Come in a see who has stop in the Tavern and their story.

As you stand at the bar drinking your fine ale, you slowly look around.. The crowded taproom is full of finely dressed merchants, dandies and the normally rift raft you'd mostly likely to see. Their are some well armed people here as well, and they do look like they can use those weapons they carry. Noting that you look at the floor and notice the rushes are fresh and the tables seem, well, In perfect but worn care. Just as you note that someone comes to the bar next to you and calls to the barkeep in a friendly and familiar way.

Standing next to you is.....






All visitors are presented here are in classic D&D format. Following mostly Second Edition rules, some will be (sooner or later) in 3rd edition rules. Exceptions will be noted.

These Characters are Second Edition using Skills and Powers and most supplements for Second Ed. These guys are from the Realms and note Darksun.



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page was last edited: 27 February, 2004 11:53