Sage's Fun Award

Is Your Homepage Fun?
Does It Meet These Requirements?

1. Site must be in English,how will I know if it's fun?

2. Good layout,easy,breezy surfing. I shouldn't have to go to the main page to get to another page.

3. No pornography,or links to pornography.

4. Site with a Theme...not just Links.

5. Interesting,fun and helpful links.

6. I would like to see some graphics and cool backgrounds.

7. Music and/or animation is nice but not required.

8. No broken pictures or links to nowhere.

9. No Commercial Sites,Personal Homepages only.

10.No Site that promotes racial hate,violence against man or beast or devilworshipping.

11.A Site that shows you've put some time/effort into it.

12.Brownie points to those who sign my Guestbook =:^)

But most of should be F U N !
1.Email below
2.Type "Award Submission" in the Subject line.
3.Tell me why you deserve the award.
4.Please allow 2-3 weeks for notification because I'm probably out having Fun!



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