Strange Paradise: Episode 138
Episode 138:  Slideshow
Laslo: “Morning at Desmond Hall, Jean Paul is locked safely in the tower room and guarded by Raxl, .He has survived his second night of defiance of the evil star that instructs him to kill. New found allies shield him from the influence of the dreaded curse that haunts him. He sleeps this day, his secret at last revealed to the girl that loves him and to his cousin Philip. They each begin to trace clues that they learned from him. Clues that connect others in the family mansion to the mystery of the murdered girl Agatha.  Who Jean Paul may or may not have killed.”
Philip is getting dressed in his room when there is a knock at the door.  “Are you up?” Cort calls out from the other side of the door.  “Come in Cort.”  Cort opens the door and enters.  “What’s happened to you?” Philip asks as he looks at Cort.
“I haven’t slept all night. Cort says as he leans tiredly against the door.  Philip turns back to the mirror. “I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong?”  Cort steps closer to Philip. “Jean Paul tried to kill me last night didn’t he?”  “Nonsense he might have roughed you up a little bit if I hadn’t stopped him. But killing is going a little bit far isn’t it.” Philip says with a laugh as he looks at Cort.  “I’m marked for death. I know it.”  “You’re imagining things.”  Susan said she saw the mark on my face.”
“What kind of mark?”  “She called it the Mark of Death.”  “Well did she describe it?”  “No she just said she had seen it.”  Philip walks away from him. “Well you better ask her about it then.”  “She told me I was going to kill!” Cort says as he looks at Philip.  “Well do you believe that?”  “But why would she say it?”  “Have you killed?”  Cort turns away. “What kind of question is that?”  “Well have you?” Philip asks as he puts on his jacket.  “I don’t have to answer that question.”  “Why are you afraid?”  “Leave me alone.” Cort says then turns to rush from the room.
Philip quickly goes after him closing the door as Cort tries to open it. “I’ll make a bargain with you.”  Cort looks at him. “Go ahead.”  “I’ll answer your questions if you answer mine.”  Cort turns away from Philip. “Am I marked for death?”  Philip walks up to him. “Not as long as Jean Paul lives.”  Cort looks at him. “What kind of an answer is that?”  “Why I think it’s a good answer.” Philip says with a laugh. “Now you answer mine. “Who killed Agatha Pruett?”  Cort looks then turns back towards Philip. “What did you say?”  “Who killed Agatha Pruett?”  “Why ask me?”
“Well you knew her didn’t you?” Philip asks as he walks away from Cort.  Cort walks closer to Philip. “Of course I knew her. She was living here. Jean Paul brought her to live. She was a common sort of girl. Nice in her own way.”
Philip turns ands looks at Cort. “And you became friends with her?”  “Yes we all did. Jean Paul and Laslo.”  “Well if she had friends she must have had enemies too.”  “She was a Desmondton girl. She knew lots of people, anyone could have murdered her. Now I’ve told you all I know.”  “No not quite, you didn’t tell me you were out in the fog with Jean Paul and Quito the night Agatha was killed.”  “Oh and who told you that, Jean Paul?”  “And what if he did?”  “He’s not going to blame me for it.” Cort says as he looks away. “He’s not going to get away with it. Just leave me out of it.” He looks at Philip. “I’m not involved.”  “You are involved if you like it or not. You knew Agatha Pruett and you knew her rather well I’m beginning to suspect.”  “So did Laslo. Laslo knew her better than I did. So did Mrs. Hatter. She spent a lot of time down there with them.”  “She did, did she?”
Cort walks up to Philip. “You are getting yourself into things you should stay out of.” Cort says to Philip then walks out of the room.
Emily is sitting at her desk in the Drawing Room with a book open when Laslo walks into the room. “Well, well it’s good to see someone up and about this early. So busy, you must take some time off you know. All work and no play is not good for pretty ladies.”  “I’ll try to remember that.” Emily says as she glances up at Laslo.  “Cort told his mother that you and Susan were in town last night.” He says as he walks across the Drawing Room.  “News travels fast.”  “Well I’d hardly recommend Desmondton as a safe place for two ladies alone without escorts.”
Emily glances at him. “Why do you say that?”  “Well there have been rumors of girls disappearing, being found murdered.” Laslo tells her as walks to the desk and sits on the edge of it.  “Like Agatha Pruett?” Emily asks.  “Poor Agatha, yes.”
