Major Snowdon Le Cornu


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Bunker route "Hoekse Waard"
German E-boat bunker Waalhaven Rotterdam
Secret rocket base Peenemünde
Rügen narrow gauge railway
Hitler's Holiday Resort Prora
HMS Otus on Rügen Island
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Douvres Radar site

Death Trap Alderney
Secret Erich von Stalhein Gallery
Captain WE Johns last War-mission track





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Please note: all my stories are mastered into correct English by HRH


Chapter 3



Hauptmann Erich Berger looked out over the endless fields of olive and pistachio nut trees from the balcony of his large Turkish villa, which was situated near the ancient city of Urfa.
He had bought the konak, the Turkish name for a country estate, almost two months ago. 
The city of Urfa was ancient; it had been mentioned in the Old Testament. 
The Prophet Abraham had been born in that area and lived in the Haran province south of Urfa.
It was not Urfa’s history that had made Berger decide to buy an estate in that area, but the variety of its inhabitants. 
Besides Turks, there were Kurds, Arabs, Armenians, Persians and many other people of different ancestry living there.  In addition, Urfa was situated in the right place, lying as it did close to the borders of Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

One of the disadvantages of Urfa, however, was the extreme heat. Although it was already September, the weather was still hot.

Sipping his lemon squash, Erich thought over the last three months and the forthcoming time. Since they had all arrived in Turkey they had been overloaded with work for the agency. The Turks, to their credit, had proved very co-operative; whatever he wanted, if they could supply it, was delivered.
An important contribution was that the Turks had agreed to respect Erich’s anonymity because of his work for the trade office.
Finally Berger began to search the country for new materials for the Reich.  He left Ankara with his interpreter Bülent.
Before they departed, Berger had a long and serious talk with Bülent, convincing him that it was vital he did not talk about certain matters in which Berger was involved but that everything that was done was for the benefit of the Reich.
Berger also offered him payment, but Bülent refused the money, telling Berger proudly that he had German blood too.

After Erich had made contact with tradesmen he was always careful to tell them that in his absence they must continue trading with von Leeb who had the authority and was in complete control.

When he had bought the konak, local workers were ordered to make an effective airstrip between the olive trees where even the Dakota was able to land and take off.
Most vital in the villa was the secret transmitter which enabled him to stay in touch with Germany and if necessary the Dakota when it was airborne.
His main problem however, was the lack of a telephone line.
Almost everyday he and Bülent had to drive down to the Post Office in Urfa to contact the agency in order to keep in touch. 
He reflected that, although he had been busy, he missed Traudel badly.
The last time she had reported to him was on August the 15th, his birthday.
To his great surprise she had flown over in her Fieseler Storch and they had spent a couple of wonderful days together.
One of the presents she brought with her was a genuine new British Diplomatic Passport.  She told him that she had managed to persuade somebody working as servant in the British Embassy, who was keen to make extra money, to work for her.
On one fortunate occasion the servant was able to steal a brand new passport quite easily from a pile of documents, which were carelessly left lying around on an unattended desk.
The British Embassy was like a colander she informed Erich, to his great delight.  One day, she disguised herself as a Turkish woman; complete with a so-called burquah, and with the connivance of the servant entered the Embassy through the kitchen.   She was able to plant a listening device in the conference room as she pretended to work as a housemaid.  Since then she had been able to eavesdrop on every meeting with the Ambassador.
One day she learned that British Intelligence had become very interested in the German Trade Agency and that inquiries were to be made about Manfred von Leeb who was in charge of it.  To her great relief no mention was made of Berger.
The servant also told her, in return for a large amount of money, that the Turkish MEHR controlled the British Embassy.
Erich asked her, before she left him again, to find out if the MEHR was also in control of the German Embassy in Ankara.

Two days ago when he was in a coffee shop in Urfa with Bülent, there had been a lot of talk about an important local meeting between several pro Allied Arab politicians from different tribes, in or near Damascus.
Earlier that year the pro German Government had been overthrown and replaced by the present pro Allied Government, which was a constant thorn in the side of the Germans.  He informed Berlin immediately and received orders to obstruct this meeting.

