Roughstring Ranch
Professional Horse Training Equipment

For Best Results Use the Equipment the Pro's Use

All our tack are designed for the comfort of the horse and to develop the soft feel and quick response we all want in our horses.
(Instructional VHS sent with each order)

Our National Rope Halters, 15' Marine Grade Lead Lines $75

Riding Halters with Macate Reins $85

Handmade Brides with Sweet Iron Snaffle Bit & Macate Reins $195

Our bridles are handmade in America with the finest quality leather and come with sweet iron snaffle bits and macate reins with slobber straps. All of our reins and lead lines are made with double braid marine grade rope which gives you that communication you want with a light touch. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery


Training Cue Sticks $48

Complete packages with everything above plus 21' lounge line $435


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