
by Remma (

"So, any ideas where you'd like to go?"

"Why don't we try that new Italian place near my apartment?"

"What, the hideously expensive one with the weird name?"

"Yes, that one."

"Oh, okay. Was I stupid enough to say it was my treat?"

"You were, Jack."

"Damn. Remind me to keep my mouth shut in future."

"Well, if it's too steep for you we could always go to McDonalds."

"No respect, I get no respect. Someday, Daniel, I'm going to..."

"Sir, Colonel O'Neill."

"Yes, what is it, Airman?"

"Sir, General Hammond requests your presence in the conference room."

"What, now?"

"Yes, sir, as soon as possible."

"Right. Dismissed. Damn."

"Do you want me to wait for you, Jack?"

"Nah, could be hours. Guess we'll have to forget about the celebrating for tonight."

"I've got a better idea. Why don't I head on back to my place and prepare a little something there. You can come over as soon as your done."

"Sure? It could be late."

"Well, as long as it isn't all night we should be able to get some quality celebration time together."

"Works for me. What are you planning on doing?"

"It's a surprise."

"So you have no idea."

"Not as such, but I'll think of something...I'm very resourceful."

"That you are, Daniel. You never cease to amaze me."

"Then prepare to be amazed, Jack."

"Sweet. See you later."

"Right. Hurry home ."

"Oh, yeah."

"You're early, I wasn't...Sam...uh...hi."

"Hello, Daniel. I thought we needed to continue our little chat from the other day."

"Oh, well...uhm...yes, sure. Sam, this isn't really...uhm..."

"If I'm not welcome..."

"No, no, of course your welcome. This just isn't the best time. Why don't we talk tomorrow, at work."

"I'd rather talk now, if you don't mind. It's okay to come in, isn't it?"


"My, my...very nice. Love the candles. Did you forget to pay your electricity bill, or is all this intended to create a nice romantic atmosphere? Looks like your expecting company...or do you have someone hidden in the bedroom ?"

"Oh...uhm...I have a date."

"Anyone I know?"

"I...we...I'd rather not say. It's private."

"And there, I thought we were friends. Seems I was wrong."

"No, we are...of course were friends. There are just some things..."

"Best kept secret?"

", not secret...private."

"Right, private."

"Why are you being like this? I'm sorry if I upset you before, but I really was only thinking of you."

"Of course you were, Daniel. Why else would you want me to leave the Colonel alone?"

"What's going on, here, Sam?"

"Why don't you tell me, Daniel? Why don't you tell me exactly what's been going on with you...and Colonel O'Neill?"

"Oh, god. What did Janet..."

"Janet didn't tell me anything, she was quite prepared to keep your sordid little secret. Teal'c told me."

"Teal'c! But how..."

"Oh, Teal'c's known for a long while, apparently it was obvious. Silly me not to notice."

"God. Sam, I never..."

"Never what, Daniel? Never thought I'd find out?"

"Never wanted you to get hurt."

"Well, what a shame, I am hurt. How could you sit there and listen to me tell you how I felt about the Colonel and say nothing."

"That's not fair. I tried to tell you it couldn't work, but you wouldn't believe me."

"I've always been honest with you..."

"Oh, really? You didn't feel the need to tell me what happened with the Zatarc detector. If you had then..."

"You can't blame me for this situation, Daniel. What possible difference could it have made if I'd come to you then?"

"If you'd told me how you felt about Jack, then I would have told you that I felt the same. At least then, we'd both know where we stood."

"Well we know now, don't we?"

"I guess so. Look, Sam..."

"How long?"


"How long has this been going on?"

"Oh. Awhile."

"I see. God, your car."

"My car?"

"That afternoon when I took some reports to the Colonel's house. We thought we saw your car, but didn't think it could be. You were there weren't you? What were you doing that was too important to answer the door?"

"Oh...uhm...we were...uhm..."

"Oh my god, the clothes...there were clothes all over the floor. It never occurred to me that they didn't all belong to Colonel O'Neill. You must have had a good laugh at my expense."

