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"Happily Ever After . . ." midi sequenced by SAL
Midi used by permission from The Wildcat

After a wonderful campfire chat, the staff of The Parrot Head Webring decided to share the history of The Parrot Head Webring with y'all, as told by us Fruitcakes between marshmallows. So sit back, get cozy on your log and let us weave a tale of endearment and lasting friendship . . .

So who should start this madness? You would think maybe ladies first, but because the Old Parrothead is always at the start of these ideas he shall go first. After all, it was Billy who got us all together to bring back our memories, and share the good times. So how about it, Billy? What do you remember about the very beginning of this very special Webring?

The Old Parrothead Back in the old days! Yeah like just a little over a year ago. I put up my feeble site with nine Jimmy songs and was looking for kindred spirits, found another feeble site called "Off to SEA the Woodro". Look at it now! We communicated and fast became friends and it has endured. I was able to help in a limited way with their graphics by reducing their size to make the pages load faster. We just gradually became better and better friends. As I was browsing around I found a listing for a parrothead webring, but it was "unactive" and only one or two people had joined. Anyway the seed had been planted in my mind.

The Woodro's Lovely Cruise I had trouble at first, as people still do, in defining Chip & Raubyn's site. What does "Off the SEA the Woodro" have to do with anything? Well let me tell you.

Raubyn and husband Chip have been parrotheads for much longer than most of us and had actually met Jimmy in Key West. Back to the story. They had a dog named Woodro that they truly loved and designed and dedicated the site to him. Cancer finally took Woodro's life but he remains strong in our memories. Raubyn and Chip went to Key West and scattered his ashes there this past February, 1998.

In the midst of all this and my dedicated searches to find others with a like interest I happened upon a site called "Southern Belle". She had a jukebox of sorts and I helped her to develop the music part of her site. She boldly gave me credit and we also became friends. She can melt your soul with her kindness. Her real name is Donna. Billy being a sly old rascal and good at manipulation talked with Raubyn and Donna and we all just developed a mutual friendship.

In the back of my mind was the idea of the webring. I planted the seed and Donna agreed to be the Ringmaster. We designed and developed the ring, using Donna's past experience to eliminate some of the problems other rings have. One of the major things is the control we have over admitting new members. In most rings anyone who is a member already can simply click and add you to the ring. In this ring our staff looks at each page, makes comments and votes as to whether the site has met the requirements we submitted. Our desire is to include as many Buffett sites as possible but there is a standard to which they must adhere.

Back to Raubyn and Donna! Southern Belle and Raubyn are not related but Raubyn has a sister named Donna who is also member of the webring - hope I am confusing you!! LOL Both Donnas are my friends. Many events have unfolded over the year or so. Chip's dad was a sports writer and I was a retired fishing guide and an outdoors man. He was very sick with cancer but we communicated and became friends and remained so until he passed away. I have had several stories written about my exploits as a fishing guide and sent him my little booklet. He was very sick but read the book from cover to cover that night. He always had to check his mail to SEA if Billy had written. It gave him something to do. I sent a virtual greeting card to him, but he was already very sick and in the hospital. Well Chip hauled his computer to the hospital for Norris to SEA the card Billy sent. It was from Parks and had an animated soaring eagle, he loved eagles but this is getting just too complicated. We now have a site dedicated to Norris and "Billy's" eagle still soars for him. (Memorial to Norris Blackburn, Jr.)

Somewhere, in all of this, Jimmy's Atlanta 1997 concert was "pending". Raubyn purchased four tickets and graciously let my wife (Baudelia aka Buddy or the Good Parrothead) and I have two of the treasures. It is difficult to believe how much effort goes into buying Jimmy's concert tickets. A complete sell out in just an hour or so!

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This history page created by ~ Lisa
Idea by ~ Billy
Images by ~ The Woodro

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