“You knew her very well didn’t you?”  “Oh I wouldn’t say that.”  “It’s funny just before I went down to Mrs. Hatters I remembered that she spent a lot of time there.”  “Oh no. I can’t speak for Mrs. Hatter.” Laslo says.  “When I was there you used to come and see us quite often though I don’t seem to recall our conversations.”  “Woman’s conversations are hardly memorable at best I’d say.”
“Perhaps not. We were talking about Agatha.”  “I would love to sit here and gossip with you but I must go up and get ready for work.” Laslo stands then walks to the doors. Philip is walking through them Drawing Room doors as Laslo stops in front of him. “Ah another bright young face.”  “Well you’re looking rather cheerful this morning.” Philip says to Laslo.  “Emily and I have been having the most diverting conversation. If you want any help with your little mystery just let me know.” Laslo says to Emily, then he turns and walks past Philip and leaves the room.  “Philip closes the doors and walks over to Emily. “What did you say to him?”  “Nothing but he obviously caught on that I was trying to find something out.” Emily says as she stands and walks across the Drawing Room. “I must have been very clumsy.”  “Or else he knows more than he lets on. Like his stepson.” Philip says as he walks closer to Emily.  “Have you talked to Cort?”
“Well he talked to me. He’s frightened and he’s a little incautious when he’s afraid.”  “Well it might be useful.”  “But he let it slip that Irene and Laslo knew Agatha rather well.” Philip says to her.  “I thought so.”  ”Did you find anything in the books?” Philip asks as he looks at the desk.  Emily shakes her head. “Nothing there is not a mention of a curse on the Desmond family. Although there was something very strange going on in the 17th century.”  “What kind of things?”
Emily turns towards Jacques portrait. “Jacques Eloi Des Mondes was engaged in cruel and sadistic practices. Perhaps even in something criminal.” She says as she walks towards Jacques portrait and glances back at Philip.  “That portrait may be our clue.”  “Jean Paul said it was Jacques who cast the spell on him at Maljardin.” Emily steps towards Philip. “Philip I want to ask you something, and please don’t spare me the truth. Do you believe that Jean Paul killed Agatha?”
“I don’t know but we’ve got to find out.”  “And if we find he did?”  “We have no choice but to turn him over to the police.”
Irene glances at her watch when there is a knock at her door. “Laslo?”  The door opens and Cort enters.  “Oh Cort I didn’t expect you.”  “Sorry to disappoint you.” Cort says as he walks over to her.  “What do you want?”  “I want to untangle the relationship between you and my family.  “You better tell me what you mean.”
“Well let’s start with my stepfather.”  Irene walks away from him. “Laslo and I are friends.”  “That explanation may or may not satisfy my mother but it certainly will not satisfy me.” Cort says as he steps behind Irene.  Irene looks at him. “You are a rude young man.”  “I’m only trying to protect my fortune.”  “That has nothing to do with me.” Irene says to Cort.  “I want the Desmond fortune to become mine and I think you want my dear stepfather to continue to be yours. Am I correct?”
Irene turns and looks at him. “You better leave.”  “Of course Laslo only married my mother because of the Desmond fortune.”  “What a dreadful thing to say.”
“Well he’s never home except for meals. He spends most of his time here. My mother knows about you and Laslo.”  “And how does she know that?”  “Because I told her Mrs. Hatter that’s how.”  Irene walks away from him. “You are insufferable.” She says angrily.  Cort turns towards her. “I think Laslo better make a decision between his wife at Desmond Hall and his friend at your cottage.”  “Get out!” Irene shouts.  Cort walks around her. “Think it over. If you want Laslo help me to protect my family fortune. Then you won’t have to be married to a Desmond.”  Irene walks up to him. “Get out I said! Go before I throw you out!”
“You see you are more than merely friends after all.” Cort tells her then leaves the cottage.  Irene stands staring at the door when the telephone rings. She picks it up.  “Irene I must see you. Take care, don’t talk to anyone. Questions are being asked and we must be sure we have the same story.” Laslo tells Irene. “What do you mean I’m too late?”
Emily is sitting at the desk looking over a book when Philip walks into the Drawing Room. “Why don’t you let that go for now? We will go visit someone.” Philip says to her.”  “Who?”  “Our local society leader Mrs. Hatter. I want to ask her a few questions about Agatha.” Philip says as he sits on the edge of her desk.  Emily shakes her head. “You go without me.”  “But I hardly know her.”
Emily sighs. “I know her too well.” she says as she looks at Philip.  “Why do you say that?”  “I was very ill when I stayed with her. It wasn’t a happy time the house depresses me. I wasn’t myself. I was exhausted and feverish and I had hallucinations, bad dreams I think.” She says as she looks away.  “Dreams? What kind of dreams? About who?”  Emily shakes her head. “I can’t remember them. I only know that the house upset me and I can’t face it or her. Not yet.”
