Strange Paradise:  Episode 111
Episode 111:  Slideshow
Raxl: "Lights burn in Desmond Hall for this night as a stranger appears at the door. A stranger who calls himself Philip Desmond. The ancient fortress seems to moan in the night wind commiserating with the Master of Desmond Hall, crying out against a fate which turns all good to evil. For Jean Paul Desmond the return of his brother is not a reunion. It is a dark confusion of mystery."
Philip takes a drink from his glass. "Very good, very strong." He walks towards Jean Paul.  "Who are you? Now that the others have gone you can speak freely." Jean Paul tells him.  "I told you the truth Mr. Desmond. I'm Philip, Philip Desmond."  "But you are not Philip my brother?"  "No. Why does everyone think I am?" Philip asks as he walks away from Jean Paul.  "You look like him exactly."
"Exactly? I don't believe that." Philip says as he turns towards Jean Paul. "No two people look exactly alike unless they are twins. I'm not your brother’s twin."
"May I ask you some questions?" Jean Paul asks as he walks towards Philip.
"Go ahead." "Why did you come here to Desmond Hall?"  "To meet you."
"Perhaps you have forgotten who you are."  "Amnesia? I don't think so."  "Well when you came to Desmond Hall did you expect to fine a Philip Desmond whom looked like you?" "No I've never seen Philip Desmond."  "Did you expect to see him?"  "He's dead. Philip Desmond is dead. I've known that for a long time. I wouldn't visit a dead relative would I?" Philip says then walks across the room.
Jean Paul watches him. "No. Philip?"  "Yes?" Philip turns and looks at Jean Paul.
"Do you remember when we were boys? Do you remember summers when we used to swim and fish or in the autumn when we hunted in the woods?"  "I remember all that, the fishing and the hunting but not with you Mr. Desmond. I'm not your brother. Where I grew up all boys swam in the summer and hunted in the fall."  "But what about your parents? Do you remember them?"  "Of course. They're dead. I remember them; they used to talk about Desmond Hall."  "Did they?"  "Yes they did. They told me about the division in the family. How the American Desmonds disowned my grandfather. That's why we're not as rich as you Mr. Desmond."  "I wasn't aware there was any division." Jean Paul tells him.
"Oh people like to keep family skeletons in the closet. My grandfather disgraced the family, soiled the good Desmond name. Or so they told me. You've got to read more of the family history." Philip says to him with a smile. "I'm tired. I think I should go to bed." Philip hands Jean Paul the glass he had been holding.
"Well do you know where your room is?"   Philip turns and looks at him. "Philip's room or mine?"  Raxl enters the Drawing Room. "Would you show the gentleman to a room?" Jean Paul says to her.  "Hello Raxl." Philip says to her.  "You know my name?"  "Yes your name is famous in our family history. Raxl the loyal servant. To some Desmonds but not all."  "I came to see you because I was told you were claiming to be Philip Desmond."  "I am Philip Desmond. In my own home I'm called Philippe Des Mondes."  "And are you Philip Desmond, Jean Paul's brother?"  "The people at Desmond Hall say I am."  "Are you?"  "I am a long lost cousin."  Jean Paul walks towards Raxl and Philip. "My brother is... Philip Desmond is probably very tired. He's traveled a long way and needs some sleep. Would you show him to Philip's room."  "But Master?"  "To Philip's room." Jean Paul tells her.  Raxl nods and walks away from him.  "By the way in the morning if you need a change of cloths I'm sure everything in the closet will fit you exactly." Jean Paul says to Philip.  "Thank you. Goodnight." Philip says as he shakes Jean Paul's hand.  "Goodnight, Philip Desmond."  "You're very kind. You're wrong about me but you are very kind." Philip says then turns and walks out of the Drawing room.  Raxl walks up to Jean Paul. "Are you sure master? About using Philip's room."  "Philip didn't object did he? Goodnight Raxl."
Raxl bows. "Goodnight." She turns and walks out of the room closing the door behind her.  Jean Paul walks to the bookcase and pulls out a book. He starts looking through it. "Desmond, Des Mondes Philippe."  In the foyer Raxl picks up Philip's backpack. "Is this it Monsieur?"  "Yes it is. I'll carry it." Philip reaches for it.
