Resources and Information for Newcomers

This page is intended to help new members of the Royal Order of Chivalry get started in this wonderful and unique ministry. As such, it is not intended to be a complete historical work on the Middle Ages of Western Europe, but rather, a reference page of policies, procedures, and helps.

One of the foremost aims of ROC is to promote education, both formal, and self-taught. It is hoped that those who would join this noble Order would sincerely research the Middle Ages and Renaissance period of Western Europe in order to add a level of realism to their adventure in the Order.

Let this also serve as a disclaimer. Although our intent is historical accuracy when possible, we have determined not to become its slave. Therefore we have taken liberties occasionally with costuming and such, in order to have a safe and exciting organization.

Structure and Customs

How to Start a ROC Household Clothing Guide to the Middle Ages
Here are some projects that you can work on right at home:

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