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My "Little House" Page

This is my page about the "Little House" books and Laura Ingalls Wilder who wrote these wonderful stories. I am a homeschooler who uses Calvert curriculum. They have great reading guides that go with all of the "Little House" books. The first book in the series is "Little House in the Big Woods." Below is my book report on this book.


Book Report

Title: Little House in the Big Woods

Author: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Ingalls was a pioneer girl who lived in the 1800's.

She lived in Pepin, Wisconsin in a log cabin. Laura lived with her Ma,

Pa, and her two sisters named Mary and baby Carrie. My favorite

part of the book is when Laura and her family go to Grandpa's house

for the dance. The ladies spent all day cooking and getting ready for

the dance. They cooked pumpkin pies, cakes, and cookies. The ladies

took turns putting on their dresses and doing their hair. After the

guest arrived in their sleds and wagons, the dance began. Pa played

the fiddle and sang while the people danced. Everyone enjoyed the

food and music. That night Laura's family slept at Grandpa's house

before returning home the next morning.


Interesting Facts!

(These facts from the Calvert Reading Guide.)

I learned that the real Laura Ingalls Wilder was 65 years old before her first book was published!

The t.v. show based on the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder did not follow the books carefully, except for the first show.

Laura Ingalls was born on February 7, 1867 in Pepin, Wisconsin.

A trundle bed is the type bed on which Laura slept. A trundle bed is a little bed that you push under a bigger bed when you are not using it.

Laura and Mary played with a pigs bladder. Their Pa blew the pigs bladder up like a balloon!

Pasteurization is the process where bacteria is killed by heating up the food and then cooling the food off quickly. A famous scientest named Louis Pasteur discovered that diseases are spread by bacteria and he discovered this process of heating food to kill the germs.

The word immigrants means "to move into." People who moved to the United States from another country were called immigrants.

If you want to know more about Laura Ingalls,
order the great readers guides from Calvert!

Visit these Laura Ingalls Sites

Little House Home Page

Pepin Wisconsin

Laura Ingalls Wilder's Family

Be sure and check back on this page because I will be updating this very regularly!


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