know. They weren’t just like real people. My mother rarely mentioned them and then after my father disappeared she used to go upstairs to her room and just cry and you know I think I am starting to become exactly like her.”  “Well we won’t let you become like that.”  “Then she died after that. That was when I came to live here. I’ve always been afraid.” Ada says.  “There’s nothing to be frightened of now.” Cort says as he puts his arm around her shoulder.  “Oh yes there is because I am a Desmond.” She says as she pulls away from Cort. “You know I married your father to free myself of that name. And then he died too. Those we Desmonds love are marked for death.” Ada says as she glances away.
Emily enters the mansion carrying her coat and suitcase. In her hand is also a briefcase that she sets on a table in the foyer.  Raxl enters the foyer. “Oh Miss Blair we didn’t expect you back tonight.”  “Oh I got an earlier train.” Emily says to her.  “You must be very tired.”  “No not really. Where’s Jean Paul?”  “Oh I believe in the Drawing Room.”  Emily walks through the foyer and Raxl looks at the briefcase Emily has left on the table.  Emily walks into the Drawing Room and sees Ada and Cort standing in the room near the couch.  “Emily.’ Ada says to her.  ”Hello, Mrs. Thaxton.”  Emily says as she glances around. “Raxl said that Jean Paul was in here.”  “No I think he is upstairs.” Cort tells her.  “Did you have a pleasant visit?” Ada asks.  “Well it was interesting. I don’t think I’d call it pleasant.” Emily says with a smile.  “Well you left so mysteriously, we were wondering why you had gone?” Cort asks her.  “Oh it’s no mystery I just went down to Harvard to do some research for the book I’m writing.”  “Oh yes the long awaited tome of the Desmonds.” Cort says to her.  “Yes the long awaited tome. If you’ll excuse me I should really go upstairs and unpack.”  “Oh Cort he’ll help you with your bags.” Ada says to Emily.  “Of course.” Cort says with a smile. He follows Emily into the foyer.  Raxl rushes from the foyer when she hears them coming.  “There’s really no need they are not very heavy.” Emily says to Cort.
“Oh it’s not very often I get to be a gentleman.” Cort says as he picks up the briefcase.  “I’ll take that.” Emily reaches for it.  “No there’s no need.” Cort says to her.  “If you don’t mind I’d rather carry it myself.”  “Oh there are private papers in it.” Cort asks.  “Yes just some notes I have made.”  Cort reaches for Emily’s suitcase and follows her up the staircase.  Raxl walks into the foyer and watches as they climb the stairs. She walks into the Drawing Room closing the doors behind her.  Ada is standing in front of the fireplace. She turns when she hears the doors closing.  “Mrs. Thaxton why do you look at me like that?” Raxl asks as she walks through the room. “Have I offended you?”  “No.’ Ada says as she stares at Raxl. “No it’s nothing. I’m just tired.”  “I’m sorry that your last night at Desmond Hall is so disagreeable.”  “This is not my last night at Desmond Hall. I’m not leaving after all.”  “I see. What about Master Cort?” Raxl asks.  “Well he isn’t leaving either for the time being any way.”  “I’m relieved to hear that.”  “Oh why are you so unusually concerned with Cort’s comings and goings?”  “I’m interested in all the Desmonds.” Raxl says to her.  “Well I persuaded him to stay.” Ada tells her.  “Oh it was very wise of you.”   “Perhaps I should have allowed him to leave but I feel much safer if he’s here.”  “It’s not unusual for a young boy who is restless; he’s in the house alone with all his elders. And I think you’ve made the right decision.” Raxl says touching Ada’s hand. “Jean Paul needs his family now.”  “Yes I suppose. Well I am very tired and I would like to go to bed.” Ada says to Raxl as she walks to the doors.   Cort opens the doors into the Drawing room. Ada stops next to him. “Did you take care of Miss Blair's bags and take them upstairs for her?” “Yes Mother.”  “Thank you and thank you for deciding to stay here. And thank you for listening to me. It’s nice having someone to talk to. Now I must get some rest.” Ada glances at Raxl. “Goodnight Raxl, Cort.” she says then walks from the room.  “You won’t regret staying here Master Cort I assure you.”  Cort steps towards her. “I’m only staying because of my mother. What ever happened to her tonight I’m going to make sure never happens again.”  “Together we will see that no harm comes to her.” Raxl says taking Cort’s arm and walking with him from the room.
Philip is sleeping in a chair in Jean Paul’s room as Jean Paul stands in front of the window. He looks at Philip and walks over to him. He touches Philip’s arm. “Philip, Philip.” He shakes him. “The star has disappeared.”  “For now but I’ll stay here just in case.” Philip says tiredly.  “No you should go to bed. “I’m fine.”
