Our Farm


Welcome to our little side of the world..where anything can happen....and it usually does!

You might want to keep your shoes on for this part of the tour...unless you like organic matter squishing between your toes! But we do ask you to take them off when you come into the house. I much prefer the smell of fresh baked bread to "Dairy-air", at least on the inside of the house!

Our desire is to move to Tennessee and some day have a farm of our own. Our children are excited, and can't wait until this happens. We already have our chickens, and of course, a milk cow would be nice (but it has to be a Jersey Cow!), and maybe a calf, a few goats, and no farm would be complete without a dog!
We have our dog already. He is a German Shepherd and his name is Bear....but right now he gets called a lot of other things!! He likes to play chase with the chickens...hmmm....and he hates cats. I think he will fit in just fine on our farm 'cause he is a purdy good lil' ole pup.

When we finally settle down on our real farm, I have entertained the idea of having bees for honey and beeswax to use in my homemade soaps and salves...although, nobody has applied for the job of "Beekeeper" yet! I kind of think that Cameron will be the one who would be most likely to end up with that responsibility...as he is the one who lives by the motto "no fear"!

Our oldest son, Kyle, got some chicks (seven of them!!)for a 4-H project. We could hardly wait to have our own chickens! He cuddles and loves them, and takes them out and plays with them! The other children like to help with them...in fact, one of Christian's favorite things

to do when we visit his Aunt Cynthia's house, is to go collect eggs....even if he isn't supposed to be in the henhouse!

David built this really nice little henhouse for our chickens. For right now, that will probably be the only critters (other than the dog) that we will have, until we get a bigger place. My brother came over one day, with an addition to the "Funny Farm"....so now we have a Guinea Pig named Gizmo. She is part of the family now, and fits in just fine with all the rest of the critters!
Seems like anyone finds out that we have a few animals, and they think we are looking for more! What next???

The chickens have grown up!! And they are laying eggs! Out of the seven chickens we had to begin with, we now only have two original hens (one Rhode Island Red, and one Barred Rock) The other one is still recovering from the dog attack (her new name is "Sick Chick") She seems to be doing well, but the other chickens won't let her back in the group. It doesn't appear that she will ever get her tailfeathers back, so we have to keep her in her own little "penthouse", but she still lays her egg faithfully everyday, bless her little heart!
We also recently adopted a Rooster. His name is "Big Daddy". He is really pretty, and has already found himself a wife...or two. In December, our Rhode Island Red hen went broody, can you imagine, they said it would never happen, but it did!! She sat on ten eggs, and out of ten, six hatched. What a colorful bunch of babies she had because all the hens were laying eggs in one nest! We managed to make it through winter without any more casualties. The older hens are still being loved and petted just like before, and I can tell you one thing...these chickens are going to die from old age! No chicken soup in my house! The hatchlings..well, that is another story. Seems when you have a mother hen, she will not let you anywhere near her babies, so they didn't get much lovin'....now that she has left them to their own, they are not very nice...so, we might just have chicken soup after all!(he he!)

I love to be outside...and work in the garden. I think the best part about being outside, is that if you are outside...the inside of the house stays clean! I have actually been quite successful in getting a few herbs growing in the garden, and Kyle has his summer garden planted for a 4-H project. his project takes up my entire garden space, and I find myself begging him for a little more room for herbs! I think it would be neat to have a HUGE garden. We are still working on our house, although it has changed so much. We are almost done with it entirely. We are finally moved in, but there are still a few little minor things that need to be done...but in time. I have been working in the garden a little, but for the most part I have been busy organizing everything and getting things put away where they belong. Moving to Tennessee is an exciting thought, but I don't think I will be ready to do that for a while! I need to recover from the last move across the street! I still long for the mountains, especially when it starts to get hot here.

We eventually would like to be able to have enough animals and grow enough veggies to provide for our family without outside purchases. So far, from my past experience with gardens...we should be okay, if it is possible for a family of eight to survive on a diet of zucchini!

© 1997 MarthaAnnD@yahoo.com

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