People killed on terrorist attacks

Made in the USAThe ***Washington Post *** reported Thursday that manufacture of anthrax containing chemical substances is so scientifically advanced that only three countries namely the United States, Russia and Iraq can produce the substance. people killed on terrorist attacks Israel terrorism. According to dispatches from Reuters news agency, the story printed in the ***Washington Post ***is based on comments made by experts from the American center investigating the anthrax incidents in that country. The paper has mentioned that the technology which allows anthrax powder to remain suspended in air causing respiratory problems is only available in the three above mentioned countries. The ***Washington Post ***quoting a top level U. people killed on terrorist attacks Reasons for terrorism. S. administration official has said however, that it is quite improbable that either Russia or Iraq have the required technology to-day to manufacture the kind of anthrax powder that are being sent through the post to various persons and organizations in the United States. Last week John Wolsely, the ex CIA director had announced that America had supplied Iraq with this deadly substance. people killed on terrorist attacks Solutions for terrorism. Now the American administration claims that both Moscow and Baghdad are capable of manufacturing this type of anthrax directly although both countries have vehemently denied having the capability for doing so. The inability of the American officials in pinpointing the real culprit and arresting those responsible, seems to have given rise to this new scenario. The officials responsible seem to be seeking a scapegoat overseas so that they can connect the anthrax postings to groups or individuals whom they have labeled as terrorists. Until and unless the U. S. administration seeks to remedy its own actions which are the main causes for the recent terrible infliction upon the American people, the disconsolate, the disappointed, the despondent and dejected individuals and groups within and outside its borders will unfortunately continue with similar actions which although nefarious and shocking in nature, are perhaps the last shout of a forlorn and discarded minority which are seeking , although through misguided means, to be heard and considered in a world which has totally rejected and forsaken them.

People killed on terrorist attacks

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