Strange Paradise: Episode 137
Episode 137:  Slideshow
Raxl: “Night at Desmond Hall, in the ancient home shrouded by shadows the mystery of the family curse has been revealed to Philip Desmond who barely escaped death at the hands of his cousin Jean Paul. The haunted killer decides he can no longer live with his dreaded secret. But the curse seems to follow its own evil destiny as it searches yet for another instrument to perform its murderous purpose,”
“No Master no!” Raxl walks in front of Jean Paul.  Jean Paul takes the phone from his ear as he covers it with his hand. “I refuse to go on like this. Life is not worth it. I destroy everything I touch.” He raises the phone. “This is Jean Paul Desmond. I want to speak to the chief of police. Yes I’ll wait.”  Philip grabs the phone from Jean Paul’s hand. “What are you doing?” Philip raises the phone. “Hello yes this is Mr. Desmond. Oh no sir it’s all right. One of the ladies thought she saw a prowler from one of the windows. No, no it was nothing. It was just some leaves on the glass. Yes.” Philip says with a laugh. “I’m sorry we bothered you. Thank you goodnight” Philip hangs up the phone.  “It would have done you no good.” Raxl says to Jean Paul.  “It would have released me of the curse that I follow.”  “It would pass on to someone else.” Raxl says to him.  “You don’t know that. It’s only guessing!”  “She’s right Jean Paul think. What good would it do to have you in prison?” Philip says to him.  Jean Paul turns towards Philip. “You were going to call the police. What made you change your mind?”  “You are my cousin I couldn’t turn you over to the police without trying to help you rid yourself of that curse.”  Jean Paul walks away from Philip.   “Come upstairs Master.”  “No Raxl we will protect him between us. I’ll guard him now. Give me the key to the tower room.” Philip holds out his hand.  “I refuse!” Raxl says to him.  Jean Paul turns towards them. “Do as he says Raxl.”  “It is my duty to protect you from doing harm.”  “Give him the key.”  “He’ll be safe with me Raxl.” Philip says looking at her. “I won’t let him out of my sight.”  “Leave us alone Raxl.” Jean Paul says to her.  She places the key in Philips hand.  “Trust me.” Philip says to her.
Raxl turns and walks up the staircase.  Philip walks over to Jean Paul. “Come inside cousin.” Philip holds his arm out towards the Drawing Room.  “Are the girls still in there?” Jean Paul asks.  “No Emily has gone to bed but Susan is there.”
Jean Paul walks towards the doorway. “Don’t let me harm her.” He turns and looks at Philip. “I beg you.”  “She’ll be all right as long as I’m with you.”  Jean Paul walks back to Philip. “You know you are a very rash man. You should not become entangled with me. It will only do you harm.”  “I was entangled in your life the day I was born.”  “Go back to your own family!”  “I can’t go back to my people until I vanquish the curse that defeats everything we try to achieve.”
Jean Paul turns away. “You’d be wise to go back and face your own fate and let me handle mine.”  Philip grabs his arm. “No cousin we will face the Desmond curse together. And we both will try to find some way to end it.”  They both turn and enter the Drawing Room.
Cort stands in the hallway at Jean Paul’s bedroom door. He tries opening the door then puts his ear against it. Raxl is walking down the hallway and stops near him. “Why are you spying on my Master?”  Cort looks at her with a grin. “The door is locked.”  “I would advise you to go to bed and leave my Master to his sleep.”  “But is he sleeping?” Cort says as he walks around Raxl. “He’s not in the room is he?”  “That does not concern you.”  “Where is he?”  “Go to your room, I command you.”  “I don’t take orders from the servants.”  Raxl turns and looks at him. “You young fool. You are inviting danger upon yourself. Do not be so impulsive or you will regret it.”  “I’ll find out what I want to know. And your threats don’t scare me.” Cort says to her then turns and walks away.
