Strange Paradise:  Episode 110
Episode 110:  Slideshow
Ada: "Fog creeps along the river banks below Desmond Hall and the old mansion stands solemnly in the gathering dark. This night a visitor approaches through the fog bringing with him mystery and hope and heartbreak. And Desmond Hall waits in the growing darkness, waits to engulf another guest in its evil history. Cort Desmond waits too. Alone wondering if there's ever hope in the shadowy world of the Desmond family. Hope for young love."
In the Drawing Room Cort sits in front of the fireplace looking at the flames. Holly walks in. "Cort?"  Cort turns and looks at her. "Holly did you get my note?"  Holly glances at the paper in her hand. "Yes."  Cort stands and walks over to her. "I wanted to see you before the others came down."  "To see me? What about?" Holly takes a few steps away from Cort.  Cort turns and looks at her. Holly has her back to him. "After the other night."  Holly turns. "Cort I've forgotten the other night."  "Have you?"  Holly nods and turns away. "Yes." She kneels next to the fireplace and puts Cort's note into the fire.  Cort walks up to her. "I haven't forgotten it." He kneels on one knee behind her. "You act as if, not like you loved me, but as if you could love me."  "Cort please. I don't want to talk about it."
"You're not fair."  Holly turns and looks at him. "It's you that's not fair. Look Cort I like you and I desperately need somebody I can trust but I don't want to talk about love because..."  "Because you don't love me. Say it. You're not going to hurt me."  Holly looks back at him. "I don't want to hurt you."  "No of course not. All you want to do is keep your selfish dream." Cort stands and walks to the side of the fireplace. "Well go ahead. Live in the dreams, love your ghost. Because it's going to happen to yourself very soon." Cort says leaning on the fireplace mantel. Turning he walks out of the room.  Holly stares ahead. "Philip? Philip is it true what he said? Because that's what I want. Oh Philip I want so much to be with you." 
Jean Paul sits alone in his darkened bedroom when there is a knock on his door. "Who is it?"  "Cort."  "Come in."  Cort enters and with his arms crossed leans on the door. "Good evening dear cousin."  "Good evening." Jean Paul says as he glances at him. "Well what do you want Cort?"  "To study you."  Jean Paul glances away. "Why? Why study me?"  Cort walks to Jean Paul and leans on his chair. "To decipher the puzzle."  "What puzzle?"  "Oh there is a puzzle cousin. A mystery which I haven't a clue."  Jean Paul stands and walks across the room. "Cort if you have something to say why don't you say it outright and stop with the guessing games. I'm in no mood." Jean Paul says with his back towards Cort.
"Oh this is very serious cousin, not a game at all." Cort says walking up to Jean Paul. "I want to know."  Jean Paul looks at Cort. "Yes?"  "Why Helena loves you.”  Jean Paul turns and steps away. "I don't want to talk about Helena." He sits on the edge of his bed.  Cort stands behind Jean Paul. "I do. You're older than I am. Handsome I suppose. Wealthy but I'll be wealthy one day. You're mysterious; you have a dark and secret past."  "Not so secret anymore." says Jean Paul.  "But your past is there. You've suffered but I've suffered too. You see I can't find any reason. Is it because you’re ghostly Jean Paul? Is that why she loves you? Why doesn't Holly love me?"  Jean Paul glances at him. "Holly?" He stands and walks across the room. "So that's it."  Cort follows him. "Am I cursed cousin?"  "No you're not the one who is cursed." Jean Paul turns towards him. "Now don't ask my advice about love. Don't choose me as an example." Jean Paul walks across the room. "Helena is in her room. The door is locked. For all I know she could be packing." Jean Paul says with his head bowed.  "Cousin I'm sorry."  "Get out, leave me alone."  Cort glances at him sadly then leaves the room.  Angrily Jean Paul slams his hands together and walks to the mirror. "If I only could scour these hands! Scrub them, wash them clean! Because they are stained with death. And they will kill. They have killed and they will kill again." He holds his hands out then closes them into fists.
