Of Claws And Fangs
Episode 31

With a smile Rin crossed to him, wrapping her arms about his neck she whispered, "Nope. But I think we should get back before we are missed." She lifted her lips to his, enjoying the taste of him.

Keikan walked slowly onward, his fatigue growing with each step. He had pushed himself way to hard.

They had just brought down a good sized buck when Keishou scented his brother. His twin was trudging doggedly toward the castle. "Keikan!" he called.

Sesshomaru went to his son's side. The boy looked like he had been to hell and back. "Keikan?"

Shakaku felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her heart. 'He's heir to the Western Lands?' The thought that he hadn't told her that made her slightly angry. She stood. "You are correct, my Lady," she started to follow her back to the cozy kitchen. Shakaku paused, putting her hand on the woman's arm. "Arigatou, for everything."

"Keishou, Chichioya." He managed wearily. His feet felt like lead weights "Shakaku, is she here? Is she safe?" He asked looking into his father's face. Even as the darkness claimed him he cursed it.

"Shakaku," Akisame chided the girl gently, placing her hand over the girls, "You forget, when in contact I can read a person as if they were a scroll. Remember you weren't exactly honest with him either. Did you tell him who you were? Or even your name?"

As Inu Yasha and Rin returned Miroku watched from the bench he still shared with his wife. He watched as his hanyou friend gently cupped the young woman's cheek and kissed her forehead gently, before they separated him towards the garden, her into the castle.

Sesshomaru caught Keikan as he fell. He sighed as he fit the pieces of the puzzle together. Lifting his son, he looked at Keishou, "Can you carry the buck?"

Keishou nodded, and tossed the deer over his shoulder, following his father back to the castle.

Sango made a soft sound of disapproval as she lay her head on her husbands shoulder. "He's going to get caught before he's ready to deal with Sesshomaru."

"I...no...I," Shakaku shut her mouth. The Lady was right. She had been as much at fault as Keikan for not revealing their true identities. Both of them after all had just been trying to get away. They returned to the kitchen and resumed preparing the meal. Shakaku couldn't help asking the child. "Mika...do you know where Keikan is?"

Mika looked up from the carrot she was chopping. "He's coming but he's asleep."

Haya smiled at the girl, "Akisame I started on some dumplings, Keishou and Sesshomaru-sama should be back soon with some meat."

Akisame nodded at Haya and looked at Mika, "What do you mean Keikan is asleep?" Before she could get an answer Rin burst into the room. One look at her face and Akisame smiled, "Rin, run quickly and take a bath, before your Sesshomaru-sama gets back." She said winking as the girl blushed then turned to rush to the bath, "If you see Sango, tell her girl talk tonight after dinner in the kitchen."

After her neesan left Mika answered the question she was asked. "He ran alot and he's tired. Can I be part of girl talk this time too?"

Shakaku felt somewhat dazed by the sudden commotion but managed to ask. "What's girl talk?"

"No, Mika you may not. You still can't resist telling others secrets. When you are older you may join us." Akisame started to answer Shakaku but Haya interrupted.

"I'll tell you all about it, when little ears aren't listening." Haya said reaching out and tickling Mika. "To make it up to you why don't I tell you about when your Uncle fought Naraku?"

Mika giggled then clapped her hands happily. "Oh yes, Haya! Tell us about Uncle Inu!"

Shakaku's brow furrowed in thought. She remembered hearing a little about the evil Naraku but not much. "You're uncle fought Naraku?"

Sesshomaru carried his sleeping son through the front gates. Sango noticed them and ran over. "What happened?"

"He's fine, just tired. Apparently he was chasing after a certain guest of ours."

"You have never heard the tale of The Shikon No Tama? Well it's a good thing that it is Mika's favorite tale. Yes her Uncle Inu Yasha, Her nii-san Shippo, my Otousan and Okaasan and the Miko Kagome fought Naraku many times."

Akisame smiled and left the kitchen, as she passed the entry, Sesshomaru walked in carrying Keikan. She placed a hand on the boy's forehead and sighed. "He was so worried you would hurt her, he pushed himself far beyond his limits." Seeing her other son holding a large buck, "Keishou take that deer to Haya and tell our guest your brother has returned." She followed Sesshomaru, helping him put their son in his futon. As they exited the room, she looked up at him "It has been a while since we tucked him in, but strangely it seems like yesterday."

Sesshomaru smiled gently down at his mate. "Yes, I miss it in a way," then he chuckled. "I can not believe he thought I would hurt her."

Shakaku listened raptly as Haya recounted the tale of the Sacred Jewel. The more she heard the more she was convinced that her father was wrong. If hanyou were weak then how could Inu Yasha have accomplished the great things he had? When Keishou entered the kitchen, carrying the deer he had caught, Shakaku took a moment to study the hanyou. She saw the truth of what Akisame had told her. This twin's eyes were as calm as a stream, Keikan's were certainly wilder, untamed. Keishou dropped the buck and looked at her. "Keikan's in his room." She wanted to go to him but Haya was not yet finished with her story. She gave the girl a questioning look.

Haya paused in her tale, she understood only too well the desire to be near the one you loved. "Go on, I can tell it to you another time."

"Well you did say and I quote, 'There are no words to describe the suffering I will inflict upon the North.'" Akisame teased, "You know the girls are cooking tonight, and it's going to take a while to prepare the deer... Race ya." She took off running.

With a feral gleam in his eye, Sesshomaru growled playfully and sped after his mate.

Shakaku nodded gratefully and after Keishou gave her directions to Keikan's room, made her way to it quickly. Once there she knelt beside him. He looked exhausted, her heart fluttered at the sight of him. Looking around the room she saw a basin and a jar of water. The youkai poured some water in the basin, then tearing a small piece of cloth from the hem of her kimono, she dipped it in the water. Pushing aside his silvery locks, she began to wipe the dust from his face.

At the feel of a wet cloth on his skin, Keikan whimpered. Within the dreamscape he ran, he had to get back to the castle. Shakaku he had to protect her. He knew his Chichioya was still silently fuming over Midori's murder. "Don't" He muttered.

As Sesshomaru rushed into the room, Akisame used a small maneuver that Sango had taught her earlier. It worked like a charm and he landed on his back. Pouncing to straddle his hips, she grinned down at him. "I've caught the mighty Taiyoukai Sesshomaru." She untied his obi, throwing it across the room. "What ever shall I do with him?"

Sesshomaru suppressed his grin, and put on his pouty face. "Do what you will woman, this Sesshomaru is at your mercy."

"Yes," she said in husky voice, "yes you are."

Haya watched the deer haunch roasting over the kitchen fire. Mika had fallen asleep during her tale of the first meeting of Kouga. She felt Keishou's eyes on her. Turning she smiled at him, "Keishou... how long before you ask father?"

Keishou watched his mate as she roasted the deer, her jet black hair shimmered in the fire light. He smiled at her question. "I was planning on asking him tonight."

Haya's smile became even larger and tears filled her cerulean eyes. Walking over to stand beside him she placed her hand on his cheek. "Keishou. Koibito. Shujin. Hai, I like that." (Translations: Keishou. Lover. My husband. Yes, I like that)

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