Episode:  122
Episode 122a:  Slideshow
Episode 122b:  Slideshow
Raxl: "Morning at Desmond Hall and the fear of the previous night seems to have melted away in the morning sunshine. This should be a day of happiness for those that reside in the Great House. For a long awaited marriage is about to take place but before this day is over unseen forces will change the destiny of Jean Paul Desmond. Voices from beyond the grave will cause it, and the day of happiness will become a day of mounting terror."
Jean Paul and Helena walk down the staircase together with their arms around each other. They stop and kiss at the bottom of the staircase then enter the Drawing Room holding hands. Jean Paul releases Helena's hand and walks to the fireplace. "Ada, Holly." Jean Paul says as he smiles at them.   "Oh how happy you both look especially you Jean Paul." Ada says. She is sitting on the couch. Holly sits across from her in a chair.  "Oh a man should be happy on his wedding day."  "Then?"   "Yes we are going to get married after all."  Oh I'm so happy for you both." Ada says as she jumps up and hugs Helena then Jean Paul.
"Thank you Ada." Jean Paul says to her as he kisses her on the cheek. "Well Holly aren't you going to say something?"  "Congratulations." Holly says as she looks away from him.  "Well we must make arrangements then." Ada says to them. "No, no there is no need to make arrangements Ada. We're leaving Desmond Hall."  "Leaving?" Ada asks.  "Yes. We're sailing for Portugal tonight." Jean Paul says as he walks towards Helena and kisses her. "And we'll be married on board. And after that we will have a long, long honeymoon and spend all our time just being happy." he says as he holds Helena's hands.  "How long will you be gone?" Ada asks.  "Perhaps for good. We may never return to Desmond Hall."  "Never return?" Ada asks.  "I don't believe we can be happy in this house." Helena says to Ada. "I believe getting away from here is our only chance for happiness. I told Jean Paul I couldn't marry him unless we went away."  Jean Paul puts his arm around Helena. "That was her terms and I agreed to them gladly." Jean Paul says to Ada.  "Well I will miss both of you. But perhaps it is for the best."  "I think it is." Jean Paul says to her.  Helena glances at Jean Paul. "You won't have a bride at all unless she gets packed."  "Oh Helena you must go ahead and pack your bags." Jean Paul says then kisses her. "As soon as possible."  "As soon as possible." Helena repeats then walks from the Drawing Room.  "And I'll help you my dear." Ada says as she follows Helena from the room.  Jean Paul turns and looks at Holly. He walks over to the fireplace and leans on the mantel. "Well Holly you're very quiet. Weren't you pleased by the news?"  "I say him last night." Holly says as she stares across the room.  "Him?"  "Philip, your brother. I saw his ghost."  "What?"  Holly glances at Jean Paul then stands. "He came to me while I was sleeping. He awakened me in the middle of the night." Holly says as she walks towards Jean Paul.  "What did he say?"  "He warned me about you."  "Warned you about me?"  "He warned me about your marriage. He said it mustn't take place."  Jean Paul shakes his head. "I can't believe you."  "He said if you marry Helena you will destroy her."
"Destroy her?"  "You will destroy her Jean Paul and you yourself will be destroyed." Holly says as she starts getting upset. "Those were his words."  Jean Paul stares at her.  "Jean Paul did you hear me? Did you hear what I said?"
Jean Paul turns away. "Of course I hear you."  "You must listen to Philip. He know what can happen if you marry Helena." Holly says as she walks behind him.  "Nonsense."  "It's not nonsense! He has the power to see into the future!"
Jean Paul turns towards her. "My brother is gone!"  "He exists here in this house!" Holly tells him.  "He exists only in your imagination Holly."  "You don't think I'm telling the truth? You think I'm lying!" Holly says as she gets more upset.
"What do you want me to do? Give up Helena!" He walks away from Holly. "I love her more than anything else in the world."  "Jean Paul I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm just telling you what Philip told me!" Holly starts to cry.  "All right you told me."  "He told me more." Holly says as Raxl walks into the room.  Jean Paul turns away. "I don't want to hear about it."  "He wouldn't have appeared to me if there wasn't a reason for it. He wants to help you. He wants to prevent something terrible from happening to you and Helena."  "I won't listen to anymore!"  "Jean Paul, please!"  Jean Paul turns towards her. "Holly I won't let you spoil my wedding. Now please leave me alone."  "Jean Paul!" Holly cries out to him.
