ArtHouse Bona


June 8, 1992












Dear friends,

we survived the second year and started the next with this 'Festival in Bona.' During the year we built a second toilet, a small house for music and a decent door, made a small street to the house to walk easier. We fixed the car, an endless source of sorrow and joy. We started the festival with Rps. 235.000 on April 1. 92 the day of our 2. anniversary.

We had send in November 91 invitation letters and more than 30 friends visited during April and May 92, performing one way or the other. Unfortunately our event was shortened or banned to avoid additional occasions for unrest during the time of election. But we found our way to get as close to our dream as we were strong this time around. The generous contribution by the Goethe Institute, who paid the journey of Reinhard Zabka and the East German artists and the Ministry for Kultur of Brandenburger, who supported the German group to cover festival related expenses, saved us.

Reinhardt Zabka and Eva Kowalski who had applied for and found assistance spend this money to support this festival nearly entirely, helped by our seventeen friends from Thailand. This, so I hope encourages artistic and cultural oriented organizations of other countries to help the next time in similar ways. The Goethe Institute further sponsored DM 700 to support a documentation of this event. We crated a ca. 300 pages Xerox book ( 25 pieces) and photo folder which we will share with friends. We would like to make a small edition from our money (ArtHouse) to share some information with the other who could not come to encourage them the join the next event. I hope you like it...

During the festival we found in Toni Lasem, a hotel manager who lives in Bona a very helpful partner. He donated the use of one of his houses to be another studio during the festival. Further he has accommodation in Negara on the West part of Bali. We could join with Toni to create a second leg in Negara. We can find room to sleep, but we have to pay and many different variety of bamboo music. A place were modern creation or combination is easier to be accomplished. Since our house and the support of Toni are sufficient to accommodate guests in the moment, there is no need to build or construct anything. Maybe we should tile the bathroom, there are complaints. We should find a way to use this money, now nearly 2 Million Rps, (ca. $ 1000) to create a fund to service the house.

Finally, Reinhard Zabka and myself agreed to send the same invitation letter for a second festival with the same, slightly changed title, to the same invited friends. Following the Balinese calendar this will be in app. 420 days from April 1. 92. Maybe in June/July 93. We hoped for this use in our House and we made a test version. I hope we succeeded to be able to try it again. Best wishes and I hope to receive others or/and reactions.

Thank you for your trust.

 DONATIONS FOR `ArtHouse Bona'

From April 91 to April 92 SEPT.91 Doris Jensen Germany Rps. 112.000 DM 100 Reinhardt Zapka Germany Rps. 336.000 DM 300

OCT. 91 Mike Peters USA Rps. 195.000 $ 100 Steve Gorn USA Rps. 290.000 $ 150

NOV.91 Pia Alishjabana Indonesia Rps. 1.000.000 Manuel Lutgenhorst Germany Rps. 600.000 DM 500

DEC. 91 Sohn Jin Chaek Korea W 100.000 Kang Joon Hyuk Korea W 400.000 Kook-Soo Ho Korea W 200.000 Rps. 1.755.000 $ 908. Ito Yazue Japan Y 40.000, $ 16 Yukari Nakajima Japan Y 20.000 Rps. 980.000 ca. $500 Jan 92 Sohn Jin Chaek Korea Rps. 770.000 $387 W 300.000 March 92 Rick Emmert Japan Rps. 300.000

April 1. 1992 TOTAL Rps. 6.338.000


Expenses til April 92 6.105.000 left 235.000

DONATION for ARTHOUSE from April 1- May 31.92

APRIL 92 Mack Kanada Minako Naito Japan Rps. 315.000 R 190.000 Y 10.000

MAY 92 Yukari Nakajima Japan Rps. Y 10.000 Kazuko Mazuoka Japan Rps. Y 30.000 together Rps. 612.000 Shin Watanabe Japan Rps. 607.000 Yunko Suzuki Japan Rps 200.000 left from Rps. 235.000

--------------- Total

Rps. 1.969.000

5. newsletter Fur das Festival stellte das Brandenburger Kultur und Amt und das Goethe Institut durch Reinhard Zabka und Eva Kowalski 1. 500 DM also Rps. 1,800.000. Ausserdem Photodokumentation und privater Einsatz von Mitteln. Die Thailander stellten 600.000 zur Verfugung. Davon bestritten wir das Festival, (Essen, Transport, Vorstellungen, Materialien, Einladungen. Wir streckten die Dokumentationskosten vor und wrden sie hoffentlich von Goethe ersetzt bekommen. Wenn die endgultige Rechnung vorliegt scheinen wir ein zusatzliche Einmahme zu haben da wir einfach gewirtschaftet haben. Ausserdem bleibt uns eine Menge Bamboo, Planen und Beleuchtungsmittel.


* members of ArtHouse


USA: Layne Redman, Rafael Mostell, Roxanne Steinberg, Naoyuki Oguri, Muriel Peters, * Lou Zelds, Susan Feldman, Lenny Steinberg, Ninna Winthrop, Somi Roy, Nina Zoe Jorstad, Eileen Blumenthal

JAPAN: * Minako Naito, * Yukari Nakajima, * Mazuoka Kazuko, Setzu Asakura, Yoshiyuki Kazuko, Kumamoto Shin'chi, Ito Yazue, Somei Satoh, Tanaka Min, Natzu Nakajima, Kazue Ohno, * Junko Suzuki, Makoto and Yoko Watanabe, Masahi Miura, Jun Matsuno, Kobata Kazue, Otake Akiko, Jonah Isaac Salz, Hasshin Samgha,

KOREA: Kim Young Ouk, Kim Dae Hwan, Kang Son Won, Kang Manhong, * Sohn Jin Chaek and members of Michou Theatre Group, * Yoo Duk Hyun, * Kang Yoon Hyuk, * Kook Soo-Ho, * Park Bum Hoon, * Yoon Moon-Sik, Greta Lee, painter

GERMANY: * Reinhardt Zabka, * Annette Munk, * Eva Kowalski, * Karla Sachse, * Klaus Storde, * Ullrich Sachse, * Lotte Lutgenhorst, Gunther Philipps, Eva Giersiepen, Dr. Dieter Rexroth, Wladimir Tarnopolski, Verena Weiss, SWEDEN: My Walther,

INDONESIA:* Pak Boediardjo, * Ray Sahetapy, * Ardjuna Hutagalung, * Toni Prabowo, * Dolorosa Sinaga, * Pia Alishjabana, * Members of CONDET and ONCOR, Teater Dapur THAILAND: Bruce Gaston, Dnu Huntrakul, Komgrit Kruasuwan, Bancha Suvannanon, Rassami Paoluengtong, Lek Buranee, * Sugree Charoensook and 15 student,

INDIA: Suresh Awasti, Rustom Bharucha, M.K.Bino Dini Dewa and friend

DENMARK: Eugenio Barba, circled - these friends came

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