Ada enters the Drawing Room with a tray of glasses. "Champagne." She sees Holly sitting on the couch and greets her with a smile. "Holly." She sets the tray down.  "I heard you Mrs. Thaxton." Holly says.  "I think this night really calls for, really calls for a celebration. We have a lot to celebrate." Ada says as she lights the candles in the candelabra. "Helena, Jean Paul. Cort told me about it. Although it really isn't much of a secret if you've watched them together. Cort also spoke about you."  "He did?"  "I think, I think you are a very nice girl Holly." Ada says as she walks around the couch. "And if Cort..." Ada sits next to Holly
"Mrs. Thaxton?"  "Not a word, not a word. It's none of my affair really. Oh I talk too much when I'm happy." Ada says smiling at Holly. "It's a fault of mine. I am happy, I really am." Ada picks up Holly's hand.  "But, but..." Holly tries to talk to her.  "Don't, don't say anything Holly. Don't spoil what ever good fortune comes to Desmond Hall.
Quito walks down the hallway to Jean Paul's room. He is holding something inside his shirt. He opens the door, looks around and walks in.  Jean Paul sits in a chair with his head in his hands. Quito kneels next to him as Jean Paul glances up. Reaching into his shirt Quito brings out the Crown of Iron. He hands it to Jean Paul.  "Quito the Crown of Iron." Quito looks at him then at the crown. "Oh Quito it is cruel, very cruel. I know why you brought this to me. I know what you are offering to me." Jean Paul stands and looks at the crown. "You want to put this crown on your head and submit to all that pain so that I may know the secrets in your mind." Quito nods. Jean Paul turns towards him. "No Quito. I won't let you submit to this."  Quito stands and looks at Jean Paul.  "Besides it is no real use to me anymore. No information is any use to me anymore Quito." Jean Paul steps closer to Quito. "I have told Helena, Helena Raleigh about the Mark of Death."
Quito shakes his head no as he holds out his hands and moves them in agitation.
"She knows about the curse that causes me to kill, Quito. I have lost her Quito. So nothing matters anymore."  Quito looks at Jean Paul with sadness and hurt for his Master. Jean Paul hands him the crown. "Nothing." Jean Paul tells him.
In the foyer the phone rings. Laslo picks it up. "Hello. Hello who is this? Is anyone there? Hello." He sets the phone back on its cradle.
In the Drawing Room Ada stands. "You'll have to excuse me my dear. I have some hors d'ouvres in the oven. Oh Laslo." She says as he walks into the Drawing Room.  "You might have answered the telephone." Laslo tells her.
"Why who was it?"  "Nothing. Dead silence."  "Oh. Well I'm glad I didn't answer it." Ada says as she walks out of the room closing the door behind her.  Laslo walks into the room. "Ah champagne. You'll join me in a glass Holly."  "No I don't think so. Nor tonight thank you."  "Oh come now. This is a choice vintage from the Desmond wine cellars.  Holly shakes her head.  "No? Well I shall wait for the others. Holly what is it?" He walks around the couch when he notices Holly's expression.  "Oh nothing." she says looking at him then away.  "Well something is troubling you. Something's bothering you and I won't have it." He sits next to her. "Haven't you heard Desmond Hall has taken a new lease on life? No more suspicion, no more discontent. We're all friends now so tell me."  "Really Mr. Thaxton nothing is troubling me." Holly tells him as she stands up.  "Is it my stepson? Is it Cort? “Holly looks away while Laslo stands.  "Oh I've seen him look at you with moon eyes. If he's pestering you tell me."  "Please leave him alone. He’s never bothered me or hurt me." Holly tells him as she walks to the fireplace.  "He's crude and ignorant in the ways of handling a young lady. It comes from to much association with those doxies in town." Laslo says as he walks closer to Holly.  Holly glances at him. "Cort is a very lonely person."
"At the pace he goes."  Holly turns towards him. "He is a very lonely person and I sympathize with that."  "Holly I have found that misplaced sympathy is the first step on the road to perdition."
