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What Is a Tracking Test . . .

A tracking test is a controlled way to measure a dog's ability to follow a particular scent from one point to another. It is a reflection of what a dog and its handler might be called upon to do in the search for a lost person or some similar activity. While all dogs are born with the ability to follow a scent, not all dogs can be called upon to find a lost person. Usually only a trained tracking dog that is willing to follow a scent that is selected by the handler can provide this service to the community.

Tracking tests mimic several real life situations in an attempt to fully test the dog's scenting abilities. The first test takes the dog and handler into common outdoor terrain (Tracking Dog - TD). A cotton glove lies at the end of the track as a reward to the dog and as a signal to the test judges that the dog has succeeded. In subsequent tests,  the dog and handler team will navigate rough fields (Tracking Dog Excellent - TDX) as well as city traffic (Variable Surface Tracking - VST). Several items are hidden along the track in addition to one at the end.

If a dog masters all three titles, it earns the additional title of Champion Tracker (CT). Following is a list of the requirements for each test.

  Characteristics TD TDX VST
Length 440-500 yds. 800-1000 yds. 600-800 yds.
Age ½-2 hrs. 3-5 hrs. 3-5 hrs.
Start Two flags. Single flag. Single flag.
Turns 3-5 5-7 4-8 with one turn on a nonvegetated surface

Surface Open field - consistent cover. Fields - variable cover and terrain. Vegetated (usually grass) and at least two non-vegetated surfaces

(concrete, asphalt, gravel, dirt, etc.)
Articles One glove or wallet at end. Four personal items - one at start,
two on track, one glove or wallet at
end. No plastic or metal. All drops more than 30 yds. from turns, obstacles or
cross tracks.
Four non personal items - one leather or fabric at start, two along track, one at end. Leather, fabric, metal and plastic, one dropped on non-vegetated surface. All at least 20 yds. from turns.

Cross tracks None. Two widely spaced, two people walk across track. None required, but tracks are in public areas where unplanned crosstracks are possible, even likely.
Obstacles None. At least two (fences, roads, water, hills, gullies, changes of cover, etc.) None, but ordinary things such as stairs, ramps, etc., may be used on the track, and buildings must be used in the immediate vicinity of the track.

Minimum Legs 50 yds. 50 yds. 30 yds. (20 yds. vegetated on start)

Certification TD TD
Distance from Dog 20 ft. 20 ft., but may shorten for cover 10 ft.

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