Jacob's Page

Jacob's Page - Oct/Nov, 1998

Sunday - November 1st, 1998>

Here is the cutest picture of Jacob! No opportunities for posing with a 10 month old, so the shots are always spontaneous and candid! Enjoy!

Saturday - October 31st, 1998

You are going to have to wait to see Jacob's Halloween pictures, as the family pictures are on a new roll, not expected to be developed for another few days! But, when you see them, I am sure you'll think they were worth the wait! In the interim though, here is a more recent picture of Jacob, and I am sure you will be surprised at the progress:

Look at me cruising with my new car!

Jacob is not walking on his own yet. He doesn't even cruise side-to-side along the furniture yet, but he can walk pretty good with any sturdy object in front of him, such as you see in the picture!

Other recent accomplishments include that he crawled at 9 months and one day old. He climbed his first step at 9.5 months old. He learned to wave at 9.5 months old. Now, at 10 months, he really loves to laugh out LOUD now if something is funny. He eats many more foods now, but we still supplement with our 'veggie bottles'. He's still not saying any consanants other than "baaaaa" occassionally, but we are working on him a little. He still seems to babble more than Savannah did as a baby, but I think she said more words than he does as a baby. Interesting! Fortunately, he does babble a lot though, so the PED said to give it a little more time before being concerned, as the 'baaa' sound is a good starting point. I'm still not sure he knows that I'm MOMMY yet though! You can ask Paul about that one though. I guess the saddest thing (for mommy) is that he gave up nursing about a week ago! . He likes the portability of a bottle. I guess I can't blame him . He's not interested in the cup very much at all, but he does like juice boxes (but the sugars too concentrated to give to him all the time in lieu of bottles). I guess that's it for now! Look for more CUTE pictures coming soon.

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