“All right. I’ll go alone.” Philip says as he turns towards the door.  Emily stands. “Philip please don’t let anything happen to you.”  “You really do think that house is dangerous don’t you?” Philip walks back to her.  “I know it’s silly of me.”  “That’s all right don’t worry.” he tells her with a smile as he walks to the doorway.
Cort enters the Drawing Room. “Oh still playing detective cousin.”  “Yes and I see you are still playing comic relief.” Philip says to him then walks from the room.
“If he isn’t careful he is going to find himself in a lot of trouble.” Cort says to Emily.  “He can look after himself.” Emily says as she sits down at her desk.
“Well I’m glad to know that someone can.” Cort says as he walks around her chair. “What are you frightened of?”  “I’m not frightened.” Emily tells him as she looks at him.  “Then why did you and Susan lock yourselves in her room last night?”  “That is only a question Susan can answer.” Emily says as she looks back at her book. “Why don’t you go outside and find her and leave me to my work.” Emily says as she turns and looks at him.  “Are you trying to get rid of me?”  “Stay if you would like.” Emily says as she turns away.  “Your pal Philip gave me the third degree this morning then he came down and reported to you and now witness dismissed.” Emily glances at him. “There are times Cort when I think you should be writing novels.”  “Perhaps a mystery novel?” Cort says to her.
“Well if that is what appeals to you.” Emily says as she looks away.  “A slight mystery of two pretty girls locking themselves up in a room where no one has locked a door for years.”  “Times change.” Emily says to him.  “Or maybe the mystery of a man who locks himself in a room in a deserted wing of a house. Guarded at the door by his Old Faithful servant. Those are good ingredients for a mystery novel.”  “It’s your story not mine.”  “No it’s your too.” Cort says to her as she glances at him “Jean Paul tried to kill me last night.”  Emily stands next to him. “There are times when the temptation to kill you is quite understandable.”
“Don’t ridicule me you are starting to sound like the man you love.” Cort says then walks from the room. Emily looks away.
Laslo is standing next to Irene in her cottage. “Of course I don’t like it, but that’s the way it has to be for the time being. You might try to look at it from my point of view.” Laslo says as he walks away from Irene.  “Oh I do. It lasted as long as you needed me. As long as I had the powers to help you. And now they are gone.”
Laslo grabs her by the shoulders and turns her towards him. ”Don’t you understand. We are up to our necks in suspicion. We’re involved with the Pruetts who have disappeared and with their daughter who was murdered.”  “We didn’t kill her.”  Laslo releases her. “Can we prove that?”  “Oh we have nothing to fear.” Irene says to him.  “That girl Emily Blair knows all there is to know about us.”
“She won’t remember it. I put her in a trance so she would forget.” Irene tells Laslo.  “And since you have lost your powers how long do you think that will keep her in a trance?”  Irene turns away. “I didn’t think of that.”  Laslo walks across the room. “Well you should think of it. And other things as well.”  Irene looks at him. “What things?”  “We are just friends now nothing more.”  Irene steps up to him. “I won’t let it end like this.”  “Now listen to me very carefully. If I have to choose between a woman whose son will inherit the Desmond fortune and a woman who has lost the powers that attracted me.”  “I believed it was the woman who attracted you not the power.” Irene says to him.  “You’re a romantic fool. And fools are dangerous.” Laslo tells her as he picks up his coat and walks out of the cottage door.  Irene walks to the couch and sits down. There is a knock at the door. Irene stands and answers it. Philip steps inside. “Mr. Desmond this town may be provincial but there are those of us with good manners to telephone when we want to visit.” Irene says to him after she closes the door.  “My dear Mrs. Hatter you drop in so often unannounced at Desmond Hall I thought you would have no objection if I paid you the same compliment.”  Irene turns away. “I’m in no mood for pleasantries, good day.”  “I suggest you stay and answer a few questions.”  “Why should I?”  “Unless of course you prefer for me to turn my information over to the police.”  “Are you trying to intimidate me?” She asks as she turns towards him.  “No not at all. But if you don’t want to talk to me I’d gladly talk to the police. Could I use your telephone?”  Irene walks to the fireplace. “What do you want to know?”  “First about Agatha Pruett. You knew her didn’t you?”  Irene looks back at him. “Only slightly.”  “You knew her more than a little slightly. She spoke quite often about you to Emily Blair.” Philip says as he walks up to Irene.  “What did that girl tell you about me?”  “Emily?” Philip asks as he leans his arm on the mantel as he stands next to Irene.  “I took her in when she was ill and upset because Jean Paul had jilted her for another girl.”  “Well let’s leave Emily out of this.”  “Now in gratitude for my kindness she spreads spiteful gossip about me.”  “She said nothing of the kind about you.”  “Then how did you know I knew Agatha Pruett?” She asks as she looks at Philip.  “Mrs. Hatter secrets are not easily kept in a town this small. Now several people have been seen coming from your place constantly.”  “It was Cort wasn’t it?”  “Now why would he do that?”  “Because he is a trouble maker. Besides he knows more about Agatha Pruett and her parents than any of the rest of us.”  “Did I mention her parents?”  “Didn’t you.”  “Now why did the Pruetts leave town a day after their daughter was found dead?”  “Did they?”  “Mrs. Hatter I would be wasting my time and yours if I hadn’t checked a few certain facts in town before I came here.”