"Believe me, we were not laughing."

"This is pointless. I should probably go."

"No, Sam, we can't leave it like this."

"Janet was right, I should never have come here. I think I was still hoping you'd deny it all, say that it was some big misunderstanding. I just can't believe that you would...that the Colonel would...I mean...didn't you even think about the consequences? What about the team?"

"Oh, please, don't give me that. The only reason were having this conversation is because you wanted to start a relationship with Jack, and you're pissed that I got there first."

"Don't you always?"

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever I do, you always get there first: You opened the Stargate first; you worked out the stellar drift first; you discovered alternate universes first; and now you got to have sex with the Colonel first."

"That's not fair, I was never in competition with you. And it's not just sex with Jack."

"No, you're in love."

"Yes, we are."

"You even have that. You said to me once that I'd never really known what love is, and you were right."

"No, Sam, I wasn't me when I said that."

"I know, but that doesn't stop it from being true. My career has always been so important to me...more important than love, or even friendship. Until the Stargate, and SG-1. I never really had close friends before. And as for my relationship with my father and brother, well, lets just say you have a stronger attachment to your fish. My only serious relationship was with a man who went on to develop a god complex and tried to take over the world...admittedly not ours, but still."

"I'm sure he was very nice when you were dating him."

"Actually, he was always a bit of a megalomaniac. That's why I broke up with him."

"He sounds like Sara, they would probably have made a good couple...and she's a god now too."

"Don't make me laugh, Daniel, it's not fair...I'm still really mad at you."


"It's because of you, you know."

"What is?"

"That I changed my priorities. You changed me, Daniel. But then, you change everyone."

"I don' do I?"

"I don't know how you do it, you just do. You bring out the best in people, or else you make them so mad they want to stamp you out of existence. I guess you're just not a neutral sort of person."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Good, Daniel, definitely good. It was seeing the way you felt for Shar'e that got me thinking that maybe I was missing out on something: That maybe being the best in my field... the best officer in the airforce, wasn't the perfect goal. But Daniel, I don't know how to do it...I don't know how to fall in love."

"No, Sam, that's wrong. I remember watching you with Cassie when we first brought her to the SGC. You were wonderful, so caring. I...I wish I'd had someone like you around when my parents died."

"That's different. Cassie's a child, they love so easily. But even with her, I put my career first. I never would have given up SG-1 so I could keep her myself..."

"Janet's been a wonderful mother, and I know you help a lot...Cassie thinks the world of you."

"Yes, but at most I'm an aunt, or older sister. Maybe that's all I'll ever be...I haven't exactly had much luck with men."

"There's still time, Sam. I'm sure you'll meet someone..."

"When? Daniel, I'm pushing forty. My schoolfriends are all married, with families by now. What do I have? A career and a string of failed relationships."

"I didn't know you wanted children, you never said."

"Well, I do, I really do. And it hurts to realise that it may never happen. Let's face it, our job isn't exactly conducive to a healthy relationship. Seeing someone outside of work is impossible because of all the lies we'd have to tell, and what other options do I have? Apart from the other military personnel on the base, the only men I meet are aliens. Virtually any choice I make would mean breaking military protocol, so I've done nothing. Until now. Once, just once I was prepared to forget about the regulations, to go for what I wanted...needed. I thought...I believed that the Colonel felt the same about me, so maybe this time...but I was wrong. Again. He doesn't love me, he never was always you."

"Oh, Sam, I'm so sorry."

"I know. That doesn't help. You've had it twice, Daniel. First with Shar'e, and now with the Colonel. True love. I can't even get it right once."

"What can I do to help?"

"I don't a little?"

"Whatever you need. You know I..."

"Hey, Daniel, I'm ho...oh...uh...hey, Carter."

"Sir. Oh, sorry, it's Jack isn't it? we are off base after all."


"Jack, she knows."


"She knows. About us. Teal'c told her."

"Teal'c? How does Teal'c know?"

"Who knows how Teal'c knows anything...he's Teal'c."

"Right. Crap."

