Divorce form

That is, the decision of the jury overcomes the dangers and distortions created when two adversary lawyers present two radically different versions of the truth. divorce form Idaho divorce laws. Now here is the problem: In about 97% of all divorces, the case never goes to trial. Less than 3% actually culminate in a trial resulting in a judgment by a judge. The overwhelming majority of cases are resolved by a negotiated settlement prior to trial. divorce form Missouri divorce. This is a dramatic inconsistency. The entire system is designed for trial and, indeed, depends on the trial to find the truth. But the primary product of the adversary system in divorce are settlements, not trial. divorce form Military divorce laws. Another contradiction concerns the issue of responsibility or fault. One of the primary purposes of the adversary system is not simply to find the truth but also to answer the question "Who is guilty?"Fifty or so years ago, this system applied to divorce also. The plaintiff had to prove that the behavior of the defendant spouse was so inappropriate that it was a profound breach of the marriage contract. Divorce was available only on fault grounds, and only to the victim. The deserter or the adulterer could not get a divorce. The system decided who was at fault and then punished the guilty party. Although the adversary system has not changed, modern divorce has.

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