"It is not heavy. Is this all you have?"  "It's all I need."  "Come." Raxl starts to lead the way towards the staircase as Cort enters the foyer.  Cort walks up to Philip. "You aren't Philip Desmond."  "Good for you. I'm happy to meet you." Philip tells him.  "Well I wanted to see you and I have. You aren't Philip Desmond no matter what the others say. Philip is gone."  "Gone? I thought he was dead and buried. But now they say that I am him."  "They're wrong."  "Oh course. Goodnight. I'm pleased to meet you whoever you are." Philip holds out his hand to Cort.  "Cort.”I'm Cort." he says as he shakes Philip's hand.  "Hello Cort." Philip says as he lowers his hand.  "You're not Philip are you?"  "Not the Philip you know. Goodnight." Philip says as walks up the staircase passing Raxl on the steps.
Cort glances up at him. "Goodnight." Cort says then walks into the Drawing Room.  Jean Paul sits and reads one of the books from the bookcase.
"I just saw him, he isn't Philip." Cort says to Jean Paul.  "Isn't he? Then who is he? Philippe Des Mondes, there isn't any Phillip Des Mondes." Jean Paul says as he flips a page in the book. "But there was. He died at sea Cort. It says here that Philippe Des Mondes died in a shipwreck in the year nineteen hundred and twenty one." Jean Paul glances at Cort.
Philip stands in the bedroom leaning against the door. He walks to a cupboard and looks at the cloths in it. Seeing the carousel he walks over and touches it. He smiles as it starts to move and play music.
Jean Paul looks back at the book. "He had no children. The Desmond family ended that line of the Desmond family when he died. There isn't any Philippe or Philip as he calls himself from that line of the Desmond family who is living today."  "May I see the book?" Cort asks.  Jean Paul passes it to him. Cort reads over the page then flips to the next page. He glances up at Jean Paul. "That's impossible."  "There are seldom errors in the family history." Jean Paul says.
"He must be a Desmond. He looks exactly like Philip!"  Jean Paul steeples his fingers looking at Cort. "I'm not sure he is a Desmond."  "But you think he's Philip don't you? You think that imposter upstairs is your brother."  Jean Paul stands. "You don't want him to be Philip do you? Even if he was." Jean Paul takes the book from Cort and slams it shut. He walks to the bookcase and returns it to the shelf. "Philip is dead!" Cort says with his back towards Jean Paul.  "Are you sure?" Jean Paul asks as he walks towards him.  "No."  "But he is dead you said. I think you know more about Philip's disappearance than you're willing to tell me Cort."  "No."  "You're a man of many secrets Cort. How is it you're sure of my brothers death? How for instance did Agatha Pruett die?"  "I don't know. I swear it." Cort says with a small smile.  "I'd like to believe you." Jean Paul says as he turns away from Cort.  "Jean Paul? What are you going to do about him?"  Jean Paul turns and looks at Cort.  "The visitor."  "Wait. Until he has rested and until he can prove who he is. And why he is here. Just wait."  "Well I can't wait!" Cort says angrily then walks out of the room.
Philip sits on the bed deep in thought when there is a knock at the door. "Come in." The door opens and Holly steps in.  "You again." Philip says as he stands.
"Yes." "I remember you. I think I met you outside the front door. I think you kissed me I think."  Holly walks closer to Philip. "Philip." She says his name smiling at him.  "And then you disappeared."  "I wanted to see you alone."  "Who are you?"
"I'm Holly."  "But what do you do here? Are you the maid or is it your job to greet people at the front door with a kiss?" Philip asks with a grin.  Holly turns away. "Please don't tease me like that."  "You think I'm Philip Desmond, Jean Paul's brother."  Holly turns and looks at him. "Philip I know you. You've talked to me. Philip you told me you loved me."  "I've never seen you before Holly. I have never seen you until tonight. I am not Jean Paul's brother. I wish I were. You're a very pretty girl." Philip says as he walks closer.  "Philip why are you doing this to me?"
"I'm telling you the truth."  "No! It can't be." Holly says as she steps away from him. She looks back at him. "You're Philip I know that!"  "If you know Philip Desmond you would know he isn't me. Well, no two people can be completely alike. I'm myself and nobody else."  "I never saw you in reality only in a sort of dream but I talk to you. I couldn't touch you but I talked to you. But the moment I kisses you outside the house I knew who you were."  "I don't understand you. I don't understand anybody around this house." Philip says to her. "If I put you off I'm sorry. I suppose I was awfully forward. But you see I've never loved anyone before and I've waited for you so long. Everything at Desmond Hall must be so new to you. Oh I'll give you time Philip, there's lots of time. May I kiss you goodnight?" Holly steps closer to Philip.  "Do you think that's wise?"  "I think that's very wise." Holly says with a smile as she reaches up and kisses him on the cheek. "Goodnight Philip."  "Goodnight." Philip says touching his cheek as Holly leaves the room.
