Survivor 5: Thailand





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Penny Ramsey Chat Transcript

Visitor: Penny, do you think Clay bringing food back to you all was the reason he wasn't voted out last night? He hoped that it would work, and it did?

Survivor Penny: Sure, there's always motivation to look better in everybody's eyes, and if I was in that situation I would have done the same thing. I would have done exactly what he did to get brownie points. Why wouldn't you?

Visitor: Penny, what made you decide to try out for SURVIVOR, and have you ever applied before?

Survivor Penny: Yes, I tried out for SURVIVOR: AFRICA, but I didn't make it to the finalists and decided to give it one more shot. But my primary motivation for trying out for the show was my husband: he was the one who really wanted to do it, so I decided to try out too!

Visitor: How would you compare this season's location to the other locations?

Survivor Penny: If I had to choose which one of the five islands I'd want to be on, I definitely would have picked Thailand. It was amazingly, naturally beautiful.

Visitor: Penny, throughout the show we saw you and other SURVIVOR women (Shii Ann, Stephanie, Jan) with your hair French braided. Who was the hair stylist?

Survivor Penny: I think I started out braiding Stephanie's hair, then Erin started braiding my hair, then I started braiding Jan's hair. It makes it easy when you can't wash it.

Visitor: Were you shocked when the tabloids published your wedding and it indicated that you did not win the show?

Survivor Penny: Well, you have to remember that tabloids are trash magazines and they can say anything that they want to say, but I knew that article was going to be in there.

Visitor: Penny, I liked the sandals on THE EARLY SHOW! A girl needs good shoes no matter how cold it is! Do you think your snuffing out Jake's flame made you look two-faced or deceitful to the tribe, and that is why they voted you out instead of Jake?

Survivor Penny: I don't think me snuffing out Jake's torch had anything to do with why I got voted out last night. I think I got voted out last night because I was fitting in better with the Chuay Gahn tribe than Jake was. Jake and I decided to distance ourselves once we lost Ken, and to break our alliance so that Chuay Gahn would see us as two separate teammates instead of one so that hopefully one of us could make it to the final two. The reason I voted for Jake last night is because Clay and Helen both told me that's what I needed to do to secure myself another three days on the island.

Visitor: Penny, was that Immunity Necklace totally hideous or what?

Survivor Penny: [laughs] I've seen better!! [laughs] It's huge, and it's very spikey.

Visitor: Penny, was Clay the dirty old man that some people perceive him to be?

Survivor Penny: Out there I didn't see Clay to be a dirty old man. That was not my impression of him.

Visitor: What was with the open-toed shoes in the middle of winter? Isn't it cooold in NY?

Survivor Penny: Actually, it's about 55 degrees today outside. It's also muggy here today, 'cuz it's going to rain. So it's actually not cold.

Visitor: Penny, did you know that the message boards have nicknamed you "Evil Penny" because of all your manipulation? How do you feel about that?

Survivor Penny: First of all, I don't think I'm evil. I think Shii Ann can pat herself on the back for those web posts being put out there but I was never evil or manipulative on the show. Those are just accusations that she made about me.

Visitor: Who do you see as most manipulative, and who do you believe is the most genuine?

Survivor Penny: I think that Jake is probably the most genuine, and I think the most manipulative is probably the remainder of the whole Chuay Gahn tribe. You're getting so close to winning that million-dollar prize that everyone is playing the game extremely hard.

Visitor: Have you been surprised by anything you've seen watching the show on television? Has it changed your opinion of anyone?

Survivor Penny: I think I definitely have been surprised by the comments that Shii Ann had made on national TV about me, attacking me personally. And I've actually been surprised at all the eye rolling that Ted has done to Jake and myself last night.

Visitor: Penny, What happened? I'll miss watching you play. Give me the scoop: did you try to form any type of alliance with Helen and Jan? What was said?

Survivor Penny: I was trying to form an alliance with anyone out there that would want to form one, and unfortunately I couldn't get anybody to budge. So all I was left with was the advice that Clay gave me last night on the show.

Visitor: Penny, your foursome of Jake, Ken, Erin and you was really tight. How early in the game did you form your alliance? And was there ever a fifth member?

Survivor Penny: That alliance was formed probably from day two or day three, and it's safe to say that Shii Ann was the fifth member--not by my choice, of course.

Visitor: How much harder is it to watch the episode that you know is the one that you will be leaving?

Survivor Penny: Every episode is hard to watch because you don't know how you're going to be edited for that episode. But I'm very proud of myself for lasting thirty days. So knowing that I was going out last night was okay with me.

Visitor: Hi Penny! You looked great this morning on THE EARLY SHOW. Why did you decide to pick Ted as your partner during the Reward Challenge instead of Jake? He was eliminated in the Challenge as a result.

Survivor Penny: We actually didn't know how each stage of that Challenge was going to work until the game started, so when Jeff said, "Pick a partner; one person will be left out," I looked to my right and there was Helen, who already partnered with Jan. I looked to my left and Ted was to my left. I think Jake was all the way on the other side. You just grabbed the first person standing next to you.

Visitor: What are your plans now that SURVIVOR is over?

Survivor Penny: Now that SURVIVOR's over, I'm enjoying married life and getting back out in the work force and just enjoying the journey that SURVIVOR: THAILAND has brought to me.

SURVIVOR Host: Well everyone, our time with Penny is up. Penny, thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us today. Any final comments for the SURVIVOR fans?

Survivor Penny: Enjoy the rest of the show! Thanks for havin' me!

SURVIVOR Host: Thanks for joining us, everyone. Tune in to an all-new SURVIVOR: THAILAND next Thursday at 8pm ET/PT, only on CBS. And for all of the latest SURVIVOR info, don't forget to check See you next time!

Visitor: Love ya, Pen!

Visitor: We love you, Penny.

Visitor: Penny, you rock my socks!

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