"Tell me, Colonel, did you ever care for me, or did I just imagine the flirting?"

"What? Oh...uh...I never meant..."

"Of course you didn't. What was it, were you using me to make Daniel jealous? Or was I camouflage perhaps?"

", I swear, it was nothing like that."


"Then what was it? Because it was definitely there, I know it was."

"Oh, god, you're right. I'm so sorry. It wasn't...I were safe, Carter."

"Safe? SAFE? You made me think you loved me because you thought I was safe?"

"No...well...see...I know how much your career meant to you, so I thought you'd never want to take things any further. It was supposed to be harmless fun. I'm sorry."

"Oh, well, that's okay then, as long as you had fun. Sir."

"Jack, how could you do that? You swore to me that you hadn't done anything to encourage Sam's...uh..."


"I didn't say that, Sam."

"It's what you meant."

"No, I think you're right. Jack should never have done that. It was cruel."

"Great, now your both mad at me. Your should be supporting me, Daniel."


"Because you're supposed to be in love with me."

"I am in love with you, but that doesn't mean I think your perfect."

"No, really? I never would have guessed."

"The sarcasm needs practice, Jack."

"Oh my god."

"What, Sam?"

"How could I not notice this."


"This. You and Daniel. It was there, right in front of my eyes, and I never saw it."

"There's nothing to see, Carter."

"You can't even bring yourself to use my first name, you'd think that would tell me something."

"Sam, what do you think you see."

"It's the way you and the Colonel are with each other, you're so...connected."

"I didn't think we were being that different than before."

"You're not, Daniel. I guess that's why I never noticed."

"Oh. So you're saying we were always...uh..."

"Connected. But, Carter, I don't see how that can be. We've only been...uh..."


"Right. Together, for a few months."

"I know what she means Jack."


"And what?"

"Feel like sharing?"

"Oh. Right.'s just that we kind of...uh...clicked, right from the start."

"We did not. I thought you were a dweeb, up until you threw yourself in front of a staff blast to save me. That was pretty impressive."

"What? Daniel, you really did that?"

"Uh...yeah. It was a crazy impulse. I have more control now. And Jack liked me before I did that."

"I did not. What makes you think that? And if your thinking of when I stopped Kowalski from beating you up, I had to do that...I was team leader. Besides, we still needed you."

"I didn't mean that, although that was..."

"If you say sweet I will seriously harm you."

"Pretty decent of you, considering I'd outright lied about being able to get us home."

"Daniel, you didn't."

"Well, I really wanted to go, Sam."

"Oh, well that's okay then. So, Daniel, if you didn't mean that, how, exactly, did I lead you to believe that I tolerated your existence?"

"In the briefing...that first one."

"Daniel, you were a total geek in that meeting."

"You still had that little smile of yours peeking out."

"Yeah, well, it was kinda funny. More top brass than I've ever seen at one time, all gathered together in one room; and there you were making them share maps and acting like working out those symbols was the simplest thing on earth. It was were cute."

"Cute? God, that's worse than sweet."

"I think I should leave."

"What? no, don't go. We didn't mean...I...uh..."

"You forgot I was here."

"No, just..."

"It's okay, Daniel, really. I understand."

"Please Sam, don't go like this. We need to talk."

"We will, just not now. I need some time to sort out exactly what I'm feeling before I can talk about it."

"I...I don't think you should be alone...Jack, tell her."


"Don't worry, I won't be alone. I'm going to stay with Janet tonight."

"Oh, well, good. Sam, are we okay?"

"No, but we will be."

"How about me?"

"Yes sir, you too, although that will take a little longer. I'm going to request a few weeks leave, maybe visit my brother and his family."


"I promise, Daniel, as soon as I get back, we'll talk."

"Carter, you aren't thinking of leaving SG-1 are you?"

"No. It won't be easy for us all to work together, but I'm sure we'll find a way."

"Good. I wouldn't want to lose you. You're the best 2IC I've ever had."

"Well, thank you for that, at least."

"I really am sorry know..."

"Yes, I know. I need to go, now."

