Maria Inez Couto de Almeida's home-page

     Hello! My name is Maria Inez Couto de Almeida. I was born in Lisbon - Portugal. When I was 5 years old my family came to Brazil - Rio de Janeiro. Here I grew up, studied - I'm graduated in Psychology at Rio de Janeiro state University  and in English at  S.B.C.I. In Brazil I grew up,  married and had a daughter.

      I was born in  a traditional Catholic family, but in 1977 I decided to follow another religion, which “touched” me more. My first contact with the Afro-Brazilian religions was in Umbanda Omoloko. Three years later, after some studies and researches, I decided for the Iorubá tradition - from Nigeria,and had my first iniciation in Ketu Nation.

    I had the great bless of meeting Prof. Agenor Miranda Rocha, who has helped me all the time.From then on I've studied about Nigerian society, language, ancient uses, etc. When my Babalorisha  Pai Jeronymo de Xangô died, I waited for about  8 years until I found a Babalorisha  called Julio de Oxossi, of Ifon Nation. In 1999 I've been introduced to the Orunmila/Ifa Cult  by the Babalawo Carlos of Obaluaiye, my Baba Ifa.

     My  Orishas are Oya and Obaluaiye. My name in Ifa Society is Ifatosin.


      During many years I've organized a small Yorubá-Portuguese Dictionary based on the basic words learned in a Yorubá course ministrated by Dr. Richard Yinka Alabi Ajagunna. I Have also written a book in Portuguese, YORUBA CULTURE – BEHAVIOUR AND TRADITIONS about the Nigerian ancient behaviours, which had strong influence in  the modern Ketu groups in Brazil.
  I have also gathered more than 100 Yoruba Itan (tales) (see link below). It was a big work, which took a lot of time.  In 98-99 I have gathered a lot of data about  how to cast the Ifa shells, and prepared a Merindilogun Manual.

      I would be very happy in receiving messages from people interested in Yoruba, Ifon, Ifa,  Candomble, and any matter related to Afro-Brazilian religions., to meet new friends,  and to transmit and develop my studies.

     Maria Inez -  (021) 2293-2724 -  (021) 9848-5824  (Brazil)




