Inexpensive Treatment


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Inexpensive Treatment
As little as US$ 3000...

While it is safe , as per American College of Advanced Medicine (ACAM), there are many centers for Chelation therapy, organized in many places in the USA, and this treatment has been accepted by many countries including New Zealand. 

No special tests or examinations are considered necessary other than the usual or customary tests required by any cardiologist. 

Chelation therapy is a recommended course of treatment, based on several scientific investigations by many eminent cardiologists of American College of Advancement in medicine with around 750 members 

In USA it costs around $ 3000, while a bypass surgery may be $ 80,000 and in India bypass surgery costs around 1.3 Lakhs in some cities while Chelation may not cost more than Rs 25,000 but the medicine has to be imported. ACAM estimated that more than a million all over the world have undergone this treatment Remarkable changes in some patients were noticed in several cases who also testified personally. After noticing such improvements among so many, some feel that Chelation therapy should be made a mandatory treatment before any bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty or other expensive, dangerous and temporary invasive procedures being tried and they recommend to replace such costly treatments etc. 

This information is given for educational purposes only and not for diagnostic purposes. A doctor experienced in heart ailments may be consulted always to arrive at a diagnosis. 


This web site is intended purely for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical diagnosis or consultants. Patients should consult with their health care providers and certified medical practioners.

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Last updated: July 16, 2003.