"Like the phoenix, it has risen once again. Are you ready?"

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Welcome to the Omega Anime Role-playing Game! This RPG is run in PBEM (Play by email) format. In this RPG anime characters, video game characters and even manga characters can collide on the field of battle. However, as wonderful or farfetched this idea may seem, there are rules to be followed to make this site enjoyable for both you and me.


Site Rules:

-This RPG will run on a 5-Day basis (Monday-Friday) and will always be updated at 7:00 CST without fail (usually...). Over the weekend I'll add new members, and sometimes you will be able to participate in tournaments and things of that nature.

-During the 5-Day period, you may email me an action. This action will allow the character you've chosen to progress through the world I've created, and interact with others in it. Actions include, but are not limited to: Traveling, Shopping, Battling, Training, etc.

-Kind of a part 2 to the previous statement, you MUST role-play at LEAST 3 times a week. Otherwise, I might get worried. If you for some reason cannot do so, or something has come up, please email me. The more you and I are informed the easier this will be for both of us.

-Sometimes, things will come up in the real world that will take up most of my time. When this happens, I will most likely pause the site temporarily. However, I will compensate by giving your character a boost in power and funds.


Action Rules:

-You can only email me ONCE per day, and you MUST included your character's name in the email, so I can identify who you are. Also, it is possible for you to do multiple things in one email. So, it would be wise to think your action over carefully so you can do what you'd truly like to that day. It wouldn't be wise to do too much, as things should stay within reason.


In order for your character to become more powerful (for all of you power-gamers), you must gain experience through battle or situation. Battling is quite simple, and would mainly consist of you and another opponent. Situations, on the other hand, are mainly in the form of quests. Either way, both are an opportunity to not pass out on.

Battle Types:

Hit-And-Run- A simple way of getting your message across. Usually the attacker will try one brutal attack, then escape from the field before being noticed. This can be an act of cowardice, or even one of complete savagery. Because it is very easy to do, you'll not gain much experience from this.

Ambush- This is when the attacker strikes first, gaining the initiative in combat. Both the attacker and victim will acknowledge each others' presence, but the attacker will have the upper hand throughout the battle. However, if the attacker ambushes one of more skill than themselves, they will find their advantage becoming non-existent.

Duel- Two fighters who wish to duke it out on their own terms will probably choose this method of fighting. Both fighters must email me acknowledging the duel, as well as setting the rules for the fight. Because one can learn another's fighting technique, both fighters will receive a good amount of experience from this type of battle. Also, given that bookies love these kind of fights, whoever wins will reap some of the profits.

Waylay/Massacre- These two types of battles are opposites of one another. A Waylay occurs when a group of individuals attack a single/smaller target, and a Massacre occurs when a single individual attacks a group of targets. Either way, a good amount of experience can be gained depending on the outcome of the battle.


In order to reach other realms, or even participate in important quests, you must be able to travel. Once you have acquired a method of transportation (besides public ones), you will be able to travel at will. While you're on Earth, you will be able to travel to different realms on Earth, but not off of the planet unless you purchased something allowing you to do so. Also, while you are traveling, and you have acquired the proper vehicle, you can train. Given that you can't do much else out in space, this is a great way to pass the time and become more powerful.


Sometimes, your current gear isn't enough to get through certain situations. When this happens, you can buy helpful items at the store. This way, you'll be prepared for whatever comes your way.


Quests are the next best thing to battles. Through quests you can gain experience, money,  and sometimes very valuable items. There will be some quests your character will not be able to participate in, which the only reason would be that you aren't powerful enough. Other than that, questing is a great way to explore unknown regions, thus allowing future access when needed.


This isn't as great as battling, but when you want to be alone and away from the harshness of the world, this is heaven. Training will allow you to gain more power without having to risk physical injury, however, the gain is not much. If you have made many enemies in the world, training would be the best way to prepare for them.


Every month, there will be a Free For All for all characters to participate in. All that's necessary is for you to write an email to me saying that you'd like to participate, and "poof" you're there. Tournaments are a great way to gain power and even valuable items.


Character Status Rules:

Some times, battles can go awry, and not end in your favor. When this happens, you may get injured, or worst case scenario, killed!


This occurs when your character has sustained physical damage. Healing days can range from (1-5). 1 being nicked up, and 5 being on the verge of death.


Your physical form will dissipate, and your spirit will rift into the abyss. You can still play while in the abyss, but your goal would most likely be to find a way back into the world of the living. If one had a powerful reviving item, or perhaps even strong magic, there could be a way to bring your character back.


This is for mecha pilots. When your mecha becomes damaged, it will require a time to repair. During this time, you'll be completely devoted to restoring your damaged mecha, and won't be fighting in any way whatsoever. However, you can still do other actions, just not fight.


Ascending Rules:

"Ascending" is the term I use for "Upgrading", but it works differently. Every character has a "Potential" rating. After reaching a certain height of power, that rating will equal "100%". At this point, you will be able to perform a new maneuver, or perhaps even gain access to a weapon you've never seen before. You can keep gaining power and not draw upon your potential, thus delaying your time of ascension. Sometimes, when your own character strengths are not enough, ascending may be the only option. If you want to ascend, just email me telling me so and I will allow it to happen. 


Joining & Character Creation Rules:

If you'd like to join my RPG send me an email containing the following below to omegaanimemk2@hotmail.com.  This is where you will email me for EVERYTHING! You can join as any video-game/anime/manga character you wish. If you'd like to join, then first scan the "Players" page to see what characters have already been chosen. If the one you want to be hasn't, then submit the following below. If it has, then sorry, but you must pick a different character. 

(Character Creation)

Character Name: (The name of the character you'd like to be.)

Series: (The Anime/Video-Game/Manga it's from.)

Information URL: (This is a link to a site that has a lot of details about the character you'd like to be. If you cannot find one, then do your best to describe your character.)

Picture URL: (This is a link to the picture that you'd like to see used for your character. If you wish for me to find a good pic, then I will do my best.)

Email Address: ('Nuff said)

Hopefully, after you've sent me the email, I will have you up ASAP!


Other Rules:

-You CANNOT advertise on my message boards without my permission. Any violation of this rule will get you banned from my site.

-You CANNOT have more than one character on this site. If I somehow find out that this is true, then you will be banned from my site.

-If a group of people would like to pool their efforts and resources together, they can form a "Faction". Factions are what allows alliances to hold strong. This will allow you a distinct advantage during fights, because whoever attacks you will not only be dissing your honor, but your team's as well.


And that's it for now! Hope you enjoy the RPG! =) 








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