Jean Paul sits in a chair in the Drawing Room when Raxl walks in. "He is in his room Master."  "Raxl what do you know about Philippe des Mondes?"  "He was your grandfather’s brother."  "And?"  "He died in an accident." Raxl says as she turns towards the fireplace touching the mantel with one hand. She glances back at Jean Paul. "The family does not speak of him."  "Why not Raxl? What did he do to displease my grandfather so much except to die by accident."  "The family does not speak of it." Raxl says turning away. Jean Paul stands. "Well I want to speak of it now! Tell me about Philippe Des Mondes." "He was disloyal to the Desmond tradition. He was a never-do-well and a poet." "Oh I see a poet. That was his crime."  "He lived in this house with his brother. He wanted his brother's wife."  "I see. I would have liked to read some of his poetry." Jean Paul says with a smile.  "It was burned when he left Desmond Hall."  "Book burning? That's not in the Desmond tradition Raxl."  "His brother your grandfather was enraged and deeply hurt by his brother. Philippe Des Mondes was disowned and deprived of every penny. He never apologized. He never asked for forgiveness. It was almost a relief in this household when your grandfather announced that he was dead in a shipwreck."  "Is that all you know about it?"  "Yes Master." Raxl says then bows her head.  "Raxl who is the man in Philip's room?"  Raxl looks up at him. "I do not know."  "I want him to be my brother."
Holly sits brushing her hair when there is a knock on her door. "Philip?" Holly says with a smile.  "Holly?"  "Yes."  "Can I come in?"  Holly turns in her chair. "Cort?"  "Yes. I want to see you."  Holly stands and walks to the door. "Please go away Cort."  "I've got to talk to you. Have you seen him?  "Yes." Holly says with a smile.  "I've seen him too. I've talked with him."  Holly opens the door and Cort walks in. "What did he say? What did he talk about?" Holly asks walking up to him after closing the door.  "Cort sits on the edge of Holly's bed.”He told me he wasn't the Philip Desmond I know and I believe him."  "He's probably changed in the year since you've known him. Well nobody has to stay the same all their lives. Why should Philip?"  "He isn't Philip!"  "Is that what you came to tell me?" Holly says then turns away from Cort. "Oh Cort I know who he is. I know him better than anyone else."  Cort walks over to her. "How?"  "Because I love him."
Cort grabs her by the shoulders and turns her around. "No you don't! You love some kind of apparition. This is a man you've never seen before he's an imposter!" Cort says to her angrily.  "Welcomed by his own brother Jean Paul."  "Holly listen to me."  "I don't want to hear it." Holly pushes away from Cort. "I thought you were my friend. If you were you would want what I want, Philip Desmond."
"He isn't Philip Desmond. You don't know what you want. You wouldn't know what you want even if it stood right in front of your face. Well want him! Go ahead want him this tramp that just wandered off the road! It won’t do you much good though he won't be around very long!" Cort shouts then walks out of the room.
Holly watches him leave and shakes her head as she sits at her dressing table. "Poor Cort, he doesn't know. He just doesn't know." Holly says with her head propped in her hand looking at her reflection.
Philip lies on his bed on his side when the carousel begins to turn. He smiles and gets out of bed to walk over to it. "No more of that." Philip says as he stops the carousel. 'What do I remember about this room? Nothing. Did I ever spend a night as a boy in this room? No.' Philip thinks silently to himself as he looks around. He walks across the room and sits on the bed then lies back on the pillows. 'Did my mother and father ever buy me a toy carousel? Which played by itself in the darkness. No' "No, no!" Philip shouts as he sits straight up.
