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Mom cheats on Dad all the time.
Meet the boyfriend.  ;)

My mom, Sharon, is a computer specialist, and
an art teacher for the local elementary school.
She's a good editor for a writing assignment
and always has a list of fun ideas to work with. I
definately have to say that after Dad had to leave
for the Middle East, we became a lot closer. We
share the same passion for horses, although she
doesn't have the chance to ride nearly as much
as I do. She's the 'gymkhana parent' you might
say :).

Got my Harley.  Got my beer.  Life is good.

My dad, Stuart, is a Colonel in the Army National
Guard, completing Special Forces and Ranger
training. He's the guy to go camping and shooting
with, and is pretty active in all our school activities
--including fully supporting my wrestling, which I'm
grateful for. I'd definately have to say I can work
with him a WHOLE lot better than I can with Mom.
We just think alike I guess. He's also the parent to
go to about anything political. Many a good social
studies report have come from this source ;).

Hey...he's actually doing something with his horse....

Jon, my little brother, is into anything army. He
enjoys an active imagination and gets frustrated easily
when things aren't going his way [not to mension
specializes in the "I'm-coming-in-a-minute"-but-then-
procrastinating-for-an-hour move]. He likes playing
with his friends, reading, and is pretty dang good at
chess. He has an obsession with Harry Potter and
Lord of the Rings. He also participates in every sport
he can, including wrestling.

Thanks to soup-faerie.com for the background.