Of Claws And Fangs
Episode 32

Shakaku wondered what Keikan could be dreaming about. What had happened to him? His sister said he had run a lot but what had he been running from? Had he gone to the lake only to run into her father's soldiers? She brushed her fingers across his cheeks. "Keikan?" she whispered.

Deep in his dream, Keikan ran the castle never getting closer. He had to get to her. Why wasn't his speed enough. Finally as he neared the castle, he saw them Chichioya and Keishou leaning over something. He caught the tawny gold of it's fur. "No..." he wailed, "Shakaku."

Her hand froze, as he spoke her name. She had to wake him up. Placing her hands on either shoulder, Shakaku shook Keikan gently. "Keikan, wake up."

He felt someone shaking him, and a voice calling. His eyes flew open, for a moment he couldn't focus on anything. Then he say her, she was safe. "Shakaku? You're not hurt are you? I swear Chichioya or not if he hurt you...."

Part of her was touched by his concern, another part was annoyed that he too did not think she knew how to protect herself. Unfortunately it was the later part that controlled her next words and actions. She glared at him, "So, you don't think I can take care of myself either?" Without waiting for an answer she picked up the jar of water and proceeded to dump the entire contents on Keikan's head.

Sitting up quickly he glared at her "What the hell!! What did I do?"

Shakaku stood and began pacing gesturing wildly with her hands. "Just like my baka father. Just because I'm female I need a male to take care of me!" she went into an imitation of Reiketsu, "It's always 'You don't have to worry about it Shakaku, you're going to marry South's son' or 'Don't go outside by yourself Shakaku, West's hanyou sons might get you.' I can take care of myself."

He stood, he wore only his white hakama his own anger growing. "NOW LISTEN. I don't know what the hell you are talking about. But unless you hadn't noticed it, you ARE in one of WEST'S HANYOU SON'S bedrooms. AND WHY the HELL would YOUR father be so damn concerned? AND why would HE WANT you to MARRY South's son?"

Shakaku stepped up to him, looking him square in the eye, her own flashing. "Because my father is a complete and utter baka who can't see past bloodlines and apparently South's son is the only heir fit to sell me off to. I know exactly where I am and it's because of you," she said, poking him in the chest, "that I am here!"

A growl rumbled in his chest, Keikan didn't even try to surpress it. "Fine your father is all impressed with bloodlines. South's baka son is the only one he feels worthy of you. and Your father's a complete and utter baka. I know you why you are here, I got your DAMN note. What I DON'T know you BAKA TORA WENCH, is WHO THE HELL YOUR FATHER IS!!!"

"YOU TWO, WILL TAKE THIS OUTSIDE!!!" Akisame stood in the door to his room fuming, "Sesshomaru and I were in the middle of something when your screaming interrupted. Now both of you OUT!!!!" She pointed towards the hall behind her, "Move it young man or I will make sure that Jaken finds out about Shiro. As for you Shakaku, you may not be my daughter, but under this roof my word is law. NOW OUTSIDE!!"

Keikan had frozen when his mother had slammed the door open. He had only seen her in this rage once. That time it had been a visiting female inu youkai, who had tried to slip into bed with his father. Realizing trying to rationalize at this moment would only anger her further he grabbed the hiori laying across the futon and started for the door silently, trying desperately to catch Shakaku's attention and motion her to follow.

She opened her mouth to yell at him for calling her a baka and a wench when Akisame voice thundered in the room. She followed Keikan outside, quietly, aghast that she had disturbed the Lady of the house. Shakaku had forgotten that Keikan didn't know whose daughter she was. Once they were outside, she said "I am...I mean, my father is Reiketsu, Lord of the North."

Keikan looked at Shakaku stunned. After a moment his hand came up hide his eyes. "Shit... Damn it...." He rubbed his eyes. "Ok think...."

Whatever had caused her temper to flare left her completely and at his reaction she felt a pain lance through her heart. Shakaku lowered her gaze from his. He wouldn't want her around him now. How could he after what her father had done. "Gomen, I will go now." She turned to leave.

"Where the hell are you going?" He lifted his head. "Damn Shakaku, I don't care who you're father is. It just complicates things. I was only trying to figure out what he would do, when he discovers where you are."

After the two youngsters had left the hall, Akisame returned to her own room. Smiling at Sesshomaru who had leaned up on his elbows, she slid the door shut behind her. "Now where was I?"

Shakaku turned back to him. He didn't want her to leave and that fact made her very happy. "He'll send an armed guard to bring me back," she replied, she knew her father well. "Forgive me if I have placed you and your family in more danger but I thought that a danger you know of is more easily defended against than one that is unknown." She stepped up to him and took his hand in hers, "Gomen nasi about your sister," she said softly. "You were worried about me?"

"Yes, silly. My family kinda has a temper, if you haven't noticed. Midori was the only one of us that didn't. Ok, this can be handled if you're willing... I've got an idea. I need to check with Chichioya... but I'll do that after He and Hahaoya reappear."

She chuckled, "Yes I think I have noticed. If your plan involves getting revenge on my father, I am very willing," her stomach rumbled and she grinned sheepishly, "In the meantime, why don't we go see how your sister and Haya are doing with dinner."

"Shakaku, I never thought you couldn't defend yourself. I know better. Kouga of the Wolf Demon tribe is terrified of Hahaoya. My Daibo, is a taiji." Keikan was about to say more but was silenced by a huge yawn. "Excuse me. If you will forgive me, after we eat I'm going to go back to bed. I'm exhausted."

"And leave a beautiful young lady alone, Keikan?" A teasing voice asked.

"Houshi-sama, as your mate is my Daibo and you are such a jii-jii, I shall refrain from hitting you. I have more respect for my elders." Keikan teased back.

Shakaku blushed at the compliment. "No I don't mind at all," she said, "I believe Lady Akisame and Haya mentioned something about a thing called girl talk."

"And when is this girl talk session due to take place?" Miroku asked.

"Tonight after dinner," came Sango's voice from the entrance, "And if you know what is good for you my Houshi, you will be no where within hearing distance, unless you wish to feel Hirakotsu on your skull again."

Shakaku looked around to see the woman standing in the entrance, her arms folded over her chest. There was a smile on the woman's face but Shakaku could tell she meant what she said. She had never seen a female speak such to a male. She had defied her father many times but never threatened him and always it was she who backed down in the end. "Again?"

Sango smiled at her. "Yes, when we were younger my husband had a bad habit of peeking while we were in the hotsprings and I never failed to punish him for it," she turned her dark eyed gaze on her godson, "Keikan...you look like hell."

"Arigatou Daibo. It is nice to now I look like I feel." He shrugged, "Don't worry. I'll be a good hanyou puppy," he used her nickname for him, "and go back to bed after dinner."

"My dear Sango, I a servant of Budda peeking? No I was protecting you and dear Kagome and Akari from the wild creatures." Miroku gave his wife his most charming smile.

"Good," she replied then snorted derisively. "Riiiight. You, my dear husband will be spending the evening in the company of a certain inu Taiyoukai."

Shakaku shook her head in amazement, then leaned closer to Keikan, whispering in his ear. "Are they always like this?"

Keikan looked down at her, shocked. "Don't all married couples act like that?"

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