In the foyer the phone rings again. Ada walks into the foyer carrying a tray. She sets it down and answers the phone. "Hello. Yes Desmond Hall is on the cliffs of the village. But Mr. Desmond doesn't see any visitors without an appointment. Who is this please? Hello, hello." Hanging up the phone Ada picks up the tray and walks into the Drawing Room with a puzzled look on her face.  Laslo walks towards her. "What did you hear on the telephone?"  "It was a man wanting to know the location of Desmond Hall."  "Well everyone in Desmondton knows where Desmond Hall is." Laslo says.  "Well he doesn't." Ada says as she sets the tray down. "But his voice was familiar however. The connection was very, very poor. And yet I know that voice. But I can't remember. I don't know." Ada says as she glances at Laslo.  Jean Paul enters the Drawing Room.  "Ah here he is. We've been waiting the champagne for you and Miss Raleigh." Laslo tells Jean Paul.  "Helena won't be down this evening."  Ada looks at him. "Won't be down? But I planned such a special evening." She says as she walks to Jean Paul's side.  "Ada I'm sorry but she has a headache."  "Well then I'll go and look in on her." Ada says as she walks towards the door.  "I think she would rather be left alone."  Ada looks at Jean Paul. "But I really should."  "That is the ladies privilege." Laslo says to Ada.  Seeing Holly standing next to the fireplace Jean Paul walks over to her.  "Holly."  "Yes?"  "I haven't greeted you this evening."
"Where's Helena?"  "Jean Paul has just said that Miss Raleigh will not be downstairs. Where were you Holly?" Laslo says as he walks across the room.
Holly looks at Jean Paul. "I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't listening. I was thinking about you and Helena."  "Anyone else?"  Holly glances down. "No, no one."
Laslo picks up the champagne bottle and walks across the room with it. "I for the life of me can not make this thing pop. So I will retire to the kitchen for a pair of pliers." Laslo walks out of the room carrying the champagne.  "Excuse me." Ada says glancing at Laslo and follows him out closing the door behind her.  Jean Paul turns towards Holly. "Holly I want to talk to you about Philip."  Holly glances at him.
Ada follows Laslo into the foyer. "Laslo?"  "Yes?"  "I have to ask you something."
"What dear."  "Well I prepared a celebration, something lavish for Jean Paul and Helena. It was supposed to be a celebration."  "Well I suggest you serve the lavish food and pour the champagne. And keep quiet."  "But why is she up in her room? Why?" Ada asks quietly.  "She's a very devious woman this actress. Hardly suitable for Jean Paul, unworthy of the Desmond family name. Rather than worry about celebrating I'd count my blessings if I were you."  "But if Jean Paul loves her?"  "Rumors my dear." Laslo says as he turns from Ada.  "Cort told me so."  Laslo turns back to Ada. "Cort is a child. If Jean Paul is serious about this actress which is a ridiculous though, but if he was and they were to marry and have male children, these children would be in line for the Desmond fortune. And Cort since he's filled with romantic ideas now, Cort would look forward to a pauper’s future. Think about that my dear wife." Laslo tells her then walks away.
Jean Paul talks to Holly. "You haven't seen Philip!"  "I have seen him."  "As what a ghost, a spirit. For all we know he may be dead."  "He isn't dead! He isn't." Holly says as she walks away from Jean Paul.  "Holly just a moment ago you said you didn't want him."  Holly glances back at Jean Paul. "But I do. I love him." Holly sits down. "I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't understand."  Jean Paul walks towards her. "I don't understand." He sits next to her. "Holly how can someone love a being who is suspended from life?"  Holly turns and looks at him. "You did. You were in love with Erica."  "She was my wife. I knew her."  Holly looks away from Jean Paul. "I know Philip. I've seen him! I know him!"  "Holly I love my brother. I love him in memory. Can you understand that? He's someone I once knew. But you can't."  Holly stands. "Oh you couldn't love him. If you did you would be concerned with his happiness and mine." She steps forward. "He'll come for me. I know he will. "Oh Jean Paul I've tried to forget him, really I tried. It's Cort he's as young as I am. We share the same worries and fears and I like him really I do."  Jean Paul stands and walks closer to Holly. He puts his hands on her shoulders as he stands behind her.  "But the more I come to like Cort the more I think about Philip."  "Holly Cort is flesh and blood. Philip is a dream. I accept that now why can't you?"  Holly pulls away from Jean Paul. Turning she rushes from the room.  "Holly!"  Holly runs through the foyer and rushes outside.
