
It's Your Move, Daughter


I gave you life
 but I cannot live it for you.

I can teach you things
 but I cannot make you learn.

I can give you directions
 but I cannot always be there to lead you.

I can allow you freedom
 but cannot account for it.

I can take you to church
 but I cannot make you believe

I can teach you right from wrong
 but I can't always decide for you.

I can buy you beautiful clothes
 but I cannot make you lovely inside,

I can offer you advice
 but I cannot accept it for you.

I can give you love
 but I cannot force it upon you.

I can teach you to be a friend
 but I cannot make you one.

I can teach you to share
 but I cannot make you unselfish.

I can teach you respect
 but I can't force you to show honor.

I can grieve about your report card
 but I cannot doubt your teachers.

I can advise you about friends
 but I cannot choose them for you.

I can teach you about sex
 but I cannot keep you pure.

I can tell you the facts of life
 but I can't build your reputation.

I can tell you about drink
 but I can't say NO for you.

I can warn you about drugs
 but I can't prevent you from using them.

I can tell you about lofty goals
 but I can't achieve them for you.

I can let you babysit
 but I can't be responsible for your actions.

I can teach you kindness
 but I can't force you to be gracious.

I can warn you about sins
 but I cannot make your morals.

I can love you as a daughter
 but I cannot place you in God's Family.

I can pray for you
 but I cannot make you walk with God.

I can teach you about Jesus
 but I cannot make HIM your Savior.

I can teach you to OBEY
 but I cannot make Jesus your Lord.

I can tell you how to live
 but I cannot give you Eternal Life.

Author Unknown

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