"I said leave me alone!" He shouts at her.  "All right." Holly says quietly and rushes from the room.  Raxl walks up to Jean Paul. "Master you must listen to her and your brother. The spirit of Philip Desmond does exist in this house and he's trying to help you overcome the forces of evil that also exist here. You must listen to him."  Jean Paul turns to her angrily. "I have heard enough Raxl! I have not listened to Holly and I shall not listen to you. Now do I have to ask you to leave this room as well?"  "No if you command me to be silent I will be silent. But remember the warning, Master. Remember it."  Jean Paul looks away from Raxl.
In his room Philip takes the totem from his bag. He stands holding it when there is a knock at the door. Shoving the totem back into the bag he walks to the door and opens it. Holly walks in. "Well good morning." Philip says o her. "I've got to talk to you." Holy says to him.  "Raxl already told me the news. There's going to be a wedding after all." He says as he walks across the room and leans on the back of his bed.  "Yes. Philip there is something you must do for me." Holly says as she walks closer to him. "There is something you must loan me. Something you own."  "I didn't think I had anything worth borrowing." "It's a carved animal."
Philip stands. "A carved animal?"  "A small carved animal made out of wood. Look you must borrow it to me. I'll return it I promise."  "How do you know about the carved animal?"   "I just know."  Philip takes a few steps away from Holly. "You're a very mysterious girl."  "I don't mean to be."   "Now suppose I have what you want. And suppose I give it to you. What would you do with it?" He asks as he turns and looks at her. "I won't give it to you until you tell me what you want to do with it."  "Philip needs it."  "Philip? Philip Desmond my illustrious ghostly namesake?"  "Philip appeared to me last night. He showed me the animal in a vision and said I must get it and bring it to him."  "Why?"  "It doesn't matter why! Please let me have it! It's so important! Please!"  "Well it's against my better judgment but here." He pulls the totem from his bag and hands it to Holly.
"Thank you."  "Has this got something to do with the Desmond curse?"  "I don't know anything about a curse." Holly says as she rushes to the door. "Well where are you going now?"  "To Philip."  "Then I'm going with you. I want to see Philip Desmond with my own eyes." Philip tells her as he rushes across the room and grabs the open door.  "No you can't. Look if you come Philip probably won't appear to me. Stay here, I'll be back in just a little while." Holly tells him as she walks through the door closing it behind her.  Philip turns and looks across the room.  Holly stands outside the door holding the totem. "Philip I have the totem. Please show me that you hear me. Give me a sign."  "I hear you."   "Tell me where you want me to go."  "I will lead you. Follow my voice. My voice, my voice." Philip says as his spirit moves down the hallway.  Holly follows the sound of his voice.
Ada lifts one of the silver goblets. "Strange how something so beautiful can have become an instrument in death."  Raxl reaches across and touches it. "Put it down Madame it's cursed."  Ada sets it on the table. "Oh I don't believe in many of the family legends."  "You would do well to believe it."  "Raxl the rest of the wedding gifts are in the study. Would you pack then please for Miss Raleigh."
"Yes Madame." Raxl says as she walks away.  Ada glances at the goblet picks it up and looks into it. Lights reflect from the glass. A woman’s face appears in the inside of the goblet and opens her eyes.
Holly enters Philip's secret room. "Philip? Philip please speak to me." She says as she walks to the table and sets the totem down. "Tell me why you wanted me to come here." She lifts the candelabrum that is already lit. "I know you're her. I can feel your presence. Why won't you tell me why you wanted me to come here?" She looks at the skeleton and cries out. His head has appeared on the skeleton in agony. "Philip!" His image fades. Holly shivers. "Why is it suddenly so cold? Philip Where are you?" Holly cries out. "I feel another presence. There is someone else in this room. Who are you?"  "Leave this room. Go back Holly." Philip calls to her. "Go back."  Holly runs to the door as it closes her in.  Erica's voice starts to laugh.  "Who are you?" Holly cries out as she leans her back against the door and turns and looks around the room. "Who are you?" The candles start to go out leaving Holly in darkness. Holly turns and starts to pound on the door. "Help, help please help." Holly shouts "Help someone please help me." Holly shouts as she pounds on the door with her open hand.
