Family Tree

Eva McNeill Family

Eva was a daughter of Oliver Goldsmith McNeill.

Eva McNeill

BORN: December 9 , 1866 in Graves County, Kentucky.
DIED: August 29, 1945.

Alfred Louden Moore

BORN: October 6 , 1867 in Higgensport, Ohio.
DIED: July 11, 1941.

Eva and Alfred Louden were married January 3, 1889.

Children of Eva and Alfred Louden

  1. Lorena Grace Moore, Born October 13, 1889, Scott County, Kentucky. Died November 23, 1973.
  2. Harry Lee Moore, Born January 26, 1893, Woodford County, Kentucky. Died November 10, 1966, Jefferson County, Kentucky.

Here is a page about Alfred Louden Moore's family. Click on the image to see the full page.