My family happens to be a colorful bunch of people.  When I refer to family, I don't just mean my immediate family, but also my extended family and people who I am close to enough to consider family!


Ismet Talundzic 
Theresa Talundzic 
Hassan Talundzic 

Ismet Talundzi

DOB: 11 / 14 / 42
HEIGHT: 5'11ft
NICKNAME: Izzy / John

   This is my "Old Man".  Although I have had quite a few lifetime experiences with him, there is still alot more that has to be Lived and Im more then sure that this man will be by my side throughout lifes hardships.  What else can I say? As far as ICan remember, I've done several things with my father.  The most promenant memory is the times that I spent working  With him (doing electrical work) This is still his profession having been working as an electrician for over 20 years of his Life.  I remember having to load the truck and having to carry around heavy tools and what not.  There were long shifts, Some which lasted into the late night!  Man, it was soooo friggin hilarious to see him swear in bosnian though.  He'd be Screwing in a screw or drilling into something and somehow things would screw up.  Then he'd swear.  Oh man, Id be    Laughing my ass off, trying to hold it in without letting him hear me.  I'd be doing something important like holding the Flashlight, and then he'd swear and I'd be shaking all over the place from laughing inside and he'd turn and look at me And go, "Drsi!!!" and I'd let one little laugh out.  I've learned from him as well.. He took me to Mosque to learn more aboutmy religion. He told me to always be honest and to hate no one.  He has always been fair and just, he listens andstraightens me out When I do things wrong. 


  // The Picture //

Theresa Talundzi

DOB: 12 / 28  / 45
HEIGHT: 5'1 ft

  My mother is probably the smartest woman in the world.  I mean this for real.  She has great business sense and knows  theoutcome of every situation.  She's always cooking meals, cleaning the house, she tends to every need that we have. This poor little lady has to live with three hardback males.  I mean, we really put a lot of stress on the girl, and I have noIdea how we'd function without her.  She taught me how to control my spending and to manage myself in this business  type-world.  I love her a great deal and I'd do anything for my mom.  She enjoys taking us out, and she's always planing things for the family to do!  She's is from St. Lucian decent (caribean) (an island which is absolutely paradise on earth!) She has this attitude however, that she has the right answer to everything. (which she usually does.)  She loves to talkand gossip about things happening around her world.  She works as a accountant at The A & P head office.  (and she's always coming back w/stories about what happened at work... such as her Gay friend Ross! :)  All in all, she supports Me all the way and whenever I have a small problem, I can bring it to her attention without having to worry about being Scolded. Big up to ya mom!! 


  // The Picture //

Hassan Talundzi

DOB: 09 / 09  / 73
HEIGHT: 5'9 ft

   This is my brother.  Throughout my youth, we did the same things, played the same games together, like deflect-a-ball!! Me and my brother share the same personality when it comes to an outlook on life.  We laugh at the same jokes and even though we have a different lifestyle and have a different circle of friends, we're pretty similar.  We both love cartoons. We both like to make stupid jokes with each other.  I mean, as far as brothers go, we do the same things as one!  I mean, our conversations that we have may not be long or what not, but they have meaning and we get caught up on each others lives a couple times a month.  If there's a secret about me, he knows it.  After all, thats what brothers are for. 


  // The Picture //