Helena is in her room packing her bags when there is a knock on the door. She walks across the room and opens it. Ada stands in the doorway holding the silver goblet.  Helena turns away from her. "Oh Ada I'm all finished packing." She closes the case. "I'm ready when Jean Paul is."  "I've brought you a glass of wine." Ada says as she holds it out to Helena.  "That goblet?" Helena says as she stares at it.  "Beautiful isn't it"  "Not for me. I'm surprised it is for you. You know its history." "A silver goblet can not harm anyone." Ada tells her as she holds it up to her.  "I suppose not. But still I would rather not look at it."  "Well just drink it up and I'll take it away."  "Thank you but I'm not in the mood for wine. Not that I don't appreciate the thought."  "You don't want it?" Ada asks as she looks at her with a hurt expression.  "Well I never drink before sunset. It's a rule of mine."  "But this is a very special occasion."  "I know but I would rather not."
Ada sets it down. "I'm sure you will change your mind." She turns and opens the door and starts to leave the room.  "Ada?"  "Yes my dear?" Ada says as she stares straight ahead as she turns towards Helena.  "Could you, could you tell Jean Paul I'm ready when he is."  "Of course." She says then turns and walks out of the room. Helena closes the door and glances at the goblet. It starts reflecting lights of many different colors. Helena walks towards it. "Those lights."  "Come to me." Erica's voice calls to her ' "No." "You can not resist me."  "I will resist you."
"You cannot. My will is stronger than yours."  "No, no." Helena says quietly as she stares at the goblet.  "Come to me. Come to me."  Helena reaches out and picks up the goblet. She raises it to her mouth and takes a sip. Helena starts to smile.
Jean Paul enters the Drawing Room carrying his suitcase. Philip rushes in behind him. "Jean Paul have you seen Holly?"  "Holly?"  "Well I've been looking all over for her and I'm rather worried about her."  "Why?"  "Well she came to my room this morning and made a very strange request. She asked me for a totem I had."  "A totem?"  "Well she said Philip, your brother needed it. She thinks he appeared to her. She took the totem and ran off and I tried to follow her but I lost her."  "Where did you follow her?"  "Well up several slights of stairs and along several corridors until I came to a dead end. A long corridor with no doors and no sign of Holly. Do you know where she could have gone?"  "Come with me." Jean Paul says as he quickly leaves the Drawing Room and runs up the staircase followed by Philip.
Holly walks around the room then sits on the stool. "Philip where are you? Why don't you answer me?" She starts to sob. "Why have you left me here?" She lays her head on the table and cries. The door starts to open and Holly looks over at it.  "Holly." Jean Paul calls out to her.  "Jean Paul!" Holly cries out and rushes into his arms.  "Are you all right?" Philip asks. He is holding a candle for light.  Holly is sobbing. "Yes I am now. A minute ago I thought I would never see any of you again. I was trapped in here." She sobs as Jean Paul holds her.  Jean Paul looks at her. "Holly how did you get in here?"  "Philip wanted the totem and this is where he wanted me to bring it." She says with tears running down her face. "But when I got here there was another force in the room. A force that was stronger than Philip."  "How do you know that?" Philip asks.  "Well she trapped me in here. And then she laughed at me."  "She?" asks Jean Paul.  Holly looks around the room. "It was a woman. I heard her laugh."  "Who was she?" Philip asks Holly.
"I don't know. But there's a force here Jean Paul. It wants to destroy you. It wants to destroy you and Helena. It wants to destroy you both."  Jean Paul glances at Philip.
Helena stands holding the silver goblet. "Goodbye Helena Raleigh." She raises the glass and drinks more of the wine.   Jean Paul walks into her room. "Helena."
"Jean Paul." Helena greets him. Jean Paul notices the goblet. "What is it?  What's wrong?" Helena asks him as she sets the goblet down.  "Are you all right?" Jean Paul asks.  "Well of course I am. Why wouldn't I be." she says as she walks away from him.  "I was afraid that..." He turns and looks at the goblet. "Well never mind, you're safe." He says as he turns back towards her. "It doesn't matter."  I can't imagine why you're so concerned? But I am glad. Very touched." She says as she walks towards him. "I hope you’re always this solicitous darling. Are you ready to go?" She asks as she wraps her arms around him.  "Yes all packed. I was waiting for you."  "I'm ready too. So our last few moments at Desmond Hall, are you sad?" Helena asks.  Jean Paul smiles at her. "You know I'm not sad."  "I know this house holds memories for you. Some of them must have been happy ones."  "Yes but I'm no longer living with memories. From now on I'm going to dedicate myself to the future. Our future."  "Will we always be this happy?"  "Always." Jean Paul replies.  "Will we be together forever?"  "Yes forever." He replies.  "Forever what a beautiful word." She says to him with a smile.  Jean Paul stares at her. "Why did you smile at me that way?"  She moves away from him. "Why does anyone smile? Because I'm happy." Helena tells him as she sits in a chair at her dressing table and looks into the mirror. “For a moment you looked like..."  "Who Erica?"  Jean Paul walks towards her. "She used to smile at me in that way. But it was more of a taunt than a smile."  "Jean Paul did you have to mention her name? Do you want to make me jealous today of all days?"  Jean Paul picks up the silver goblet. "What's this doing here?"