She closes the door and leans against the wall of the mansion. "Philip, Philip please hear me. I love you and I don't care where you are or what will happen but I love you."  A figure stands in the shadows. "Hello."  Holly turns her head and looks at him. "Philip?"  "Is this Desmond Hall?"  "Of course. You've come back." Holly says as she walks towards him.  "I've never been here before. Is Jean Paul Desmond in?"  "Philip are you real?"  "I was the last time I checked."  "I don't know what to say." Holly looks at him. "You're here."  "You could announce I'm here to Mr. Desmond."  "Oh Philip." Holly says as she throws her arms around him.  "I don't mind you know when a girl kisses me. I just like to make sure she knows what she's in for."  "I do." Holly says to him.  "Do you?"  "Oh yes." Holly then kisses him.  Philip pulls back. "I think I better go in." He walks past Holly and knocks on the door. He glances back at Holly. "But Thanks."  Holly steps up to him and takes a hold of his arm. "Philip don't leave me."  He steps towards her. "You're tempting me but..."  The door opens and Quito stands in the doorway. Philip turns. "Hello. I mean good evening. Is Mr. Desmond in? I'd like to see him."
Quito stares at Philip as he moves back to let him in. Philip looks back at Holly. "I'll see you later." he says with a smile then turns and enters the mansion.
Holly stands outside and turns away from the closed door. "Philip?"
Philip takes a few steps into the foyer looking around then turns to Quito. "Would you tell Mr. Desmond, I'm here?"  Quito bows.  "I'm sorry, you don't talk do you? I am sorry."  "Philip?" Laslo says as he and Ada walk into the foyer.  "Philip." Ada walks to him and touches his hand. "You're back. I was so worried."  Philip's face shows puzzlement.  "Oh Philip." Ada says.  "I'm sorry I don't know you."  "Is this some kind of joke, a trick?" Laslo asks.  "I'd like to see Jean Paul Desmond."
"And he would like to see you." Ada tells him. "Oh Holly, this is Philip. You've heard all about him and now here he is." Ada says to Holly as she stands in the foyer.  Holly smiles at him. "We've met."  "Yes we did." Philip says smiling at her.
"Jean Paul." Ada calls out as she walks to the Drawing Room doors.  "How did you get here?" Laslo asks.  Philip sticks out his thumb.  Ada opens the Drawing Room door. "Jean Paul its Philip."  "Jean Paul Desmond?" Philip steps forward with his hand out for a handshake.  Jean Paul grabs him in a hug. "Philip, Philip I thought I would never see you again."  "I thought I'd never see you either. It wasn't easy to find a way."  "Come, come and sit down." Jean Paul says happily.
Phillip follows Jean Paul to the couch. "I can't believe it." Jean Paul says laughing. "Will you have a glass of champagne?"  "Champagne. I've never tasted it." Philip says as he sits on the couch.  Jean Paul laughs. "Oh not much you haven't tasted it. Laslo, Ada have you seen him?"   "We saw him." Laslo says.
"I guess Laslo was right after all Jean Paul. Philip was away on a journey." says Ada.  Philip looks at Jean Paul. "I was at home." Jean Paul hands him a glass of champagne. "Thanks."  Ada looks at Philip. "This is your home."  "Thanks again." Philip says as he takes a sip, then finishes it. "I was thirsty."  "Ah ha." Jean Paul laughs then refills Philip's glass. "You always were you know. Holly have you met my brother?"  "Yes I have." Holly says smiling.  "Your brother? I'm not your brother."  "Oh then what are you?" Jean Paul laughs.  "I'm Philip Desmond." Philip says as he stands.  "Yes of course you are. Philip Desmond legally baptized and registered." "As you said I'm Philip Desmond. But who are you? Who are all of you? You are very gracious I'm sure. Your house seems open to any stranger. But I don't know you. I've never met you before in my life."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 111