In the Drawing Room Raxl tends to the fireplace. Jean Paul sits in a chair close to it. "It is very late Master." Raxl says as she stands close to Jean Paul.  "Yes Raxl, it's late." Jean Paul says as he rubs his eyes. He lowers his hands. "Have you seen Miss Raleigh this evening?"  "I took a tray to her room. She would not open her door."  "I must see her before she sees Philip."  "She knows nothing of Philip. If she meets the young man it will mean nothing to her or to him."  "He mustn't know the secret. Raxl I told her about the mark."  "No Master!"  "I love her, I had to. And in the same delirium I asked her to marry me."  Raxl kneels next to him. "Master it's impossible for you as long as you are cursed. As long as you are forced to kill."  "I know and I told her that. There is no explanation except the truth."  "What did she say?"  "Nothing. She looked at me with a terrible expression on her face, one of repulsion I think. Then she ran to her room. She won't speak to me. She won't let me in."  "You should not have revealed your secret to anyone."  "She loves me Raxl, that I know. At least she did."  Raxl stands and turns away. "Now your danger has increased. She many tell anyone at anytime." Raxl says as she looks at Jean Paul.  "I trust her Raxl. I must."
"Trust her if you will but if I had my way she would never leave Desmond Hall. She would die!" Raxl turns and walks out of the room.  Jean Paul glances up. "Seems like I've never loved till now. It's too late! Too late!" He says hitting the chair with his hand.  Holly walks into the Drawing Rom. "Jean Paul talking to yourself at this time of the night." Holly says with a smile. "Oh I wish you could feel the way I feel tonight. I'm so happy."  Jean Paul stands and walks over to her. "Are you Holly?" He says with a small smile upon his face.  'Yes. Philip's back."  "Holly?"  "I feel so full of excitement. I can't even sleep. I just came down to get a book. I'm going to get something serious and solemn to bring some shadow into this sunlight." Holly glances at Jean Paul happily. "Can you imagine feeling like it's the middle of the day in the middle of the night?" Holly walks over to the bookcases.  Jean Paul walks over to Holly and stands behind her. "Holly we don't know who he is. Not really."  "He's Philip." Holly tells him.  "Yes but he says he's not and we have no way of knowing."  "He's your brother. You can't tell me you don't know your own brother." Holly says as she holds a book and looks at Jean Paul."  "I won't to know."  "Well its easy just open your heart and accept him."  "Is that what you did Holly?"  "Yes."  "And did he accept you?"  Holly lowers her head. "He teased me but he's confused and frightened. Jean Paul he's been away, lost, no one knows where. Perhaps he doesn't even know himself. Wherever it was it was dreadful. He used to tell me about it. How much he suffering, how much he needed help." Holly says looking away. "You can't blame him if he doesn't want to remember all that. If he's blanked that kind of thing from his mind maybe he's forgotten some other things."  "Such as you and me?"  "Perhaps. I don't know but Jean Paul he's come back to Desmond Hall. To you and to me. Oh you don't mind if I love your brother do you?" Holly asks with a smile.  Jean Paul shakes his head. "No. No Holly."  Holly hugs him. "Thank you." she says then kisses his cheek. "I don't need this book now. You've calmed me down. I don't need to read to sleep." Holly puts the book back on the shelf and turns to walk out of the room.  "Holly?" Jean Paul calls to her.  Holly turns and looks at him.   "If he is my brother."  Holly turns and slowly walks out of the room.
"Philip has fallen asleep as Cort enters the room quietly. He shines a flashlight into Philip's face. "Philip?"  Philip stirs but doesn't wake up.  "If it is you. I'll use every foul method of necromancy that you have taught me. I'll use ancient curses, amulets anything Philip. Anything to get rid of you. I'll even pray to Satan himself." Cort says as he turns off the flashlight and stares at Philip."
Raxl stands at the front door listening to the dogs howl. She closes the door as Jean Paul enters the foyer. "Raxl."  "Tonight the wild dogs are howling. They know something is wrong." Raxl says to Jean Paul.  "More shadows, more clouds enveloping Desmond Hall."  "There are omens Master."  "Always." Jean Paul says to her.  "There is an odor of death in the wind tonight. Death moans around the towers of Desmond Hall."  "Then there is no hope Raxl. Not one small breeze that promises us happiness."  Raxl looks at him. "You mock me. Then remember when the young woman came to Desmond Hall, your Helena, your beloved Helena I warned you. Now I give you warning of this stranger, he brings death with him."  Jean Paul nods. "Raxl thank you for the nightly forecast." Jean Paul turns and walks towards the staircase.   "Master?"  Jean Paul turns and looks back at her.  "Listen to me. What ever evil exists here, what ever curses are of your own making, your own choosing. Evil does not move in on any man unless he invites it. You Master were not content to live life as it should be lived. You called on the evil one for help. You have made your bargain, live with it."
Jean Paul glances away.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 112