Jean Paul stands in the Drawing Room holding the notebook looking at Susan’s drawing. “This is mark you saw on Cort’s face?” he asks handing the drawing back to Susan. She and Philip are sitting on the couch as Jean Paul stands next to them.  Susan nods. “Just for a minute. Then it faded before my eyes.”  Jean Paul walks over to the fireplace. “I don’t understand.”  “Could I keep that please?” Philip asks Susan as he reaches for it.  “Yes.” She hands it to Philip.  Philip stands. “We will talk about it more in the morning. It’s late now I think we should all go to bed.”  Susan stands as Jean Paul turns towards her. “Susan would you lock your door tonight.”  Susan walks up to him. “Oh no, I never lock my door. I like to more about freely when I want to.”  “Please don’t argue with me. Just do as I ask.”  “But why?”  “For your own protection. There are dangers here tonight and I would feel much better if you promise to do as I ask.”  “Well if it would set your mind at ease of course I will lock my door. Goodnight.” She says then turns away from Jean Paul. She looks at Philip.  “Goodnight.” Jean Paul says looking away.  “Goodnight Susan.” Philip says as Susan walks from the room.  Jean Paul walks up to Philip. Philip turns and looks at him. Jean Paul walks to the closed doors placing his back against them. He then walks past Philip. “That mark on Cort’s face what did it mean?”  “I don’t know. We will just have to wait and see.”
“Does it mean I’m free of it finally? But why has it gone to him?”  Philip walks up behind him. “Well Raxl told me that if anything happened to Cort it would leave him and come to me.”  Jean Paul opens his hand and looks at it. He then closes his hand and glances at Philip. “I don’t want to be alone tonight. Do you understand?”  “You won’t I promise.”  “Listen take me back to the tower room and lock me in. But promise me one thing.”  “Yes cousin.”  “No matter how much I beg you do not let me out. And do not leave me alone.”
Susan walks to her bedroom door and as she begins to open it Emily call out to her. Emily walks up to her. “I enjoyed being with you tonight. You have a very original attitude towards life that I find very refreshing.”  “I’m only what I am. But I’m glad you are here too.”  “Well, well do I have two pretty maidens in a row?” Cort says as he walks through the hallway towards them.  “Come inside quick.” Susan tells Emily. They rush into Susan’s room and close the door and lock it behind them.  Cort steps up to the door. “Hey wait a minute.”  “Go away.” Susan tells him.  “Well what’s the matter? Come on what are you two up to? Why are you hiding from me, what have I done?”  “You will go away Cort. Go back to your own room.” Susan says to him.  “Well that’s gratitude. After escorting you all the way from town the only thanks I get are insults.”  “We are not insulting you Cort.” Emily says to him.  “My company isn’t good enough for you if I’m not doing something for you. Is that it?”  “Cort don’t be a baby.” Susan says to him.  “Well we will see who is good enough for whom. You can count on that! Both of you!” Cort tells them angrily then walks away from the door.
Philip unlocks the tower door. Jean Paul follows him into the room. “I didn’t mean to terrify that girl but she’s too trusting for her own good.”  “I’ll explain it to her and Emily.” Philip says to Jean Paul as he closes and locks the door. “I’ll make up some excuse why you couldn’t join us for supper.”  “No tell Emily the truth.”  “I don’t think she would believe it. Not of you.”  “She must believe it. Everyone who has cared for me has eventually come to an unhappy end.”  “Everyone?”  Jean Paul nods. “Erica my wife. Helena my fiancée, Holly my ward. And Agatha.”
