Strange Paradise:  Episode 120
Episode 121a:  Slideshow
 Episode 121b:  Slideshow
Raxl: "Morning at Desmond Hall. The wedding day of Jean Paul Desmond. The peace that has eluded him now comes to the Master of the ancient home. And Helena Raleigh plans to join her life to his. The family has assembled in the Drawing Room. The minister, the best man and the groom wait. The music heralds the approach of the new Mistress of Desmond Hall. But sinister forces vie against each other to separate the haunted man from the woman who brings him happiness."
"I can't. I can't do this to Jean Paul. I can't." Helena says at the bottom of the staircase.  Holly stops in the doorway of the Drawing Room and turns and looks back at Helena. Jean Paul walks to the doorway with everyone gathering behind him. He walks up to Helena. "Darling the minister is waiting inside." Jean Paul says as he touches her arm.  "Then send him away. I won't bring your destruction upon you. I refuse to be part of the evil that pursues you!" Helena cries out then turns and rushes up the staircase.  "Helena!" Jean Paul shouts and runs up the stairs behind her.  "What evil Holly? Philip asks as he walks up to Holly. "What does she mean?"  Holly shakes her head then rushes up the staircase following Jean Paul and Helena.
Jean Paul pounds on Holly's bedroom door where Helena has locked herself in. "Helena darling let me in."  "Go away Jean Paul." Helena says crying.  "I'm not angry. Now please I must talk to you."  "It's too late."  "Darling open the door."
"Leave me alone please."  "Now nothing will happen. Don't be afraid. Please let me in Helena."  "Forget all about me Jean Paul."  "You are my bride darling."
"Not yet."  Holly runs up to Jean Paul. "Jean Paul let me try to talk to her." Holly says as she knocks on the door. "Helena."  "Who's that?"  "Helena it's Holly"
"I don't want to see anyone please."  "I'm your friend, please let me talk to you."
"Send Jean Paul away."  Holly looks at Jean Paul."  "All right. All right Helena. I'll be in my room waiting." Jean Paul walks away.  Helena opens the door for Holly. "Oh Holly it was to be the happiest day of my life." Helena says as she sits in a chair. "It's turned into a nightmare." She starts to cry.  "Oh Helena." Holly hugs her.  "Nobody wants me to marry Jean Paul."  "I do. Now come and lie down for a little bit and rest."  Helena stands. "Don't leave me please Holly."  Raxl stands at the window in Jean Paul's room as Jean Paul rushes in. He glances at Raxl and walks to the bed and sits down. Raxl walks over to him. "Master it is best this way." She says as she touches his shoulder. "You must accept it."  Jean Paul shakes his head. "No, no she was my only hope."  "Your only hope is yourself."
"How can I face tomorrow without her and the next day and the next?"  "She does what she must do." Raxl says to him.  "But why! Why!"  "The evil spirits have reached her."  Jean Paul glances up at Raxl. "You never liked her Raxl. You were always against her."  "Master I am fond of her. But my duty is to you. Your happiness is my mission."  "Helena is my happiness."  Raxl kneels next to him. "Master I implore you do not insist upon this wedding." There is a knock at the door.  "Who is it?" Jean Paul asks.  "It's Philip."  "Come in." Jean Paul says as Raxl stands.  Philip opens the door and walks in. "Jean Paul are you all right?"
"Master remember about what I say. I beseech you." She turns and walks from the room.  Philip closes the door behind her. "Laslo's driving the minister back to Desmondton."  Jean Paul nods. "And this day which was to become my new life has ended in failure like everything else." Jean Paul says as he stands then walks across the room.  "Cousin you promised to tell me before you left."  Jean Paul turns and looks at Philip. "Tell you about what?"  "About the curse on the Desmonds."  "I'm not leaving."  Philip walks closer to Jean Paul. “You said I had a right to know. Now cousin tell me what evil drove your bride from a wedding ceremony? And what evil waits for the rest of us here at Desmond Hall?"
