...To allow the descent of the Supramental Consciousness (as described by Sri Aurobindo) and stabilization at the human level, to awaken world consciousness in humanity.

...Re-establishing of morality and ethics. Promoting preservation of all the life on the Earth, including plants and animals. And, to preserve all arts, culture and language on Earth.

...The integration of the philosophies from India, including Yoga, which has existed for over 5,000 years, and can be considered to be a method for attaining perfection of body, mind and spirit. "Yoga may be regarded as a system of psychology far more developed than is known in Western Science.

...To be able to initiate people en masse into action. For action both inwardly and outwardly are of equal imporance.

...To create an international network of centers, where more awakened individuals can meet for highly altruistic purposes. They will work to overcome strife, for the security of the whole of humanity.

These centers will be training places where a person of high idealism and open-mindedness can be trained in exoteric studies, for example, psychology, public speaking, Yoga philosophies, and healing; and esoteric studies incorporating the psychic, intuitive aspect which leads to eventual spiritual and cosmic experiences.

These people will be freelance individuals, dedicated to the highest principles. They will be COSMIC WORKERS.

All visible techniques can be employed, both ancient and modern, to make the appropriate changes necessary -- from the individual, to the gorup, nation and the world.

The workers will be able to understand the basic concepts such as Superconsciousness, and selfless service. They should try to accept the principle of Universal Mind as the container and giver of all ideas, theoretical and practical... A sense of World Oneness is to be generated in these centers. The cadre should be of high-minded people with a sense of humbleness and duty for service.

Those of us who have the opportunity to operate on higher levels of consciousness, thought and ideals need support not only from the forces above, but from each other.

To understand ourselves, we must delve into our inner sanctum, for without directions from inner guidance we cannot know what is true in us. We must create a better way to discover and to live in the truth.

Spiritual forces and values must be re-established for the New Future Society, and the world, to be strong, for her peoples to be truly free.