“Agatha? What was she to you?”  “Agatha came to me for protection and I failed her as I have failed all the others.”  “And Agatha was killed.” Philip says as he looks away from Jean Paul.  Jean Paul walks up to Philip. “Listen tell Emily that I am dangerous to her.”  “We will protect her from you.”  “Her only protection is to know the truth. If you won’t let me go to the police and turn myself in then tell her the truth so she can guard herself against me.”  Philip looks at Jean Paul. “You wouldn’t harm her would you?”  Jean Paul nods. “I’ve already tried Philip. If Raxl hadn’t come into the room she would have been dead now.”  “Then it wasn’t just her imagination?” Philip says as he looks away.  “Then you know.”  “Well she told me that she thought you meant to kill her but she said she was upset and it might have been her imagination.” Philip says as he looks at Jean Paul.  “Convince her she is right. Make her believe it. She is safe as long as she knows the truth.”
Susan puts her ear against her door. She turns towards Emily. “He’s gone now. I can let you out now if you want.”  Emily walks up to her. “What is this all about?”
“Well I promised Jean Paul I wouldn’t let anyone in my room.”  “But I’m here.”
“But you are my friend. I have no reason to be afraid of you.”  Emily turns away. “There is an air of violence all around us tonight.” Emily says as she hugs her arms against herself.  “The only weapon against violence is love.”  “Are you in love with Jean Paul?”  “Oh no I hardly know him. No that is not what I meant.” Susan says as she walks closer to Emily. “I mean love other people, like loving them.”  “Sometimes that’s a little difficult to manage.”  “I know you think that I am odd.” Susan says walking away from Emily.  “Oh no I don’t.”  Susan looks back at her. “No most people do. They seem to think because we dress differently, because we wear our hair differently and move about without possessions well they think we’re dangerous. Why they think we are almost capable of anything.” Susan says as she walks across the room.  “Well I don’t think that of you.”
Susan looks back at Emily. “I’m really glad because we live by love not by violence. We just look for peace and beauty out of life. We try and fight to end killing and in our fight we are not afraid.”  “I’d like to be like you. I’m glad you are here Susan. You’ve brought peace with you and faith.”  Susan touches Emily’s shoulder. “Now don’t be afraid. Look I’ll stand in the doorway and make sure you get to your room okay.”  Emily smiles and nods at Susan then she walks out of the room. Susan follows her out and leans against her door as Emily walks down the hallway.
“Tell Emily I mean her no harm. It is not I but an evil spirit that possesses me. Will you tell her that?” Jean Paul asks as he looks at Philip.  “Philip nods. There is a knock at the door. “It’s Raxl, Master.”  Jean Paul looks at Philip. Philip walks across the room and unlocks the door. Raxl enters and looks at Philip. “You should be in bed, Mr. Philip.; I will stay with him now.” She holds her hand out for the key.”  “Thank you.” Philip says as he hands her the key then walks to the door.  Jean Paul steps forward. “Philip don’t forget your promise.”  “No you can rely on me.” Philip says as he walks out closing the door behind him.  Raxl locks the door. “What did he promise you?”  “Oh just to go on an errand.” Jean Paul says with his back to her.  “What errand?”  “Simply a personal service, nothing more.”  “Master there can be no secrets between us.”  “Must I tell you everything Raxl?” Jean Paul asks angrily as he walks across the room.  “Yes you must or I will leave you here unprotected a victim of your evil star. Is that what you are asking me to do?”  Jean Paul looks at her. “No Raxl that’s not what I am asking you to do. It’s not what I want.”  “Then what errand did Mr. Philip agree to do?”
Jean Paul stares ahead. “I told him to ask Emily, I told him really to tell her that I tried to kill her last night.” He looks at her.  “No Master.”  “Yes if you had not interrupted us I would have killed her.”  “Why draw her into this or him?”  “The truth must be known Raxl. You are a faithful and obedient servant.”  “And this is the way you reward me? By telling strangers of the evil you do?”  “Philip is not a stranger he is my cousin and he is a Desmond as well!”  “And Miss Emily?”  “She cares for me.”  “They will turn you over to the police.”  “If they must do that for their protection than I shall accept it.” he says looking away.  “Well I do not!”