"Ada brought me some wine."   "She wouldn't bring you wine in this. She wouldn't let me drink from it."  Helena stands. "Apparently she decided it was foolish of her. At any rate she brought me the wine." She stands and walks across the room towards Jean Paul. "I've almost finished it."  Jean Paul looks at the cup. "So I see."  Helena comes up to Jean Paul. "Why don't you finish it?"  "Me?"  "Go on darling propose a toast to our future."  "That smile again." Jean Paul says as he looks at her.  "What are you rambling on about?"  Jean Paul shakes his head. "Nothing."  "Go on darling."  "No."  "Drink the wine."  "No." Jean Paul says as he looks at the goblet.  "If you won't finish it I will." Helena tells him as she takes the goblet from him. "To our future." She raises it to her mouth.  Jean Paul knocks it from her hand. Helena screams as she covers her face with her hands and falls on the bed.  "Erica!" Jean Paul shouts. He rolls her over on her back. "Let me look at you!"  "No!" She screams covering her face with her hands.  "I said let me look at you!" He pulls her hands away from her face. "Who are you? Tell me!" he shouts. "Helena." She says quietly.  Jean Paul looks into her eyes and gives a sigh as he turns away from her and sits on the edge of the bed. "Thank God."
"Oh Jean Paul." Helena cries out and throws herself into his arms. "For a moment there I wasn't myself. I was Erica."  "I know, I know darling but you are my Helena now. Erica is gone."  "I wanted you to drink that wine. I wanted you to be with Erica."  "That was what Erica wanted not you." "I tried not to drink the wine. I tried to resist her will but I couldn't."  Jean Paul tells her to hush as he holds her. "It's all right, it's over now."  "No it's not over now. It will never be over."  Jean Paul pulls back to look at Helena. "Darling don't say that. We will leave this house. We will go far away where she will never reach us."  "It's not that simple. She'll follow us wherever we go. She will find a way to control me. And through me she'll destroy you." Helena tells him sadly as she touches his face.  "We shall find a way to fight her."  "There is only one way we can win. I must leave this house alone." "No."  "It's the only way." Helena says hugging him. "We're going to escape her darling."   "No darling there are other ways. There must be and we will find them."  Helena shakes her head. "There aren't other ways. I've got to leave you."  "Darling I can't let you leave me. I can't lose you."
"Do you think I want to lose you?" she says sadly. "But I'd rather lose you then destroy you."  "I'm not afraid." Jean Paul tells her.  "But I am. Do you honestly believe you can protect me from Erica?"  "I won't let anything happen to you."
"But her will is stronger than ours. We know that now."  "I told you there are ways to fight her. We shall find them."  "Jean Paul do you love me?"  "You know the answer to that question."  "Then let me go."  Jean Paul closes his eyes and bows his head until it touches hers. "I can't."  Helena starts to cry. "Do you want me to whither away? Die; become Erica before your eyes?"  Jean Paul shakes his head. "Don't say that."  "That's what will happen if I stay. I'll suffer and you will suffer." She pulls back from him to look at him. "You will suffer the most because of the other."  Jean Paul touches her face. "Darling there must be some other solution. There must be."  "We both know there isn't."  "Helena." He cries out her name.  Helena places her fingers over his mouth. "Don't say another word." She stands and picks up her suitcase. She looks at him. "If you love me let me go."
Jean Paul nods. "I love you more than anything else in the world."  "And I love you. I always will." Helena says then she walks to the door, she turns and looks around. "We won Erica. Do you hear me? We won." She looks at Jean Paul then turns and walks away.  Jean Paul bows his head.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 123