Savannah's Page - Oct/Nov, 1998

Sunday, November 1st, 1998

Here is a picture of Savannah just before going out to trick-or-treat. Mom, Savannah, and Jacob dressed in various garb as leopards, while dad dressed as a knight waiting for his princess. Actually, Savannah was going to be his princess but the practicality of her wearing a white dress to all the halloween parties and parades didn't seem likely, so at the last minute we changed direction. The darker colors, and more simple tastes of the leopards costume worked well for our little toddler. We are saving the princess costume for next year!

Saturday, October 31st 1998

The house is a wreck, so there is not too much time to write this evening. However, we wanted to give you a teasing peak at one of our Halloween outfits. <>> Savannah dressed as a leopard is celebrating this Halloween with Thursday playgroup friends

Savannah is becoming more vocal, especially now that she knows that "trick-or-treat" yields many treats! Look for more group halloween pictures coming soon!

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