Jean Paul looks at Raxl.  “I will not let him speak to her.” Raxl says walking to the door and unlocks it.”  “Raxl don’t leave me alone!” Jean Paul cries out.  Raxl glances at him. “I will not stand by and see you destroy yourself. And bring to others knowledge that should only be between us. I will save you from yourself!” She walks out as Jean Paul rushes to the door. Raxl closes it and Jean Paul lays his hands against the door.
Emily sits in Philip’s room with her hands at her temples rubbing her head.  “Here you are. I have been looking all over for you.” Philip says to her as he walks into the room.  “I’ve been waiting for you.” Emily says as she stands and walks over to him.  “You should be in your room with your door locked.”  “I must talk to you.”
“Well Jean Paul has asked me to talk to you.”  “He’s upset I think the strain of the past few weeks has been too much for him and he doesn’t know what he is doing.” Emily says to Philip.  “He knows only too well what he is doing. He sent me to warn you.”  “About what?”  “That he may try to kill you again.”  Emily shakes her head. “On no you’re taking what I said much too seriously. I told you it was just my imagination. Jean Paul wouldn't harm me.”  “He tried to kill me.” Philip says to her.  “When?”  “When you and Susan were waiting for me in Desmondton. He attacked me and tried to strangle me.” Philip says as he glances away from her.
“I don’t believe it.”  “You’ve got to believe it! He sent me to warn you not to be alone with him.”  “I’m not afraid.”  “But he is. He’s afraid of harming you. He doesn’t want to kill but he is forced to.”  “Forced to by what?” Emily shouts.
“He carries a curse that forces him to kill. He’s powerless against it! Nothing stands between it and him when the time comes.”  “I stand between my Master and the curse.” Raxl says as she stands in the doorway.  Philip turns to her. “Why did you leave him alone? You are not supposed to leave him alone!” Philip shouts as he rushes from the room.
Jean Paul stands looking out the window in the tower at the evil star. “No, no!” he shouts. He turns away from the window. “I refuse! I defy you! No, no!”  Cort open and stands in the doorway. “No what cousin?”  Jean Paul spins around and looks at him. “How did you get in here?  Cort steps inside. “The door was unlocked. Why are you here?”  Jean Paul turns away. “Get back to your room Cort.”  “There is nothing to do in my room. But outside I hear whispers and rustling in the corridors.”  “You have a lively imagination that’s all.” Jean Paul tells Cort.  “The girls have locked themselves in their room.”  “Very wise of them perhaps.” Jean Paul says to Cort.  “And you stand in a solitary room crying NO to the moon.” Cort says with a laugh.  “It is not the moon I cry to.”  “And why does Raxl keep you locked up in here like some beast that should be chained to the wall?”  “I am a beast!”  “Why are the girls frightened? What have you done?”  “It not what I have done. It is about what I am to do.” Jean Paul says with a smile as he turns towards Cort.  “What are you going to do?”  “You’ll find out all you want to know my young Cort.” Jean Paul reaches for Cort’s neck.  Cort back away as Philip rushes into the room. “It’s all right Jean Paul I’m here.” Philip says as he grabs Jean Paul’s upper arms pushing him back.  Jean Paul covers his face with his hands and turns away.  “He tried to kill me!” Cort shouts pointing at Jean Paul.
“Go to your room where you belong!” Philip says to Cort.  “You don’t give me orders around here!” Cort says to him angrily.  “Stay out of here!” Philip shouts as he shoves him from the room and closes the door behind him. He turns and walks back to Jean Paul.
Raxl looks at Emily. “What did he tell you?”  “Where is Jean Paul?” Emily asks.
“Where no harm can come to him.”  “Where he can bring no harm to others?” Emily asks.  “It’s the same thing. What did Mr. Philip tell you?”  Emily stands and walks across the room. “It doesn’t mater. I did not believe.” She walks across to Raxl.  “That is good.”  “I will find out from Jean Paul. Take me to him.”  “Are you mad?” Raxl asks.  “Well if you won’t take me to him I’ll find him myself.” Emily says turns and rushes from the room.  Raxl quickly follows her.