Philip opens his eyes.  “Thanks to you.” Jean Paul says to him.  “Orendo protects you as long as I’m here to speak to him for you. You go ahead and get some rest, I’ll stay until morning.” Philip says as he settles back into the chair and closes his eyes.  Jean Paul pats his shoulder. There is a knock at the door. He walks across the room and opens it. Emily stands in the hallway.  “Emily we expected you tomorrow.” Jean Paul says to her.  Emily walks in smiling. “Well I found what I was looking for a lot sooner than I expected.”  “I’m glad your back.” Jean Paul says as he steps closer to her.  Philip rubs his eyes and stands. “Did you find what you were looking for?”  “Yes.” She opens her briefcase and takes out a file. “That’s funny it was right on top of these papers.” she says as she looks through the folder.  “What?” Philip asks as he walks over and stands next to Emily.  “It was a photocopy of a document with the Mark of Death on it. But it’s gone.”
In the Drawing Room Raxl hold a sheets of paper .She flips the top page over.
Emily looks through the folder. “I know it was here. I was studying it on the train.”  “Could you have lost it?” Philip asks.  “No it was the most important thing I found.”  “What was it?” Jean Paul asks.  “It was a statement from a witchcraft trial. I’ll go look in my bag. I may have left it there.” Emily says as she walks out of the room.  “I’ll go with her.” Jean Paul tells Philip.  “No let me see if I can help. It’s better that you stay here.” Philip follows Emily closing the door behind him.
Raxl looks over the document. “Where did she get this? Where?” She looks at Jacques portrait. “Jacques Eloi Des Mondes no one must see your sign. No one must know what it is. Or what it did for so long ago.”  Philip walks with Emily. “Are you sure you had it on the train?”  Absolutely, it was in Latin and I was having difficulty reading it because it seemed to have been written backwards.”  “Did you leave your briefcase anywhere?” Philip asks.  “No, no I brought it up myself when Cort carried my suitcase up.”  “Cort?”  “His mother asked him to help me with my luggage.”  “Where were your bags?” Philip asks.  “I left them in the foyer and I went into the Drawing Room to see... Raxl told me that Jean Paul was in the Drawing Room so I went in and left my bags in the foyer. And Raxl...Raxl?” Emily shakes her head. “Oh she wouldn’t have taken it. She couldn’t have.” Emily looks at Philip.  “You go to Jean Paul. I’ll downstairs and look around.” Philip says to her.  She steps into Jean Paul’s room. Jean Paul stands. “Did you find it?”  “No, Philip has gone to look in the foyer.” She says as she holds the back railing of the bed. She turns to Jean Paul “I’m sorry. I should have been more careful.”  “Oh don’t worry it will turn up.”  “I hope so; anyway as long as you are all right I won’t worry.” Emily says to him.  Jean Paul grabs her shoulders. “But I am. Emily the star came out and I survived the night.” Jean Paul says as he steps away from her. Then he turns back. “I’m beginning to be free.”  “Oh Jean Paul.” Emily says with a smile.”  “Perhaps I can lead a life without the Mark of Death on me.”  “But it’s not the Mark of Death. I know that now.” Emily says to him.  “What is it?”
“When it was first seen in a witchcraft trial in 1672 in France. It’s the seal of the pact with the devil.”  “Well who used it?” Jean Paul asks.  “I couldn’t find that anywhere. The king had all the records from the trial destroyed.” “Why?”  “So many noblemen were involved. Even some of his relatives. And at least one of his mistresses. There was a notorious scandal.”  “Were Des Mondes involved in it?” Jean Paul asks.  “The records were incomplete.” Emily says to him.  Jean Paul walks around the room. “We still don’t know why I am cursed with that mark.”  “Families were broken up, husbands were poisoned. Brothers and cousins accused each other of being witches.” She says as she steps closer to Jean Paul.  “What happened to them?”  “The king banished most of them. Several were burned at the stake. Others were tortured to death.”  Jean Paul shakes his head and looks at her. “And nobody knows who they were?”
“Figures of mystery, especially one woman who testified against all the defendants. And then she disappeared after the trial was over and was never seen again.”
Raxl speaks to Jacques portrait. “He must not know. I have sworn to keep the Desmond secret safe from everyone. I have sworn to protect you from the evil that your brother brought to you long ago. But how do I protect you from the evil of strangers?”  Philip stands in the doorway of the Drawing Room. “Who were you speaking to?”  Raxl turns around.  Philip walks into the room and takes the papers from Raxl’s hand.  “Give that to me.”  Philip looks at it. “Where did you get this?”  “I found it in the foyer earlier.”  “I don’t believe you.”  “That is the truth.” Raxl says to him.  “Then what were you doing with it?”  “I was trying to read it.”
