Yore Namehere's Home Page!

I was born in Kilawunksport...  your text would go here.  Notice that this page contain meta-tags.  See the HTML for details.  You can use this page as a starting template for your own page.  Work through the HTML looking for instances of Yore Namehere and ynameh.html and replace those with your name and the correct file name for your page.  For example, Emily George's file name would be egeorg.htm  In order to obtain the correct RSAC rating tag you must come to the lab and use the RSAC rating page on the Internet.
This is our family pet: (an example of an image tag)

 ynameh01.JPG (19740 bytes)

This is an example of a hyperlink tag that links to a page with pictures of Pohnpei
This is a jump to a bookmark on this page

There are many fun and useful tags such as heading tags and preformatted text tags.   Preformatted  text tags are useful when one wants to line up text in a tabular format:

Population 1994

         Female     Male  Total
Chuuk     25763    27107  52870
Kosrae     3575     7354   7354
Pohnpei   16297    17075  33372
Yap        5589     5539  11128

Another way to organize data is to use a table:

State Female Male Total
Chuuk 25763 27107 52870
Kosrae 3575 7354 7354
Pohnpei 16297 17075 33372
Yap 5589 5539 11128

Harvey Segal and Kalwin Kephas

And this is a bookmark.
Always put your name on your work and a way to contact you by email:
Author: Yore Namehere  Last edited:  08 March 1998
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