Berger was looking forward to this mission. It was his first opportunity to test his organisation by passing enemy security officers at an enemy airfield.
The British passport was now made out in the name of Major Alexander Vanderbilt, complete with his photograph and the necessary stamps and visa, forged, at no small cost, by an Armenian counterfeiter who lived in Urfa.

The Dakota was due to fly in the next morning and was carrying the important cargo Berger had asked for when he contacted Berlin; a genuine British time bomb.
As soon as the Dakota arrived he would take off at once, heading for Damascus according to the Ankara-Damascus flight plan that had been filed.
Berger checked his suitcase, which he had bought in the Casbah at Urfa.
All the clothing in the suitcase was made in Turkey. He had nothing on him that was made in Germany, which might blow his cover.
He also took with him a large amount of American Dollars and Syrian Pounds.

The next morning the Dakota arrived on time and soon they were on their way to Damascus, leaving Bülent to take care of the estate.
When the Dakota had levelled out Berger joined his pilots in the cockpit.
“The two of you will remain at the airport hotel where I can reach you,” Berger told them. “After I have done some investigating in Damascus I shall, without doubt, need your help there.”
“No problem, boss,” responded Ryan. “You name it, we’ll do it, won’t we, Billy?”
“Sure thing,” agreed Harris, co-operatively.
Berger nodded, satisfied with their compliance.
“Is the time bomb safely stored in the secret compartment?”
“Yes, boss,” answered Harris uneasily. “The damned device is on board all the time we fly and it worries the hell out of us,” he confessed.
“What can go wrong?” asked Berger surprised. “It is set on safe; it cannot go off accidentally.”
“That’s right, boss,” agreed Harris, “ but what worries us is that it’s a British make.  I’ve had a lot of experience with British made devices and I’m not at all happy about them.”
“I see,” murmured Berger. “Well, you may be right about the lack of quality of the armaments, but do not underestimate the quality of some of the British people. Trust me, I have had enough dealings with them in the past to know that they will always be a thorn in the side.”   He turned to go, telling them over his shoulder, “I will leave you to your flying and go back to the cabin now.  Make sure that the bomb is not discovered at the airport.   I will have it removed as soon as possible.”
“Ok boss,” chorused the pilots.

After passing Aleppo, the Dakota turned onto its final approach to Damascus where it landed without difficulties.
The engines were switched off as soon as the Dakota was parked. Harris opened the cabin door and Berger, now acting as Major Vanderbilt, stepped down a small metal ladder onto the tarmac. Harris handed over his suitcase and then the German turned around and walked casually towards the terminal buildings.
A policeman or customs officer was waiting to guide him to the arrivals hall.
When he arrived inside there was only one person in uniform sitting behind a desk.  As the uniform he was wearing was obviously French Berger greeted him in a friendly manner in that language: “Bonjour, Monsieur. I am from the British Diplomatic Service,” he announced, handing over his passport.
The Frenchman smiled, happy to hear his own language, and returned the greeting. 
He took the passport, looked briefly inside and placed an arrival stamp in it.
“Would you like me to find a policeman who can help you find a reliable taxi driver?” the man asked him.
Berger nodded, smiling.  “That would be very kind, “ he acknowledged, not wanting to arouse any suspicion. The Frenchman lifted the telephone and dialled a number.  As soon as he was connected, he spoke rapidly to his contact.
Shortly afterwards, a local policeman arrived to accompany Berger to one of the waiting taxis in front of the airfield.
“Where do you want to go, Monsieur?” the police officer asked as they made their way to the taxi rank.
“Straight to the British Embassy,” answered Berger.
They went to the cab at the head of the line and the policeman spoke to the driver in rapid Arabic. 
Berger listened intently but could understand only a little. His Arabic was a bit rusty, not having used it since 1918, but he did understand that the policeman was arguing about the price of the fare. Finally they seemed to have agreed a figure.
“He will take you there for two Syrian pounds, Monsieur,” The policeman told him.
Berger thanked the man.  When he had settled himself inside the taxi, he gave the policeman, who was holding the door open for him, a ten-dollar note.
The policeman saluted him by tapping two fingers on his hat and closed the door.
The taxi drove off towards the city of Damascus. The driver hooted constantly. The road was crowded with horse drawn carts and heavily laden donkeys and camels.  Everybody seemed intent on going his own way without regard to other road users. Every now and then Erich spotted an old car on the road.
After an uncomfortable drive they arrived in Damascus and finally the car drew up in front of a building flying the Union Jack.
Berger paid the driver the agreed fare and tipped him a pound.  He left the car with the driver’s expressions of gratitude ringing in his ears and walked towards the Embassy building.
As soon as the taxi was out of sight, Berger changed direction and found himself a bench among a clump of palm trees in a small park opposite the Embassy.
He waited there a little while to be sure that he had not been followed from the airport, When he was satisfied that no one was tailing him, he stood up and vanished into the crowd.
He looked around hoping to find a hotel.  After fifteen minutes, he lighted on a middle class hotel that would suit his purpose.
The hotel was neat and under French management, which would at least ensure him decent meals, he mused.  He checked in and took the most luxurious room.
When he was finally alone in his room he took off his shoes and lay down on the bed, thinking over his next move.
Having made up his mind, he had a late lunch and went into the town’s Casbah.
He urgently needed to know more about the political meeting.

