About the OSRA


Committee Meeting Minutes ('03 - '04)



Join the OSRA


National Society for Risk Analysis

The Ohio Chapter of the Society for Risk Analysis (OSRA) is an officially chartered chapter of the national SRA, and maintain a membership independent of, but in association with, the national organization. On behalf of all the Chapter membership, we welcome you.

We are interested in risk analysis, risk assessment and risk management and represent the academic, commercial, consultative, governmental and industrial sectors. With your recent addition, our 2003 membership total for the chapter currently stands at about 95 members from throughout Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Indiana. Our Chapter Objectives are:

  • To serve as the focal point for interaction of members of the Society and other interested individuals and organizations in Ohio and nearby areas.

  • To further an understanding, awareness, and appropriate applications of risk analysis, and to promote exchange of ideas and practical experiences among members of the academic, industrial and regulatory communities and public interest groups involved in risk analysis and risk management.

  • To sponsor and organize scientific and educational meetings.

  • To serve as a resource for, and provide support to, the Society and the local community.

  • To encourage the understanding of the philosophical and ethical aspects of risk analysis and risk management.

Under the direction of our Executive Committee, the Chapter seeks to hold its annual technical spring/summer technical symposium, our annual dinner meeting, and to initiate a series of informal, local lunch or dinner meetings at the major centers of activity throughout the state. The chapter seeks to undertake some outreach activities to colleges, universities and other institutions throughout the state. To help us work successfully toward these goals, we want you to know that the Chapter membership values, encourages and appreciates your input and participation.