In the Drawing Room Irene picks up one of the silver goblets. She looks at it then sets it down. Ada walks into the room and starts cleaning and straightening. She stands in front of the fireplace when she notices Irene. "Oh Mrs. Hatter. Laslo says he was taking you into Desmondton with Reverend Hawkins."  "I stayed behind to help."  "We will manage very well by ourselves." Ada tells Irene as she wipes the mantel.  "The poor girl upstairs isn't managing very well at all."  "She'll be all right too." Ada says.  "Will she? Mrs. Thaxton you mustn't be distressed about the wedding."  Ada turns around. "I'm not distressed. Why should I be?"
"I know it would be better for you and yours if Jean Paul never marries again."
"Oh I want him to be happy. Live a normal life. Have children."  "Is that wise?" Irene asks as she walks towards Ada. "What do you mean?"  "Jean Paul's children will make your son a pauper."  "My family is no concern of yours." Ada says as she turns away from Irene.  "I recall Laslo saying that if Jean Paul had children they would inherit the Desmond estate and fortune."  "Time decides who inherits Desmond Hall."  "I only know what Laslo tells me."  "Well Mr. Thaxton is not the Master of Desmond Hall. Nor is my son. There is only one Master here and he's quite capable of managing his own affairs without the assistance of an idle busybody."  "Do you mean me Mrs. Thaxton?"  "Go back to Desmondton and spread your rumors about the Desmonds. We're not afraid of gossip. Goodbye Mrs. Hatter."  Irene walks out of the Drawing Room, through the foyer and stops at the door. Turning she walks back through the foyer and up the staircase. Ada is walking out of the Drawing Room and sees Irene on the steps. She stands and watches her.
Helena is in Holly's room lying on the bed. Holly is sitting on the edge of the bed next to her. "Don't you want to change your gown at least?" Holly asks almost in tears.  "No not now. I don't want to move from here ever."  "You must see Jean Paul."  Helena turns her face away. "I couldn't bear to look in his face."
"Helena you owe him an explanation."  "Holly my love for him would destroy him. I know it."  "You're older than I am but even I know that love doesn't destroy."
"I'm frightened for him. I can survive anything that life brings me but He's at the mercy of things beyond life." Helena tells her as she sits up. "Holly do you hear voices?"  Holly turns away. "I told you Philip speaks to me."  "No I mean other voices. Women's voices."  "Women’s?" Holly looks at Helena.  "Well, you knew Erica Desmond at Maljardin didn't you?"  "Erica?" Holly says as she looks away. "Yes, but..."  "Would you recognize her voice if you heard it?"  "Her voice is like your voice just as her face is like your face." There is a knock at the door.  "Don't let anyone in please Holly."  Holly stands and walks to the door. "Who is it?"  "It's Irene. I must come in."  "No please go away and leave us alone."  Irene pushes the door open. "Holly really. All the drama, tears and fears. And hiding in the room like school girls."   Helena climbs out of the bed. "Don't let her near me Holly." she says as she walks across the room.  Irene steps into the room. "You and I are women of the world Helena."  "Go away."  "Irene she's in no condition to talk to you right now." Holly says to Irene.  "Why don't you run downstairs and get Miss Raleigh a sedative." says Irene.  "Holly don't leave me." Helena says as she looks at Holly.  "Unless this is merely another performance." Irene says to Helena.  "I don't have to stay here and listen to your insults." Helena says as she walks towards Irene.  "You always seemed to be so self reliant. So unafraid, a tower of strength in a world of weakness."  "You do not frighten me." Helena says to Irene.  "Of course I don't." Irene looks at Holly. "Leave us alone."  "This is my room." Holly tells her.  "Mrs. Hatter and I have unfinished business." Helena says as she turns away.  "And very little time to finish it." Irene says.  Helena sits down and Holly walks over to her putting her hand on Helena's shoulder. "Helena will you be all right?"  "It's all right Holly. Now you go down and tell Mrs. Thaxton I'm very sorry for ruining her very lovely plans." She says as she touches Holly's hand. "It's all right. Now, go on."  Holly turns and walks out of the room.  Irene looks at Helena. "You mentioned unfinished business?"  "Why did you bring me that ghastly wedding present?"  "Well my dear that wasn't mine."  "But you said it was."  "No it was from Emily, not mine at all." Irene says as she sits down.  "Why didn't you tell me that?"  "I thought I did. It must have slipped my mind."  "Why did you bring it?"  "Emily could hardly bring it herself considering the circumstances.'