When he entered the medina, he noticed that besides all kinds of Arabs in the Casbah there were also many Free French soldiers who seemed to be guarding strategic locations.
Berger sensed an undercurrent of tension in the atmosphere of the Casbah.  He went into a local coffee shop and eavesdropped on the conversations as he sipped the dark, sticky concoction.  What he heard convinced him that most of the Arab population hated the new Free French Government that had replaced the Vichy Government earlier in the year.  Everybody seemed to be expecting the Germans to arrive in Syria sooner or later now that Rommel’s Afrika Korps was sweeping through North Africa on the move towards Egypt.
The English troops that had helped the Free French to liberate Syria and the Lebanon had been hastily withdrawn from the scene and rushed back to Egypt to help withstand the German attacks.

Berger felt satisfied with his intelligence work so far; knowing the attitude of the local Arabs towards the Free French could be of vital importance in making his mission successful.  While he was in the Casbah, he went to the souk, where he availed himself of the opportunity to buy a complete Arab costume.  He had it parcelled up and took it back to the hotel.

After dinner Berger went to the hotel bar and ordered coffee.  While he was waiting he took a seat at the bar.   At the other end of the counter, two Frenchmen were arguing heatedly about the new Free French Government and its policy. Berger listened intently without seeming to do so; their conversation backed up what he had learned in the coffee shop and showed that the Government was not even very popular with the French themselves.
When the two men had left the bar, still discussing the shortcomings of their Government, Berger ordered another coffee.  Casually he offered the bartender a drink and idly struck up a conversation.
At first he thought that the bartender was of French descent but during the course of their chat he found out that the man had been born in the French protectorate of Algeria in North Africa.
Without giving away anything of his own business, Berger learned a lot about what was going on in Syria from the bartender.  Alarm bells rang briefly, however, when the man remarked that Berger did not look at all British.
Urbanely, Berger told him that his father was of Dutch descent, which explained his more continental appearance and blue eyes.
Suddenly their conversation was interrupted. A man in a white suit entered the bar and ordered coffee in Arabic. The bartender immediately went to prepare the coffee.
Berger noticed that the newcomer had caused a certain amount of tension in the bartender’s attitude.  Casually he looked at the man. He was not European. He looked more cosmopolitan. His skin was tanned and he sported a thin black moustache. His white suit was made of first class material and on his fingers he wore flashy gold rings set with diamonds. The man took his seat at the far end of the bar, a position from which he could see everything that went on.
The bartender served the man his coffee in such a submissive way that Berger was sure that the new arrival had considerable influence in Damascus.
“Who is that man?” Berger asked the bartender when he returned.
The bartender started at Berger’s question.
“I advise you to mind your own business, Sir,” he whispered, reluctant to divulge anything.  “For your own good.  He is a dangerous man here in Damascus and he is not very fond of you British after you helped the Free French to overthrow the Vichy Government.”
“What is his name?” Berger insisted.
“Abu Bin Touma,” whispered the bartender, who was now so nervous that he almost dropped the glass he was polishing.
“Pull yourself together,” said Berger sharply but in a low voice. “Go and ask him if he would mind my joining him.”
The bartender turned white with fright and shook his head vigorously. “Oh no, Sir. I cannot do that; I want nothing to do with this man.”
“If you do not go,” said Berger coldly, fixing the man with his steely blue eyes, “I will go over myself and tell him that you refused to introduce me.”
The fact he had not raised his voice made the threat even more menacing.
A beam of light glinted on his monocle, which frightened the bartender even more.
“Yes, yes, sir,” the man acceded.  “I will go and ask him, but please do not involve me with him.”  He was almost grovelling in his abject fear.
“Just tell him that I want a word with him,” ordered Berger.
“Yes, sir,” muttered the frightened bartender and walked across from the bar to the man in the corner.
Berger watched as the bartender spoke a few words and the stranger looked briefly in his direction, He seemed to be agreeable, because he nodded, whereupon the bartender hurried back to the bar.
“Mr. Touma is willing to speak to you,” he told Berger surprised.
Without wasting any more words Berger stood up and walked casually over to the corner.
“Salaam aleikum,” he greeted the man. “Aleikum Salaam,” Touma returned the greeting.
