Jacob's Page - February, 1998

Jacob at 8 weeks

Jacob Update as of 2/18/98 - Jacob is 8 weeks old today. The visiting nurse came late this afternoon and weighed him in at 6lbs 7oz's. Each ounce counts. That puts him just shy of 6 and 1/2 pounds. How exciting and incredible to see how big he has gotten! He is starting to fit into his newborn clothes now. He still wears those cute newborn (tiny,tiny) diapers. Feedings are still every 2-3 hours, but occasionally he will go 4-5 hours without b'feeding. We are so pleased with his weight! Mom and Dad are a little concerned about his eyesight though. We won't elaborate until we talk to the Pediatrician on Friday. Hopefully they can do some test to check it out in the immediate future. Hearing seems great and overall alertness has improved. We just got a new cable in for our monitor, so we are having fewer 'false alarms' due to loose connections. Such a relief to put that replacement cable on!! That's it for now. Hugs.

Jacob Update as of 2/14/98 - Jacob is almost 8 weeks old. Tuesday, Feb 17th would have been his due date. Hard to believe time has passed so quickly. Last Thursday, 7 weeks, he weighed in 6lbs 4oz's. Incredible! He's just about the size of a full term newborn. His eyes are a sparkling blue so far. Typical of a newborn, but we anxiously await the future color. His reflux is holding it's own. He is still having difficulties, but less so these days. He is still having bradycardia's (low heartrate) and apnea (slow/stopped breathing), but with less frequency. It's nice not hearing the monitor go off so much! Jacob also holds his head up some and smiles frequently!!! It's such a pleasure to see such development on a little guy that still might have been in mom's tummy at this point! Hugs!

Jacob Update as of 2/4/98 - Jacob is 6 weeks old TODAY! The visiting nurse just came and weighed him in at 5lbs 9oz. He has gained exactly 1 pound since his birth. Jacob's reflux problem is holding it's own. It has not really gotten better, but has not gotten any worse. Hopefully the last few episodes last week will be it!! We are off to the Doctor's tomorrow. Hopefully all will be good!

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