Well, it's been a really long time since I've updated my site. I've been on three fabulous overseas trips - to Turkey (twice) and to Germany  (These links don't work yet.)

My children are growing up so fast and have just finished another year in school. Hadas is going into third grade and Matan and Lilach are starting kindergarten. 

My dad had a birthday & the whole family came to celebrate


This is a picture of Matan. Matan is now 5 years old. He likes to play with cars, wrestle with his daddy and play "go fish" with anyone who will agree to play with him.

Below is a picture of Lilach. Lilach is also 5 years old. She enjoys drawing, playing with stuffed animals and jumping on trampolines.

This is Hadas at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. On this very special day, Hadas received her Chumash. The children in her class were given the book of Genesis as a sign of their maturity and their readiness to learn.  

To get the latest family news 

Hadas has a terrific website. Check it out, especially if your room is a mess!
  To read more about me click here.