Western Civilization Honors



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Mid-Term Exam Study Guide

You are responsible for all material covered during the semester; pay particular attention to the following topics:

Greek Civilization

Roman Civilization

The Middle Ages  

The Renaissance 

The Reformation


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DECEMBER SYLLABUS   Western Civilization H PINK

December 2-December 6

December 9-13

December 16-20


DECEMBER SYLLABUS    Western Civilization H BLUE


December 2-December 6

December 9-13

December 16-20


DECEMBER SYLLABUS      Western Civilization H YELLOW


December 2-December 6


December 9-13


December 16-20


DECEMBER SYLLABUS       Western Civilization H GREEN


December 2-December 6

December 9-13

December 16-20



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November Syllabus                   

Cycle Six: October 21-28


Cycle One:  October 29-November 5

Cycle Two:  November 6-14 

Cycle Three:  November 15-22

Cycle Four:  November 25-December 5




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Election 2002

Directions: Typed responses to questions (in paragraph form) are due in two parts:

Part 1 Questions.

1. Who are the Democratic and Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey? Describes their positions on at least three important issues. (Two paragraphs.)

2. List and briefly describe at least three other closely watched races for the Senate around the country. Why are these key races? Who is leading in each one? (Three short paragraphs.)

3. Why are the results of the Senate races such an important issue in this year's elections? Be sure to explore several factors. (Minimum of two paragraphs.)

4. Historically, in the Congressional elections between Presidential elections (known as "off-year elections"), does the "party that controls the White House" usually win seats or lose seats in Congress? What is the forecast for this year? (One paragraph. )

Attach a bibliography of at least four sources. Suggestions:

Part 2 Questions.

1. What was the result of the New Jersey Senate race? What issues affected the outcome?

2. What were the results of the Senate races you covered?

3. Which political party will control the Senate?

4. Did the election follow the historical pattern for "off-year" elections? If not, why--what are the political "pundits" saying?


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