
(From the Litter of Max & Tres)

We have heard from Blue Boy!

This is a copy of the letter we recieved and will soon be recieving photos!

Hi Mark,
It is so nice to hear from you. I have been off line for about two months
as my husband and his son were building a new computer system (cops and
teenagers should never play at what they really don't understand). Anyway,
needless to say I have over a thousand messages to go thru and came upon
yours. Timber is doing great. He is up to 45lbs and is growing like a weed.
Still a wonderful disposition. I took him two weekends ago to an agility
fun day at our local SPCA and many of our other Belgian group (Barbary Coast BSC) were there. Timber was amazing and cinsidering I had never
done agility before I was absolutely enthralled. Timber by the end of our
2 hour introduction was doing the A-frame, Tunnel, weave poles, table,
shute and teeter totter. He liked the TT so much he kept jumping on it
when it was up in the air bouncing the other dog off. It was hysterical!!!!.
The insturctor we had said he was a natural and she really liked our breed
of dog. At the end of the day as were were leaving poor Timber stepped
on a bee and it got so pissed off it started to burrow into his foot....poor guy was wimpering but I couldn't get to his foot so I made him play dead and
he put up all fours and one of the agility people managed to get the bee off
(yellowjacket) and then it went for his shoulder...it was so bizarre.
Finally we managed to squash the thing to death and then we gave TimBear some Benadryl. He did just fine...foot didn't swell but I was so worried. I
held him for an hour just watching him and making sure he didn't have a
reaction. As for pictures......One of our group members took pictures and
as soon as she E-mails them to me I will send what I have to you. I just don't
have any luck sending pics. The last one I sent to Teri Meredith broke her
computer......I felt so bad. I sent it Jpeg but it was a mess. I haven't
had a chance to go to the websidte yet buy I will soon. I do have pics on
disc but again its a problem with me figuring how to get it from point A to
Point B. I'm a Neonatal ICU nurse by trade and that means I am not very
talented with computers!!!!

TaTa for now

Gail and Gia and Timber!!!!

Meet The Rest of the Michigan Rescue Litter and Their Mom


Meet Our Belgian Sheepdogs

Our Cat