“Excuse me, sir, but my Arabic is not as good as it used to be,” said Berger in that language, bowing slightly from the waist. “Is there perhaps another language which we share?”
“We can speak French if you wish. The bartender told me that you speak the language quite well, Major Vanderbilt,” replied the man casually. 
Berger was shocked but did not show it. “So, you know my name,” he remarked just as casually. “Did the bartender tell you that, too?”
“No, Major,” smiled Touma. “Your presence in Damascus had already been reported to me this afternoon. It rather surprised me that you went to the British Embassy without entering the building and left there to come to this hotel.”  Touma’ s smile exposed a display of dazzling white teeth and the inevitable flash of gold.
“You seem to be very well informed, Sir,” observed Berger smoothly, keenly alert and still a bit shaken by these revelations.
“It is my job to be well informed, Major,” his interlocutor told him. “And foreigners always have my special interest.”
“In what way are you interested in me, Mr…?” Berger watched the man carefully as he said,  “you have the advantage of me. I should like to know your name too.  Won’t you introduce yourself?”
“My name is Touma, as you Europeans would say. My full name is Abu Bin Touma,” he announced, ignoring Berger’s probing.
“You do not look Arabic to me, Mr. Touma,” said Berger curiously.
“And you do not look British, either, Major Vanderbilt,” riposted Touma.
He smiled and clapped his hands. The bartender hurried across to their table and two more coffees were ordered.
“I was born in Tripoli, in the Lebanon, Major,” Touma informed Berger. “We have been invaded so many times in the past that I could be anybody.”
The conversation was interrupted for a moment as the coffee was brought across and served.
“If you are here on behalf of the British, Major, I must warn you that feelings are very hostile towards the British since you helped the Free French,” said Touma, his eyes were filled with hatred.
“Almost all my business has run dry since the change of regime.”
“I need some help to reinstall the former Government in Syria,” announced Berger. “Do you think you would be able to give sufficient support to achieve that end?”
Now it was Touma ‘s turn to be confused. “Why should the British want to reinstall a Government which they themselves had previously overthrown?” he asked in surprise.
Berger leaned back in his chair and took his time over putting a cigarette in his amber cigarette holder.  He made quite a performance out of lighting it, to emphasise that he was taking charge of the conversation.
“Let us say it is in my own personal interest, Mr. Touma,” he said finally, giving the Arab his well-known affable smile.
“For that we would need money – a lot of money - and guns,” exclaimed Touma.
“I can deliver whatever you want, Mr. Touma,” promised Berger, “As long as we have made a deal that you will help me with my business.”
For a moment there was a silence.
“How can I trust you, Major?” queried Touma suspiciously. “Maybe this is a British trick to round up my organisation here in the Middle East.”
“Will one thousand American dollars, cash, paid in advance, convince you of my credibility and reliability, Mr. Touma?” purred Berger.
An avaricious gleam appeared in Touma’ s eye.  “One thousand dollars is not much,” he complained.
“You will get a further ten thousand dollars when the job is finished,” guaranteed Berger.
“I want fifteen thousand dollars,” insisted Touma.
Berger shook his head decisively. “No, not fifteen thousand. I am prepared to give you fourteen thousand dollars in cash and a planeload of rifles and ammunition.  That is my final offer.” 
Touma looked at him and realised that there was no point in bargaining further.  “I agree, Major,” he said, delighted, and shook hands with Berger to close the deal.
“What do you want me to do, Major?” asked Touma conspiratorially.
“I will deliver you a time bomb, which must be placed in the building where the upcoming meeting of the Arab politicians, loyal to the Free French Government, will take place,” Berger told him.  “The time bomb is British which will embarrass both the Free French and the loyal Arabs.  They will blame the British and you and your men will start a revolt just after the explosion, which will surely be joined by the Arabs and Frenchmen loyal to Vichy.”
Touma was almost speechless. “That would make me a hero when we win and I will be in full control of all the business in Syria,” he said excitedly.
“Well,” said Berger with a faint smile, “that is your business.  I have no quarrel with that as long as you keep your promise to me.”  His voice became harder as he continued; “things can change very rapidly these days.  Before you know it, the Germans will be here to take over.  They have a long memories for the people who helped them.”  He paused.   “And for those who failed or cheated them,” he said chillingly.  “Retribution will be swift and sure.”
For a moment Touma looked into Berger’s steel blue eyes. He nodded.  He had understood the message completely.  Now he knew who was behind the plot he knew that any weakness would be ruthlessly dealt with.

