
People - Women 


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Draupadee (5)

1. Who was Draupadee, Her Birth and Her Marriage to Five Paandav
2. Why Draupadee had Five Husbands?
3. Draupadee as Queen - 1
4. Draapadee as Queen - 2
5. Draupadee in Exile
6. Draupadee After the War

Draupadee In Exile

Draupadee and Jayadrath

This was not the end of sorrows of Draupadee. Once passing time in forest, she went outside to fetch water. Jayadrath, Duryodhan's only sister Dushalaa's husband, was passing by. He saw her and misbehaved with her. He abducted her in his chariot. When Paandav came to know about this, Arjun got her released by using his special arrows. He created a fire circle around Jayadrath's chariot that his horses could not go forward. In the meantime he came there and after a brief fight, he caught Jayadrath and brought him to his camp. But then they let him go on Draupadee's request (she did not want Dushalaa being widow), but they shaved his head irregularly - leaving five braids.

Draupadee and Durvaasaa Muni

At another time, Duryodhan sent Durvaasaa Muni and his disciples to see Paandav. Muni met Yudhishthir on the way, so he told him that after they had taken bath in the river, they would have food at his place. Now Draupadee had a pot given by Soorya Dev which gave food until she had eaten from it. On that day, she had already eaten her food by the time Paandav told her about Durvaasaa Muni's coming. Now all were thinking as what they should do. Paandav knew about the Shaap of Durvaasaa Muni and his anger. They knew this also that only Duryodhan has sent him here. Seeing no other alternative Draupadee meditated Krishn.

Again Shree Krishn helped them out with this odd situation. Everybody saw Him coming through the door and asking for food. Draupadee told Him that there was no food in the house because she had already eaten the food from the pot. Krishn insisted to check the pot.  But Draupadee said that she had cleaned it properly herself, now there could not be anything in it. But Krishn insisted - "Bring it soon, let me see if you have cleaned it properly." When Draupadee brought it He found a grain of rice (some say it was a leaf of greens) stuck on a side of the pot. He ate that and said - "The whole Trilok should be satisfied with this grain of rice (leaf)." and that satisfied the whole world. So when Durvaasaa Muni thought to go to Paandav's place, they felt full as if they had just eaten food. So they didn't come to Paandav's place and went back from the river itself.

Draupadee and Keechak

Exile period of 12 years came to an end and one year of Agyaatvaas began. Paandav spent that year at Raajaa Viraat and Sudeshnaa's palace in Viraat Nagar. They kept their weapons on a Shamee tree and went one by one to Viraat Nagar. Yudhishthir worked there as Kank - the courtier and counselor of Raajaa. He was king's counselor and played Chausar with him. Bheem worked in royal kitchen as their head cook. Arjun used his Shaap from Swarg (Urvashee) and he taught music and dance to their princess Uttaraa. Nakul worked in royal stable and Sahadev worked with their cows. Draupadee worked as Sairandhree in Sudeshnaa's chambers. Draupadee told her already that she should not be considered as an ordinary maid and that she was always protected by her five brave Gandharv husbands. 

In fact Viraat was only the king for name sake, he was not the real ruler of that country, it was Sudeshnaa's brother Keechak who was ruling it. Once he came to Viraat Nagar and he saw Draupadee in Sudeshnaa's palace. He got attracted to her and in spite of Sudeshnaa's warning, Keechak asked her to send Draupadee to his palace. She had to send her, but he misbehaved with her. 

She went to Viraat's court, but nobody listened to her. Then she told everything to Bheem. He advised her to invite him in the music room and told her that he would kill him there only. Draupadee did so, Keechak came in that room in the night. Bheem kept that room dark. Keechak insisted to put the light on, but Draupadee who was standing nearby told him that she didn't want everybody to know about this affair that is why it was all dark. Bheem was lying there. As Keechak removed the cloth form his face expecting to see Draupadee there, he got frightened seeing Bheem's face there. Bheem and Keechak fought for a while but at last Bheem killed him the same day. Thus Bheem saved her from Keechak.





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Created by Sushma Gupta On 5/27/04
Modified on 10/24/04