The Bay area's Own  
from the - Modern History SourceBook
This is a Voyage that sets sail under a star of ill-omen and within hours the small fleet of five ships seeks sanctuary from a sudden and raging tempest!
( History is a never-ending quest - to satisfy that very basic human trait - curiosity.)
  Drake's voyage of 1577 is a 400 year old enigma - so full of mystery and mayhem - that film makers would usually die for a storyline only half as good!.  
The Voyage of ill-omen:
Drake's voyage of 1577-1580 is an enigmatic gem from our past. There for all to see blazing a four hundred year old trail of deception through the pages of history, itself as dazzling and mysterious as a comet. It could be a Spielberg classic - the mystery behind the secrecy, the incredible weather conditions and continuing historical controversy surrounding Drake's anchorage - all provide that magical - je ne sais quoi.

Are the painfully trite questions we so often hear posed, regarding this centuries old mystery, no more than salty ingredients adding little, if any, flavor to a self perpetuating cycle of blather?.
Our historically renown fog which so often hides the "Golden Gate" is as nothing compared to the fabricated mist that surrounds the facts of that historical event.
San Francisco Bay, then known as
Baia de los Pinos.
This was the name the 16th.c Spanish explorers called a large bay surrounded by pine forests, with trees as high as cathedral spires.
Is it true that Drake had such a chart, possibly Spanish, with a bay so marked, was it acquired as he - El Draco - blazed a trail of plunder and destruction North up the Western coast of South America, or was it the chart given to him by John Dee?

The acquisition of recent information has necessitated putting the remainder of this page on hold. .

This publication intends to raise above the horizon into the light of a new dawn amazing and unimagined aspects of at least one such event.

What was the hidden agenda behind the Elizabethan voyage of Francis Drake to California? - Who persuaded Elizabeth to finance the voyage: - What about the question of dis-information regarding the true latitude: - Was it just a search for the mythical Strait of Anian - the Northwest Passage: - Why the destination was a secret at the time: - Why has it never been divulged since? - Was there a connection to a Celtic myth and Owen Madoc? - Was the unbelievably cold weather in Northern Californian during June/July 1579 all lies, or was some higher force at work??
The voyage started on November 15th. 1577 with five ships from Plymouth. Drake was on his flagship the Pelican (later to be called The Golden Hind) The tempest that hit southern England the following day was terrible, forcing Drake to take refuge in Falmouth Haven, in Cornwall. Simple sailors blamed the comet that blazed its trail through the night sky at that time, many watching the small fleet doubted that the ships setting sail would ever see Old England again - A star of ill omen indeed !!

: Introduction : The Taylor Family's Connection : Geis-Runes :
: John Dee : The Mortlake Connection :
: Dee's influence on Drake's Voyage :
: The Voyage :

Sends Mail to Mark Quest This page is not complete Not complete Dee's residence John Dee - a summary Geis-Runes - a brief description The Taylor family's connection Home Page Issue-03
   §   LINKS   §
  Theories of the whereabouts of Drake's Anchorage
    An account of the Voyage from the Journal of a member of the crew