We got home late last night so I didnt update where we went. We went into Melbourne to see MIL where she was judging the Womens Gymastics Of Australia. These were young girls competing for the finals which will eventually lead to the Summer Olympics.

Cool huh? It was fun to watch. We didn't get a chance to talk to MIL....she was too busy judging and it was baby's bed time.

Today will be a fun day. It's Friday morning here...Thursday night there. It still feels wierd. We are off to Melbourne again this morning to go see...STAR WARS!! WOOHOO. Ok I'm a star wars geek...ask me if I care. Chris will be babysitting the girls....god bless him. We will be going to the crown casino cinemas..........

After that, Chris will bring the baby to us and we will go shopping and see what there is to see in Melbourne........ Oh yea...there was mention of a chocolate fest too. Yum!

A quick thing about the wild life here. The birds are amazing. Beautiful.




Here are 2 links to the sounds I hear every morning. I have yet to see a Kookaburra but I hear them every morning.




We saw Star Wars and it was so good we want to see it again. Yoda Yoda Yoda.....nuff said. Don't want to spoil it for anyone. Afer the movie we went into town to the Chocolate Fest. It was in the Royal Exhibition Building. We walked around and sampled the different flavors of chocolate you could think of. They even had chocolate sausage! Imagine it. After that we went to ride the City Circle Tram, which takes you in a huge circle of the town and while you are riding it gives the history of the buildings you are riding by. Very cool and very intersting. The buildings were varied as far as structure went. Then it was off to the Casino. That was an awsome place. It was huge. It was hotel/casino/shopping mall/cafes/disco/theater place. Here..check it out

I got a real taste of the night life. We checked into the hotel for the night and ordered room service. It came with a complementary bottle of champane. It was quite good. I went off to explore the world below. It was full of people, being friday night, date night. I went and stared at the different fountains they have in the lobby and watched people try and take photos of water flying through the air. ha ha.....I walked down through the shops they had. Everything from Prada to Warner Brothers. Then into the casinos. They were HUGE HUGE HUGE. That was just a small part that I took a photo of..I didnt' want to draw attention to myself so I found a quiet corner. I sat down and played dollar in the slots which they call "pokies". I had 20 chances to win. I didn't. I'm not a gambler so I just walked and walked and stared and walked some more. Blackjack, Roulette, and other games I never heard of. I did notice that 85% of the people in there were of Asian decent. The rest was a mix. I walked outside along the huge side walk. There were cafes the whole length of it. It was all along the Yarra River. There were also large fountains that on the hour would shoot pillars of fire out of the top. Awesome! Wow! I was impressed, very impressed. I started to run out of steam so headed back to the room. We watched Riding in Cars with Boys and I slept off and on through it. I am still struggling with this time change thing. I have boughts of high energy and then I want to crash. We turned in for the was a very long day...Tomorrow off the market.

Day One /Home/ Day Three/ Day Four/ Day Five/ Day Six/ Day Seven