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The hotels listed will be ones that I personally stayed in, with a rating that is purely my opinion. There won't be any listings for Holland or Germany because I was staying with family at that time.
Hotel Cluny
The hotel was clean, and in good condition. The room size was very small, but it would be the same way with every hotel in Paris, unless you are willing to spend a lot more money.Hotel Room
Premier Travel Inn
The room was very clean, and spacious. They have a fairly good price for the quality that they offer.
If you are on a tight budget, then be sure to consider looking into youth hostels. They're all over Europe, and very cheap.

Bus and RER Public transportation is very popular in Paris. It's fairly cheap, and fast. There are subway and bus stations everywhere, and transportation comes by the stations very frequently.
Excursions Take a tour. They'll provide transportation, entertainment, and knowledge about the surroundings.
Car Rental If you are planning to travel to multiple cities in Holland, then a car rental would be the best way to go. Most of the space in between cities is big empty space, so a car would be more practical than buying bus or train tickets.
Bike Rental If you are just planning on touring one city, then a bike rental would be the best way to go. Most of the local people travel by bike in Holland.
Car Rental A car rental would be the best way to get around Germany. Everything is spread out, so a car would be able to get you anywhere.
London Underground Public transportation is popular in London. It's fast, reliable, and fairly cheap.
Excursions There are a lot of companies who provide tours. I went on one in London, and it was very nice. They can be expensive though.
Taxis Taxis are always an option. They'll cost you more money, but if you don't want to deal with the crowds, then this is a good alternative.
Traveling Between Countries:
Train Trains are always a good choice. If you take the train, you get to see more than you would by plane, but it would take longer.
Plane When you fly between countries, you can often find very good deals especially if you buy tickets a day or two in advance.


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