"And that vision you reported? My face in agony and blood streaming down my gown?"  "I don't remember saying anything like that." Irene says to her.  "But you did."  Irene stands. "You and I are both strong minded women Miss Raleigh. Surely we can discuss our differences without ..."  "Why did you come and visit me on my wedding day with ugly words? Blood and agony." "Are you sure those words were mine and not yours?" Irene asks.  "I know what I say."  "When we're overwrought we hear others say what they really don't say. And what we hear is what we ourselves are thinking."  "What do you want with me?"
Jean Paul sits in his room alone. "Helena, Helena don't desert me now. For the first time since Erica's death you have brought me hope. You've brought me peace. Don't take it away."  "You make such pretty speeches Jean Paul." Erica says to him.  "Erica don't ridicule me. Do you understand?"  "You misunderstand me. But then you always do." Erica materializes in the room.  "I only understand you too well. You are trying to destroy me."  "I want you to be happy. I want you to marry your Helena."  "She refuses."  "Exert yourself. She will not refuse."  "She must marry me of her own will."  "Look at me Jean Paul."  Jean Paul turns looks at Erica. "You're wearing Helena's bridal gown!" he says angrily.  "Speak to her through me. She will listen. She will hear me."  "You lie! You've always lied!"
Erica disappears as Jean Paul jumps up from the chair. He looks around the room and opens the door.
"I want you to listen to those words you heard. If I were you I'd take the advice that was offered." Irene says to Helena.  "But you are not me and I am not you." Helena says to her.  "Who knows who you are? Are you Jean Paul's wife that was or Jean Paul's wife to be? There is a wide, wide world far from Desmond Hall. Your place is there not here."  "I will not abandon Jean Paul."  "But you will not marry him."  "I never said that."  "How many times will we gather for a ceremony that can never take place? How many times will you descend those stairs only to turn back again?"  "I was turned back by voices that wanted to destroy him."
"Those voices were your own."  "I want to save him."  "You can save him only by freeing him from yourself." Irene squats down next to her. "That lovely face of yours." Irene touches Helena's cheek. "Is a link to the evil that haunts him? Don't resist Helena Raleigh. Turn yourself over to those that will save you and Jean Paul."  Helena stares at her then closes her eyes.  "There that's better. Are you listening to me?"  Helena nods.  "Will you follow my instructions?"  Again Helena nods.  "Pack your bags. Leave Desmond Hall and return to the world where your beauty and your talent will find their proper setting. Then and only then will Jean Paul be safe. If you leave him Erica leaves with you. He will be free. Will you free him?"  Again Helena nods.  "Good then the evil will leave you and leave Desmond Hall with you." Irene stands and waves her hand in front of Helena's face.  Helena opens her eyes and looks at Irene. She stares straight ahead as Irene leaves the room.
Jean Paul stands in the Drawing Room and picks up one of the silver goblets. "What exquisite beauty in all this ugliness. And long after we are gone these goblets will still stand. There will still be other hands to raise them. And other lips to drink from them." He sets the goblet down.  "Drink from it Jean Paul." Erica's voice commands him.  "I will not!" he says angrily.  "Drink from it and you will have your bride. Nothing will ever come between you again. Nothing will separate you from the one you love. The woman who loves you."  Jean Paul glances down; the goblet is full of wine. He picks it up and raises it.  "No!"
"Yes Jean Paul yes."  He raises it to his lips as Ada walks into the Drawing room. "Jean Paul what are you doing?"  "I thought I would take a little wine to calm me that's all." he says as he stares straight ahead.  "But it's bad luck to use a wedding gift before the wedding." Philip says as he follows Ada into the Drawing Room.  Ada reaches up and takes it from Jean Paul. She looks into it. "Oh it's empty."  Jean Paul grabs it from her and looks into it. Putting it down he rushes from the room.  "Jean Paul what is it?" Philip asks. Ada grabs Philip's arm worriedly.  Jean Paul rushes through the foyer as Raxl calls out. "Master?"
