850 glove box doesn't open?
thanks to Richard for this fix...

Should you  find that your glove box will no longer open, then it is probable that the latch mechanism is shot and no amount of fussing will get the
latch to release the metal shaft it grips.
After much searching I discovered there is no way to access the the screws holding the door to the dash from beneath.
The solution is to purchase a fine tooth hack saw blade and slip it between the upper door opening and the dash. Slide it along until you contact the
first side of the latch hook and saw away slowly. Have the teeth face the correct way of course. You will have to do this twice to cut both sides of the
"U" shaped wire loop. Once done the door will pop open. To prevent damage from the blades teeth to the vinyl edges of the dash and door, line the
area with racers {duct} tape first.
The next trick is to purchase some rubberized magnet strips, and glue one side to the fuzzy dash lining and one side to the door. Presto a latch
mechanism that will never fail, but can never be locked either.
Kindest Regards:
Richard Baumann
VP-Engineering Hardware
905 643 9700 ext 227--

Learn how RMT uses advanced gantry robotics to fundamentally improve the way
companies do business. Visit www.RMTRobotics.com  or call RMT today.

Also from Richard:

850 headlight alignment tip
how a failed water pump can wreck your engine and end up costing you BIG $$$

back to ozbrick 850 home page

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