“You read Latin do you?”  “I am not an educated woman.”  “Yet you were trying to read this document in a language it is written in.  A language you don’t understand.”  “Why do you question me about it?” Raxl asks.  “I think it’s strange to find you in this room alone with a document taken from Miss Blair’s briefcase. Speaking in the firelight to a portrait on the wall.”  “I was not speaking to the portrait!”  “Then what were you doing?”  “I was speaking to myself.”  “Raxl you are no fool. Miss Blair swears this was in her briefcase outside this room and now you have it.”  “I found it on the floor. It means nothing to me. I was going to take it upstairs to the Master.”  “I’ll save you the trouble.” Philip says as he walks to the door and looks back at her. “If you’re laying Raxl you’ll be sent from this house tomorrow.”  “Are you threatening me?”  “No household requires the services of a deceitful servant.” Philip says then turns and walks from the room.
“I choose the Master I serve and it will not be I who leaves this house Philip Desmond. But you one way or another.”
Jean Paul looks at Emily. “If that mark appeared at the witchcraft trials and now upon me centuries later what connection is there? Between me and the trial?” Jean Paul asks as he walks around the room.  Emily sits in a chair. “I don’t know but there must be something.”  Jean Paul turns around. “All right let’s begin with Jacques Eloi Des Mondes.”  Emily looks through her notes. “When did he come to Maljardin?”  “Sometime in the 17th century, the date is not quite clear.  Maljardin itself was built around 1700 or just before then.”  “So it was before the revolution.”  “Of yes my family left France well before then.”  Philip walks into the room. “Here’s the missing document.”  Emily stands. “Where did you find it?” she asks as she takes it from him.  “Raxl, she said she found it on the floor of the foyer.” Emily looks at Philip. “That’s impossible.” “That’s what she said.”  “May I see it?” Jean Paul asks.  Emily hands it to him.  Jean Paul glances at it. “Yes that’s the mark. So this is where it all began.”  “Well it might have been used earlier but I didn’t find any record of it.”  Philip yawns. “Well it’s nearly morning. We should go to bed and tomorrow attack the problem.”  Emily rubs her eyes. “Yes I’m tired. I think I will go to bed. Thank you for finding the document.” Emily says to Philip.  “Yes thank you Philip. You should go to bed, we have time.” Jean Paul tells Philip. He looks at Emily. “Ah I’d like to keep this if I may.”  “Of course.”
“Goodnight Emily.” Jean Paul says to her. Philip holds the door open for her.
“Goodnight.” Emily says to them.  Philip closes the door and walks towards Jean Paul. “I wish you would talk about Raxl.”  Jean Paul sits on the bed. “Raxl is only trying to protect me.”  “By going through Emily’s papers? Jean Paul she lied.”
“I know.” Jean Paul says as he lowers his gaze. “She’s a very simple woman. She only has one duty in life and that’s me. Now it was wrong of her to take the papers as you say but underneath it all I think she had in mind doing simply what was right for me.”  “What is her enchantment with the portrait of Jacques Eloi Des Mondes.”  “What do you mean?”  “Well I find her in the Drawing Room speaking to the portrait with the document in her hand.”  There is a knock at the door. Emily opens the door. “Philip may I see you for a minute please.”  “Yes excuse me.” He says as he follows Emily from the room closing the door behind him.
“What is it?” he asks Emily.  “The totem it’s disappeared.”  “I told you to keep it near you at all times.”  “I know. I had it packed in my suitcase but it’s gone. Someone has been going through my bags.  “Well go back to bed and lock your door and if anything strange happens during the night just repeat over and over Orendo protect me.” Philip says to her as he holds her arms.  “Orendo?  What’s that?”  “Never mind what it is. Just say it if you need it okay.”  “All right.” Emily says as she pulls away from Philip and turns and walks down the hallway.
Philip turns and opens Jean Paul’s door. He stands worriedly.  “What’s the matter?” Jean Paul asks.  “Nothing she’s just frightened for you. Now we have to make sure that Raxl isn’t working against you for whatever her reasons.”  “Has she done something to Emily?” Jean Paul asks.  “No she’s just upset that the Photostat was taken.”  Raxl has seen this sign; she’s seen it on me.” Jean Paul says to Philip.  “She didn’t mention that to me.”  “No that’s because she is not aware that you know of its existence.”  “Perhaps we should keep it that way.” Philip says to him.  “No. Jean Paul stands. “I think we should take Raxl into our confidences, she’s a loyal servant.” Jean Paul says coming up behind Philip. “She’s saved my life many times both here and at Maljardin.”  “Jean Paul she knew the star was out tonight and yet she sent you to an unprotected woman. Orendo saved Ada Thaxton tonight not Raxl.”  Jean Paul shakes his head. “If she’s not what she seems then I am not what I am.”  “Well whatever you are Orendo will protect you.”  Standing outside Jean Paul’s door Raxl listens to Jean Paul and Philip as she holds Philip’s totem.  “I’ll leave the mask with you. It’s nearly morning. Goodnight.”  Raxl turns and rushes from the doorway.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 153