That night Berger and two Arabs managed to infiltrate Damascus airport.
The time bomb was taken from the secret compartment in the Dakota and delivered to its hiding place in Damascus.

The next day Berger rang his pilots and told them to be ready to go to the airport.
Berger was collected by a chauffeur driven car and driven to the place where the bomb was hidden.  There he explained the working of the detonators and arranged where to drop the rifles and ammunition to start the revolt.
The meeting was set to take place in four days’ time, so there was not a moment to waste. When they were all agreed on the timings and plans, Berger rushed straight to the Airport, checked out at Customs and boarded the Dakota.
They flew straight to Ankara.  From there the Dakota was ordered to fly on to Greece to collect the consignment of rifles.
Two days later the Dakota landed in a deserted part of Syria, near Aleppo.
The rifles and ammunition were unloaded from the aircraft and handed over to Touma and his men.  Berger also handed fourteen thousand dollars to Touma.
“You are paying me in advance, Major?” he queried in surprise.
“I trust you, Touma,” said Berger. “Besides,” he added, “you know that the Germans will be here to take over soon. If you wreck this mission you know that we will send the bill as soon as they arrive.”
“Trust me, Major,” said Touma reassuringly. “Don’t forget, there is too much at stake for me to let it go wrong,” he admitted.
“I know,” was Berger’s curt rejoinder.  Without further conversation he boarded the Dakota and was flown back to Urfa.

Two days later he was relaxing in an easy chair on his balcony. From afar he could hear an Imam calling the faithful for the Ezan, the Turkish name for evening prayer, from the top of a minaret. He looked at his watch and smiled.
On that precise moment in Damascus there was a huge explosion, which broke up the meeting of the pro Allied Arabs.

Three days later Berger read in the paper that a bomb had devastated a building in Syria where the Arab tribe leaders were holding a meeting.
Investigation proved that the bomb was British and it was assumed it had been placed by the British Secret Service, which embarrassed the Free French.
The blast was followed by an Arab uprising, which was immediately crushed by the Free French with the help of a hastily flown in British Army Division, withdrawn from the front in North Africa that was to stay permanently in Syria.

The next day Berger received a signal from Berlin.  The message was brief and to the point:

Well done.





All material ©2002-04 Ed van Driel
Started Nov 26th 2002 by Ed van Driel
Re-designed mid 2003 onwards by