“I hardly knew the Pruetts.”  “They came several evenings a week. And after their daughter was found dead they packed their bags and left town, why?”  “I am not some little Miss Nobody in this town Mr. Desmond. I have many friends. You are the stranger here not I.” Irene says angrily as she walks to the door. “I must ask you to leave.”  “Wouldn’t you rather tell me what you know yourself then let me hear it from other people and it may be construed as gossip and slander?”  “All right, yes. Yes I did know the Pruetts. We played bridge several nights a week.”
“With Mr. Thaxton as a forth?” Philip asks.  “You are impertinent!”  “And you Mrs. Hatter are lying. Well if you don’t want to cooperate with me I have other ways of finding out what I want to know believe me.” Philip says to her then walks out the door.  Irene stands staring ahead in anger.
Cort sits in the Drawing Room at the desk looking through a book. Laslo walks down the staircase and enters the Drawing Room. He steps next to Cort. “Why did you tell your Mother what you did?”  Cort glances at him then back to the book. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”  “Oh you know very well. I want to know what you are up to?”  “Your sudden interest in my affairs is overwhelming stepfather.”  “You keep out of my business.” Laslo says to him.
“And what is your business?” Cort asks as he looks up at Laslo. “Besides kissing Mrs. Hatter.” Cort says as he looks back at his book.  “You hurt your Mother very badly. I want you to apologize to her.” Laslo tells Cort.  Cort laughs. “Me apologize? Well she might have believed your little story about the peck on the cheek but I know you better than that.” Cort says then stands.  “Don’t push me too far Cort.”  “You only married my mother for the Desmond money. You never cared for her at all. Ever since you came here everything has gone wrong. First Philip disappears, now Jean Paul is...”  “Yes what about Jean Paul?”  “You’re trying to get rid of him aren’t you? That’s what it is.”  “You’ve lost your senses.”
“And I suppose my turn is next. Then you’ll have your greedy hands on all the Desmond money that you married my mother for.” Cort says to him then walks out of the room.  Laslo slams his hand against the chair in anger.
Philip sits on his bed talking to Emily. “She’s lying, Cort is lying and Laslo is lying. They are all lying.” Philip says as he stands. “No way are they going to tell us the truth. We have to find it out for ourselves.”  “But they will do anything they can to stop us.” Emily says to him from the chair she is sitting in.  Philip walks across the room to his dresser. He takes out the totem and carries it to Emily. “There is something I want you to take from me.” He hands the totem to Emily.  Emily takes it and glances down at it. “What is it?”  “It’s a totem my Grandfather gave me when I was a boy. It has protected me through out my life. I want you to keep it.”  Emily stands. “No I couldn’t do that.”  “As long as it is with you, you will come to no harm.”  “Well what about you? Without it you won’t be safe.”  “Don’t argue with me. Your safety means more to me than mine. Now keep it with you at all times.”  Emily walks away from him carrying the totem. “Why have you given this to me Philip?”  “Because I love you.”  “Don’t say that.”  “You mean more to me than anyone has or ever will.”  “But you must know I love somebody else.” Emily says with her back towards Philip.  “Yes. I’m not blind. For you sake as well as his I hope Jean Paul is innocent.”  Emily turns towards Philip. “He is, he must be.”  “Well if he is not I’ll be here.” He says with a smile. “Until then I want you to remain free from any harm.”  The door opens and Cort enters. “Ah there you are.” he says with a grin.  “Don’t you ever knock?” Philip asks.  “Oh sorry. I thought you would be eager to hear what I have to say.”   They both look at Cort.
“I know who killed Agatha Pruett.”
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 139