"Bye, Sam. Take care...I love you."

"I know, Daniel. I love you too, I'm just not sure I like you very much right now. Bye...both of you."

"Oh, god. That was..."

"Oh yeah. It really was. Ah, crap. Why did Teal'c want to go and tell her for? Couldn't he just, for once, lie?"

"Because he's Teal'c."

"How in hell did he know, anyway?"

"Because he's Teal'c."

"Dammit, this sucks."

"Yeah. Do you think she'll be okay?"

"She said she would be."

"Well, but...I say that, and I'm often not."

"I know, it's very irritating...and strangely endearing."


"Daniel, is this mess my fault?"


"Well, damn, I didn't think you were going to say that."

"What did you think I was going to say?"


"Oh. But it is mostly your fault."

"I know, but I thought you were gonna reassure me. Make me feel better."

"Why would you think that?"

"Wishful thinking."

"Oh, okay. Jack, it wasn't your fault. I blame Sam entirely for not realising you were just messing with her head."

"Your mad at me."

"Oh, ya think?"

"Daniel, I never meant to hurt Carter. I know I was stupid, but I just never thought she'd take the flirting so much to heart."

"Why wouldn't she?"

"I don't know. She's such a great soldier...really professional. I didn't really think she cared much for all the mushy stuff."

"My god. How did you ever stay married for so long? You know less about women than a mayfly."


"Jack, all women care about the mushy stuff. They can spend hours talking about how their hair looks that day...or shoes. You wouldn't believe how obsessed women are with shoes."

"Your making that up."

"How many pairs of shoes do you have?"

"Well, apart from work boots, I have sneakers, sandals, black ones and brown ones, so...five I guess."

"Sam has around fifty. Janet has even more, and as for Cassie..."

"Sonovabitch. Women are incomprehensible. I always thought Carter was just...Carter. Who knew she was a woman too."

"Jack, she always was. It's hard for her to be a woman in the airforce. She has to try twice as hard for the recognition she deserves. And don't pretend you never noticed how attractive she is."

"Well yeah, sure, I'd have to be blind...or dead not to notice that. That's different though."

"It is?"

"Of course. It's..."

"Don't tell me, it's a guy thing."

"Right. You know, I think you're beginning to get the hang of being a guy. A little more training and you'll be there."

"Great, I can look forward to being insensitive and repressed. Lovely."

"Right. Did I mention that the room looks great?"

"Thanks, looks better with the lights out."

"Must have taken ages to light all these."

"It did. There's more too. In the bedroom."

"Sweet. Maybe we should put them out though, before you burn the place down...or set off every smoke alarm in the building."

"Yeah, I guess. I cooked too."

"Really? What?"

"Oysters to start, then chicken and asparagus in a white wine sauce. With truffles. And baby potatoes. Chocolate liqueur crepes for dessert."

"Sounds yummy. Did you really make that?"

"Well, me and Mrs. Gambetti from that little Italian place."

"Which bit did you do?"

"I opened the containers, and put the oysters on ice."

"A very important part."

"That was my thought. Shame it's wasted."

"We still need to eat, Daniel...unless you were planning on starving yourself in penance."

"It was supposed to be a celebration...not much to celebrate now."

"Sure there is. Carter's upset, but she'll get over least with you."

"I guess."

"Daniel, she loves you, you know that I'm the one she's going to'll likely be cast as the poor innocent victim, seduced by the evil Colonel."

"That's not what I want, Jack. I want her to love us both. I want things back like they were."

"Aint gonna happen. We can never go back, all we can do is go on from here the best way we can. Daniel?"


"Are we okay, you and me"

"Yes. I'm mad at you, but yes.

"Then there's no problem."

"What about SG-1? The team is your life."

"No, Daniel, the team is my job...your my life. I told Janet that if it ever became a choice between SG-1 and you, then there was no contest."

"Oh. Okay."

"I also told her you felt the same. Did I lie?"


"Good. That's all that really matters, after all. All the rest we can sort out. Together, Daniel."

"Yes, Jack...together. Always.

***The End***

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