Basic Tunic Pattern

1. Measure yourself around the chest at the widest point and your length from the center of the shoulder to the center of your knee.

2. Cut front and back. The front and back pieces are basic rectangles where the length is equal to your measurement from the center of the neck to the center of your knee, and the width is equal to one half your chest measurement plus 7" (i.e. if your chest dimension is 42", take one half, which is 21", and add 7" to make the total width 28").

3. Cut neck opening in front rectangle. Finish by either turning under and sewing down, or with double fold bias tape.

4. Cut two sleeves at shown dimensions (Note: these dimensions are okay for most people, weightlifters and those with exceptionally developed arms will have to adjust the pattern).

5. Sew front to back. Press seam flat and then sew down back of neck opening.

6. Sew each sleeve to body with the center of the sleeve aligned with shoulder seam.

7. Press seams flat. Fold tunic at shoulder with seam side out. Begin sewing at sleeve cuff sewing sleeve seam and continuing seam along the body. Stop sewing about 6" below waistline.

8. Press seams flat. Check tunic for fit. Hem cuffs to desired length.

9. Press side seams flat. Sew seam allowance down at the places that form the slit along each side of the tunic at its base.

10. Hem tunic to desired length.


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