Spiritual Revolution
"...As the completion of the book comes to an end, see that it gets proper justice to be known here in the West and in the East.  Its purpose is dualfold -- to inspire the West out of Ignorance and to prevent the East from entering Ignorance.  It is with this message that we end our communication for this book."
Your Faithful Scribes,              
Master K. H. and Master Morya
Following the tradition of Madame Blavatsky and great rishi Sri Aurobindo

Inspired by the Brothers of the White Lodge, written by two foremost Yogis in the Western Hemisphere

The long awaited herald of the Spiritual Rebirth of the World...

Transmitted directly from the Cosmic Mind, the Masters and the Instruments of the Divine WIll on Earth

To Inspire, to guide, to bring understanding and pupose into our turbulent modetn era.
To be present upon the Earth is to participate in the infinite Beauty and Perfection, the miracle of Life.  To feel within oneself the thrill, the palpitation of the Universal which binds us together as a manifestation of the Divine Consciousness...

Let us suppose that for one instant suddenly the whole world would become aware of that greater and All embracing consciousness; what would happen?

Can we really believe that this spirit, this consciousness will gradually permeate and absorb all Spheres of the Society, because it is in the interest of all?  When we have found a method within ourselves by which it becomes easy to detach ourselves from all negativity, then we know that perfection is possible; it is our concrete achievement of every day.

We cannot accept materialism modernization and computerization as the answer.

Aspire to higher expression of truth.  Keep close to your heart the knowledge of your Soul!
Coming soon to bookstores,
from Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
For more information contact the New Future Society
The Illumined Mind of Ananda Devi
And Her Account of India and Experimental Metaphysics
Ananda Devi died suddenly in February 1994, and left a legacy of her tireless efforts to raise the individual's consciousness to enlightenment.  She was acknowledged by dignitaries worldwide, created two centers for realization in New York City and Paris, France and lectured and wrote extensively.

Her method of Yoga, in its various branches, was absolutely unique, practical and immediately effective to meet the needs of modern man.

The Illumined Mind of Ananda Devi is a collection of writings of an extraordinary woman, a
Westerner who experienced complete illumination, which for millennia was known only to Eastern mystics.  It is a capsule for the spirit of a revolutionary way of seeing and living life; the origins of the New Future Society.
The Illumined Mind may be purchased courtesy of Minerva Press, UK, or directly through the New Future Society.
Contact the New Future Society for details.
For more information about additional booklets, transcripts, audio cassettes and videos, contact the New Future Society.