Caveat to Kino's Website

Remember Kino's site is a compendium of things that can go wrong with the 850, which is extremely useful from a preventative perspective. All cars have their flaws, some worse than others. Volvo seems to be no worse than any other prestige automobile manufacturer in this regard. Volvo 850/S/V/70 owners are just lucky to have this information resource at hand.

check out this relevant thread: "when to give up"

In Australia (surprisingly), the cost of replacement of minor and major parts on the Volvo 850 is sometimes less than that of other prestige european, prestige to budget asian and even locally manufactured models, and it outshines many other european cars for reliability. But judge the value for yourself.

So far I have had no problems with dealers in Australia, but then again, I have had no problems to take to them. Kino's comments on service relate mainly to American dealers: please send me tales of your experiences in other countries for posting here.

Having said that, the king of problems with the 850 is undoubtedly the transmission, followed by the Air Conditioning evaporator. Check out the info that I have collected on this site for yourself, and be an active part of the brickboard, especially if something goes wrong with your Volvo!


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If you have any experiences, facts, hints comments or data that you think might be useful on the site, please

email me

and I will post it, with an acknowledgement of your contribution (if you so wish).