"Not now!" He steps towards the staircase. Irene is walking down. "Irene what are you doing still here?"  "I've been having a cozy chat with your bride that was to be."  "What do you mean was to be?"  "Miss Raleigh has decided that there are larger stages for her talent far from Desmond Hall."  Jean Paul glances at Raxl and runs up the stairs.  "What have you done? Raxl asks Irene."  "Why Raxl what could I do. I'm only an interested bystander watching the dramas at Desmond Hall. Please say goodbye to Mrs. Thaxton for me." Irene says then walks out of the mansion.
Helena has changed out of her bridal gown and knocks at Jean Paul's door.
"Yes." Jean Paul calls out as he paces the room.  "Jean Paul?"  "Helena!" He rushes to the door and opens it.  Helena steps inside carrying a suitcase. "Jean Paul we are reasonable people, adults." She sets the suitcase on the floor near the door.  "You're leaving me."  "It was an interlude that's all. A lovely interlude but far too lovely to last."  "So you too are turning against me." Jean Paul says as he turns away from her.  Helena walks up to him. "Please don't speak to me like that." She says quietly. Then she tosses her head. "Nothing lasts forever."
Jean Paul grabs her by the shoulders. "You love me; I know that no matter what you say."  Helena turns away from him. "Oh no I loved the idea of you, the prospect of becoming Mistress of a house like this never to return to the shabby life I know."  "I won't let you go." he says as he grabs her by the arms.  "You can't stop me."  "You are the only one that can save me from the curse my ancestor has put upon me."  "If I could believe that I would stay with you." Helena says as she looks at him.  "But you are abandoning me like all the others."  "Not abandoning you, freeing you."  "If you go my life goes with you."  Helena reaches up to him. "Jean Paul our marriage can destroy you. You are not marrying me you’re marrying Erica and I'm not Erica and I refuse to be your dead wife."  "That is not true!"  "I've been warned." Helena says as she steps away from Jean Paul.
"Who warned you?"  "Voices from the walls. Voices of your ancestors. Oh Jean Paul you are too kind and good to recognize the danger that threatens you. Desmond Hall will never share you with another."  "Desmond Hall will go not you."  "Desmond Hall is you."  Jean Paul nods and turns away. "I left Maljardin behind once and I shall leave Desmond Hall as well." he says as he walks across the room.  Helena steps closer to him. "Can you leave behind the spirits that inhabit it?"  "We'll go to a place they can not follow us." Jean Paul says as he looks at her.  "Far away from these walls and the voices in them?" Helena asks.
Jean Paul grabs her by the arms. "Yes. And I shall be the only Desmond and you shall be the only Mrs. Desmond."  "Oh Jean Paul can we do that? Can you do that?"  "Yes my darling. Tomorrow morning we shall drive away to a place where we shall be married. Then across the ocean where we will start a simple life together."  "Is that what you really want?"  Jean Paul hugs her. "I want you." He pulls back to look at her. "I can't lose you now. Not after discovering you. That would be too cruel for both of us." He pulls her towards him kissing her. "We shall bury our past and the future. Trust me." 
Holly is asleep in her room when Philip calls to her. "Holly, Holly wake up. Holly I need you."  Holly stirs then opens her eyes.  "Holly listen."  "Philip you've come back to me."  "Listen to me Helena and Jean Paul must not get married."  "Well they are not going to. Helena's leaving tomorrow."  "Pay attention. They leave together tomorrow. They must not. If he marries Helena it will destroy her and him."  Holly sits up. "What can I do? How can I stop them?"  "The mirror Holly, look in the mirror."  Holly climbs from the bed and walks to the dressing table. She looks in the mirror. "What is it? Philip I don't understand."  "Get this totem from Philip. Bring it to me tomorrow. It will save us all. Promise me Holly promise." Philip's voice fades away.  "I promise." Holly tells him.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 122