Susan is in her bed leaning against her pillows as she reads a book when there is a knock at the door.  “Let me in.” Cort calls out.  Susan sits up. “No.”  “If you don’t let me in I’ll break this door down.”  Susan walks across the room and unlocks her door. Cort opens it and rushes into the room closing the door behind him.  “What do you want?” Susan asks.  “Why did you lock yourself in this room?” Cort asks her.  “Because I wanted to.”  “You were friendly to me in town then all of a sudden you turned against me.”  “I just wanted to be alone that’s all.” Susan says as she walks away from him.  Cort steps up behind her. “You were my friend I thought when we went in the secret room the other night.”  Susan turns and looks at him. “You have a curse upon you.”  “What do you mean?”  Susan walks away from him. “I saw it on your face when you left the Drawing Room tonight.”  Cort grabs her arm turning her towards him. “What kind of curse?”
“The Mark of Death.”  Cort releases her arm. “Jean Paul was going to kill me.”
“No it’s not that kind of curse.”  “I’m marked for death. I‘m going to die.” Cort says.  Susan walks around him. “No the curse doesn’t mean you are going to die.”  Cort turns and looks at her. “What does it mean then? Tell me!”  “It means that you will kill.”  Cort turns and rushes past her out of the room in fear.
“I could have killed Cort!” Jean Paul shouts. “You promised that you wouldn’t leave me alone!”  “I left Raxl with you.”  “Then Raxl left in order top stop you from telling Emily.”  “Well she was too late.” Philip says to Jean Paul.  Jean Paul stands with his eyes closed then opens them as he walks across the room. “Thank God for that.”  “Jean Paul Emily didn’t believe me.”  The door opens and Raxl enters. “Master Miss Blair wishes to speak with you. She’s outside.”  Jean Paul walks across the room so he is facing the open door. “Come in Emily.”
Emily walks up to him. “Jean Paul it isn’t true is it? Say it isn’t true.”  “Leave us Raxl.” Jean Paul says as he looks up at Raxl. “No.”  “It’s all right Raxl. I’ll stay with him.” Philip says to her. Raxl turns and walks out of the room.  Jean Paul grabs Emily’s arm. “Listen why didn’t you stay in your room where you were safe?”  “I’m only safe if you are.”  “You are inviting your own death by trusting me.”  “Then you did try to kill me.”  “Yes! When Raxl came into the room you were saved.”  “But why? What have I done?”  “It is not what you have done. I made a pact with the devil. I’m forced by an evil force to kill.” Jean Paul says as he looks away.  “This is what Philip warned me about.”  “Jacques Eloi Des Mondes cast a curse upon me at Maljardin.”  “The portrait?”  “As long as I live the portrait will live.” Jean Paul says to Emily then walks away from her, he glances back at her. “And as long as it lives I must kill.”  “But you didn’t kill me.”  “But I was going to.”  “Philip walks over to Emily and Jean Paul. “And you didn’t kill me cousin.”  “No but I tried.”  “But then you haven’t killed. You have only tried to, isn’t that true?”  Jean Paul turns away from them.  “Is it true cousin?” Philip asks as he grabs Jean Paul’s arm and turns him around. “Have you killed before? Were there others?” Philip shouts as he shakes Jean Paul. “We must know!”  “Yes there were others!” Jean Paul shouts back at him.  “Who were they?”  “It doesn’t matter they are dead!”  “Agatha?” Emily asks.  “No!”  “Jean Paul did you kill Agatha Pruett?”  Jean Paul pulls away from Philip. “I don’t know!”  “Her body was found strangled in the river. And you were out all night with Cort and Quito.” Emily says to him.  “Yes, yes I was. I was.”  “Well did you kill her?” Philip asks.
“I don’t know. I don’t know. I could have, I may have. I could have, I may have killed her. I must have.”
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 138